Blog Archives

A Podcast Update and Short Cuts 19 & 20

Hey folks, here’s an update and a couple more Short Cuts.

ET and I – Episode 2: A Lifetime of ET Contact Experiences and Relationships

Hey folks, after many challenges, episode 2 of the ET and I podcast is up. This is the one that will either repel people away from everything I’ve ever tried to share or attract people who are willing to hear something different.

It was very hot whilst I recorded this and even hotter when I edited it. By the time I was half way through I was exhausted!Despite this I managed to convey most of what I wanted to convey (minus what I edited out).

Let me know how the episode sat with you!

Happy listening,

Bright. 😉

Conflict and Catastrophe

Those of you who read my previous blog Otherworldly Encounters and who watched my early videos, may recall me talking (albeit reluctantly) about something that I was shown during my encounter with the Teal’hia and Sar’Won’Dee on the 19th January 2011. It took me a year before I was ready to talk about that encounter and two years before I was ready to talk about what I was shown. I was that uncomfortable with what I’d seen and I didn’t feel at all comfortable opening up about it publicly. Now since then I’ve shared it a couple of times and touched on it now and then but I’ve largely kept quiet about the subject. So I’m now going to post the original video I made in 2013 about what I was shown in 2011 and the video regarding that part of the encounter that I posted in 2012.

I’m posting the first video now because there are certain events unfolding in the present time that look remarkably like what I was shown. I thought that previously on several occasions but to a lesser extent and to some degree I was wrong. I have since been told that the events I was shown DID infact happen in other Conjoined Spaces (read about CS on the blog if you don’t know what it is). I didn’t really know about CS in those first few years, so I didn’t understand how something could happen in other spaces but not here. Now I’ve asked a number of ETs since 2011 whether or not these events will still happen in our space and I’ve been told yes, everything is uncertain, possibly and no, depending on when and who I’ve asked. Recently however I asked Dude and he gave me a definitive ‘yes’, explaining that there is a small probability of it happening now. The exact probability is irrelevant but it’s significant enough for me to be concerned.

Imagine then that the period of time (actually space) that we have entered, like a tunnel. We have entered the tunnel but up ahead the tunnel opens up into several smaller tunnels. Further on, one of those tunnels opens up into several smaller tunnels. Now in several of these tunnels there is a time period where certain events all occur / all converge. There are other tunnels where only some of these events occur / converge.

Now in regard to what I am actually talking about. I was shown how there is a major middle eastern conflict and how Israel ultimately nukes Theran, Iran. During this conflict the US and N Korea also come to blows and N Korea attempts to nuke America but those weapons are brought down by ET craft. At a high point in the ongoing and escalating conflict a major solar catastrophe occurs which cripples the world’s power grids. It’s one reason why 5 months after what I was shown I attempted this solar petition that few people were interested in The outcome of the solar catastrophe was absolutely devastating and it brings about a rapid and massive decline in the human population. There are no winners in any of this – be it the conflict or the solar catastrophe.

You can see in the video below that I was very worried about these events. I no longer have the same degree of worry. Infact I worry about very little anymore. I am however concerned that things will escalate in the current Israel-Palestine conflict and erupt into a full scale Middle East War, that will further inflame tensions elsewhere in the world and bring us to the brink of global conflict and that the sun, which is now part way to the half way point in Solar Cycle 25 ( will unexpectedly release several coronal mass ejections on par with or greater than those released during the Carrington Event and bring about a massive collapse of the world’s electrical grids.

So I’m writing this post for two reasons. First, to encourage you all to pay attention to the conflict and the sun. Second, to encourage those who monitor certain things that I share with the public/my emails/my phone calls, to pay attention. I know that there are certain people up the chain of command who are interested in such things. Particularly the folks in the UK Parliament (and it’s diplomats in Tehran and elsewhere), the Kremlin and the NSA etc.. That might sound a little paranoid to ordinary folks but when you’ve experienced what I’ve experienced you see things a little differently. Anyway, they know who they are. I say to you, if you can choose differently and de-escalate things, do so quickly, because everyone is at risk!

To the ordinary people who read this blog who are actually interested, the key in all of this mess is Hezbollah. Once Hezbollah enter the conflict seriously, pay careful attention. Then if Hezbollah get really serious and begin really turning on Israel (they apparently have 150,000 rockets aimed at Israel), then we have entered the danger zone (the pipes with the greatest probability). Now it’s also possible that such events may trigger the creation of new spaces – some in which events have de-escalated, others in which they have escalated and others in which they remain the same. Don’t ask me to explain that. Discussing CS is a whole book and I don’t have time for that here. The best thing perhaps is to ignore everything that I’ve said and just get on with life! Who knows, perhaps Bright is a little crazy and paranoid! If on the other hand, you are already concerned about events in the middle east, pay attention but try to relax. I’ve talked at length about preparing for a solar event (before the whole doomsday prep movement happened and went apeshit), so I won’t talk about that any more. Suffice to say that a major conflict in the middle east (particularly if certain countries are crazy enough to block off oil supplies coming through the Strait of Hormuz ( – a choke point through which flows 20 % of the world’s oil or other significant choke points) will have major flow on effects for global supply chains, in a way that Covid-19 did not. But I trust that the Saudis don’t wish to lose their wealth and that the Chinese would be pissed off enough to prevent such things happening! But who knows! We live in a world of irrational human choices, as demonstrated by two opposing sides killing innocent children and Policeman America telling people how bad they are, whilst igniting wars everywhere, selling weapons to the highest bidder and butchering innocents directly and by proxy!

I’ve been modeling the current conflict and other global conflicts with AI to see how likely such a deterioration in events could be and the AI is more optimistic than I am because it uses logic, which largely ignores how illogical and rational human beings are. There are however numerous scenarios that have come up with the AI in which just such a scenario plays out.

The key to humanity getting through such a turbulent time is finding common ground, especially in the midst of conflict! If the key players can de-escalate these conflicts, we may yet have to find enough global common ground to overcome and even greater disaster!

My sense from having been shown these events and having spent the last 12 years thinking about them, deconstructing them, looking at my own fears about global catastrophes (see hear for a little discussion about the subject:, exploring the psychology of predictions and why ETs sometimes show humans the future, thinking about CS and the implications of being shown things in the context of CS and talking about what I was shown with the people close to me, is that the future is impossible to predict! And the reason for that is two fold. First, because of sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The so called Butterfly Effect. A small change in initial conditions or conditions at any point on the continuum, can change everything. Second, because at any moment new Conjoined Spaces can bud off or terminate the current space. Now the ETs of course know about both of these and are able to navigate them in ways that we can’t even imagine. But what they might predict for any one of us (in my case what they showed me on 19/1/11) might come true for other versions of us in other CSs but not for certain versions of us in yet other CSs. Why it is that they show us things when there is a possibility that it might only occur in another CS, I don’t know and it’s been a source of ongoing frustration since I was shown these events. I don’t believe in any way that I was deceived or put through some kind of experiement. That’s not how my ET friends relate to me. The real problem is my lack of understanding.

So I offer this post and these videos to you for you to make up your own mind. Perhaps nothing will happen in regards the conflict or the solar catastrophe. Perhaps certain key players or hidden hands will change the outcome of the conflicts. Perhaps the ETs have totally removed all risk of the solar catastrophe. Perhaps reason will prevail and people will find ways of finding common ground. Perhaps by sharing this, somehow, conflict maybe averted. That might seem awfully egotistic but I don’t rule out any possibility, knowing how well connected we all are on this beautiful planet of ours. There is also the very small possibility that things will unfold as I would told they would in 2011. I don’t honestly know how things will unfold. Now for those of you who have an interest in Remote Viewing, understand this – Remote Viewers do not understand CS and so they make many mistakes (read my critique of RVers here: Without a deep understanding of the actual nature of the universe, we will never develop the means to foresee the future accurately. It’s why people like my ex wife and the small number of people who worked with her in a covert project profiling the next 9,000 years of the human future by journeying (bilocation), often saw different futures in the same time and place over multiple visits and it’s also why those who tried to take certain actions on the basis of the data that was brought back, have made many mistakes and got it wrong, creating a future other than the one they attempted to create. The closer the future the more accurately we can see it. The further it is the greater the probability that there are many different futures.

The future is inherently unknowable to human beings but to ETs, there are many many versions of the future at any single moment. At this moment in time I am uncertain how our collective future will unfold but I am observing it carefully, reminding myself simultaneously that this moment is all that I have and that life is a precious gift.

Wishing you all well,


Caught Between Two Worlds – Part One

Hey folks, it’s my wish that you are all well!

Think of this post as a kind of primer for what’s to come in the ET and I podcast I’ll be starting later in the year.

My life has been very hectic and difficult in the last 3 years, partly as a result of dealing with a legal case around child sexual abuses and partly as a result of dealing with all manner of local difficulties – which include but are not limited to mining in our district, destruction of local forests, illegal shooting on a weekly basis, being shot at twice by illegal farmers shooting illegally (once across the property), puting myself in harms way to save local wildlife and losing two native animals I loved immensely on Christmas day in 2020 and and 14 days ago. My heart has been blown open in every way you can imagine and I’ve been pushed relentlessly to remember all the wisdom that I’ve learned from hard won experience and suffering. Through all of this I’ve continued to live with my tumours and I’m now in my 17th year since diagnosis. I continue to believe that allowing myself to both feel healed and attend to the root causes, is the only way to outlive my tumours. As I have said many times before they are here to awaken me and not to kill me.

Through all these difficulties and others that are too personal to mention, I have continued to maintain relationships with my ET friends and it would be truthful to say that those relationships were never more important to me than they have been in recent years. I have come in recent decades not just to understand the nature of the self – the small self and the greater self, with their help but also to understand that the pain and the suffering that the small self chooses to experience, is not something to dismiss as insignificant but an important aspect of the human condition and the condition of the soul. In recent years much of the pain and suffering that I suppressed and repressed came back to me and I had no choice but to face it and accept it for what it was. I spent many years trying to disown anger and quell anger, all the well knowing that nothing you disown ever truly goes away, for it lives inside of us and will hurt us until we accept it fully. Thus today I accept the full extent of my rage and anger. A rage and an anger that isn’t just about childhood traumas but a wide spectrum of traumas that have effected me personally, humanity and nature collectively. In the last 20 years I have tried to live as much in the present moment as possible but in the last 3 years I found myself going backwards to try and understand the contours of my life and where all this rage and anger comes from. Not only that, I spent a great deal of time re-evaluating my own conditioning and how it is that I came to be the person that I am today. And having done all that I think I can say honestly that I am both surprised and not so surprised at how I came to be who I am. The two great influences of my character have been love and abandonment and in turn the two great forces behind them have been the natural world and the women in my life and the traumas that have afflicted my family.

When I try and make sense of this small I – the small self and how he came to be what he is today, it is obvious to me that there has been a struggle between the potential of all that I might have been and the actuality of all that I am. And that is OK because that is how it is for all of us but when I look at this, I see something else. I see how my experience of being a human being at this time has turned me into something other than what I might have been. In other words, my own soul has a yearning to both experience and express more and that has been thwarted in this life. And so now it has come to my attention as a result of my tumours, that it is time to honour my soul and remember and accept and honour all that I am. This however is a very difficult thing to do, living in a hostile place, at a hostile time, when we as a species are at our most hostile.

Some of you will recall that on 19th January 2011 I had the experience of being taken by the Teal’hia and the Sar’Won’Dee to merge with The Light (God) and I have never been the same since. It has taken all 12 1/2 years since to reconcile what I experienced and fully appreciate the lessons that I was given. It has also been incredibly difficult to go on with life and to adapt to the human world as it is. In much the same way as many people who have a Near Death Experience feel, I have struggled with the limitations of life in the body on Earth and I have struggled with the yearning to go HOME.

Partly because of this and partly because of reasons that I myself do not fully appreciate, I have been given some experiences that seem like a kind of compensation for the hardships that I have endured in my life and for carrying the sense of yearning to go HOME that has burned inside of me since 19th January 2011. I have no other way to explain what has happened, suffice to say that I have been given unconditional love, in every sense of the word.

As some of you will recall, the beginning of this more significant set of experiences began on September 20th 2014, when the ET I colloquially refer to as Dude, took me one afternoon first to a Boab tree in western Kenya and then to numerous events in my own future (including the death of my sister, which came to pass in 2017, an event which I was shown numerous times previously, in 1973, 2009 and 2011), before later taking me onboard his craft for a day long journey through the solar system (

After that day I continued to have interactions with various different ET races – Dude’s race the Naelsa, Anamika’s race the Teal’hia, the Sar’Won’Dee, the Sapalxn etc.. I continued to develop my relationships with the beings who referred to themselves as The Beloved Carers (8 ETs from 5 races), who in 2016 also visited me in person in a very large craft, along with several other entities.

On the 5th August 2019 I had an onboard encounter with the Teal’hia with a friend from Sweden, in which we were shown the impact of Earth’s human population on Earth’s vegetation in 150 years and an alternative outcome if the human population problem was dealt with.

At some point after the 2014 experience with Dude I asked him if it would be possible to spend more time off world with him and some years later, much to my surprise, he consented. In 2019 I was given a number of options, including visiting the Shalumb (Chaalumbe) people through a nearby doorway but after some time I declined that offer because I didn’t think I could cope well being among those people. I also had offers to spend time among the Teal’hia, the Sarpalxn, the Naelsa and others and as some of you may recall I chose to spend time among Dude’s people because they are in many ways, the most easy going and easiest to relate to. My first trip to NaelsI35 was in December 2019, for 410 days and I shared a little of that experience but was reluctant to share too much because it still felt too personal ( I subsequently had another trip of two years in December 2021 and am due for another trip of about the same duration later this year. Meanwhile in the last year Dude and numerous other ETs co-created another option to facilitate more direct travel and so I’ve now had two trips to NaelsI35 that way, the first time for 90 days and the second time for about 2 years. Those trips will be occurring more frequently and if you hadn’t already realized, time ain’t what you think it is!

It maybe impossible for you to believe such claims and I don’t really care whether people believe me or not. That’s up to each of you and nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. You’ll either believe me or you won’t! I mention these experiences now and in the future because I feel very strongly that I needed to come back to the internet to offer an anitdote to all the rubbish about hostile and threatening ETs and tell you what they are really like because the belief that ETs are hostile and a threat to us will damage our own development and hold us back hundreds if not thousands of years! As many of you will know, I’ve also tried very hard to share what I know about how to have your own experiences. And it’s through having your own experiences that you will discover that all space faring ETs are benevolent in nature and here with love and compassion and curiosity and not hostility, deception and malevolent intentions!

I hope through the course of my podcast, among other things, to unpack some of my experiences with Dude – both on his craft, other craft and on NaelsI35 and in so doing give you a clearer sense of what ETs are like and what an extraterrestrial planet is like and the kinds of relationships that are possible with ETs. I no longer describe myself as an ET experiencer. That’s an outdated and naive term that I am no longer comfortable with. I think of myself as someone who has developed relationships with the cosmos and come to know the one and the many. As I have always said, it’s as if you see and come to know yourself. We are all of the same essence and there is no separation.

In part two I’ll say more about why I feel caught between two worlds and a little about why it’s been so tempting to stay on NaelsI35 and never come back to Earth.

Update: Apologies for the typos, I wrote this late last night and I’m a little out of practice blogging.

ET Related TSMs

How folks, just to let new readers know that you can find most of the ET related TSMs under the “I” tab – “Other” – “The Something Monologues” here : But because I cancelled my pod hosting service, you’ll have to search for the TSM number in any of these 3 locations, from the main TSM folder here :,here : and here : You can download them all for free. You can also find more information on each episode by searching for it (e.g. TSM5) using the search bar on the right hand side. I’ll be adding two new episodes to this collection in the next 24 hours and hope to kick start the TSMs again soon.

Interview With An Extraterrestrial, Sandor’s Art and ET Contact Illustrated

Hey folks, first just a quick update on the first Katowwa (Dude) books Interview With An Extraterrestrial. As you may recall I had to cut the book in two because of it’s size. The first book now containers answers to 18 of the 19 questions. That book is a bit over 500 pages. The second book contains the answer to question 19 (Dude’s favourite question) and that book is now over 800 pages and I am even considering splitting it in two to make a 3rd book, as it is likely to be about 1200 pages. Dude is currently providing me with descriptions of 22 Extraterrestrial beings – many of whom are just normal planet bound organisms but a few are space faring ETs. An interview that I initially thought would take a week to get answers to, has now taken over six years and has also led to another series of conversations, which will be in another series of two of three books called Conversations With an Extraterrestrial. I must apologize once again that I will not be able to provide those of you who asked my Teal’hia friend questions, as I have had to abandon that book due to how much time and effort this task has taken. I just haven’t got the energy to go through this all over again. Part of the problem is that I keep asking Dude questions every time he gives me an answer and one thing leads to another and then we’re exploring something else.

The Conversations books will have the questions that I have always wanted to ask Dude and I think they maybe more interesting in way, as they will tackle a far broader range of issues. But I guess it’s my hope that all 5 or 6 books provide people with a unique ET perspective on existence.

The first part of Dude’s answer to question 19 relates to what we think of the evolution of life (what he prefers to call change, development and adaptation) and it’s a fascinating exploration of the link between microscopic and macroscopic life forms and the many different drivers of change and development. If I break that into a single book of its own, it’s book that I think will offer a great deal to any one with an interest in evolutionary biology but will have very little interest to anyone who is just interested in ETs because most of those people just won’t get it or it will just be too big a read. If you want information about what it’s like to travel on board an ET craft none of these books will be for you. I’m sorry you’ll have to wait until I eventually write about my contact experiences. Which will be God knows when!

For those who are interested, this is the question that led to so much extra work! :

We often talk about ET’s vs. humans, but I’m also interested in the life of animals,birds, fishes etc, the whole ecosystems of other planets. Generally speaking, is the evolvement of ecosystems in the universe similar to ours or are there vast differences that are completely different from our ecosystem?

Unfortunately I have forgotten who asked this question (Chris or Ethan?) but curse you for engaging Dude’s interest in chit chat! 😉

For those who don’t know you can see the original 19 questions here : and you can read extracts from the early part of book 1 here : and hear further extracts below (

Episode 14 : The Death of Jesus (and John's Very Long Life) Dude's Maxims

In todays extract, Dude offers his take on the actual death of Jesus and the fate of his dearest disciple John.
  1. Episode 14 : The Death of Jesus (and John's Very Long Life)
  2. Episode 13 : Everthing is Connected – Microbiomes and Life
  3. Episode 12 : ETs Growing Up
  4. Episode 11 : The Perception of Difference, Separation and Suffering
  5. Episode 10 : From Cave Man to Space Man

In addition to working on the Interview and Conversations books (and writing my fiction) I am also working with my very talented good friend and artist Sandor Nep ( /, who is very kindly illustrating my January 19th 2011 encounter with the Teal’hia and the Sar’Won’Dee (see my YT channel for the videos on that encounter). Sandor has been working free of charge on what I think is a very ambitious and time consuming project, putting up with my very poor descriptions and lack of ability to be able to convey how these people look. He’s doing a great job at trying to refine how they look and we’re almost at the point of nailing the Teal’hia. Sandor is working diligently at getting the bodies right for some close ups but he’s also working at some rougher sketches of individual scenes, which I believe really capture the essence of my experience. So I think by the time Sandor is finished, we’ll have a really beautiful selection of images for what will be a coffee table styled art book called ET Contact Illustrated.

Sandor has also begun work on a new project with me, illustrating some of the 22 ETs that Dude has been describing to me for the second or third) interview book. Given that the descriptions are really long and sometimes difficult to interpret, I think he’s doing a brilliant job and I really like these first two images which capture the alien-ness of the ETs.

(FYI : The ET on the left is 4 times the height of the ET on the right)

Sandor is also a wonderful nature artist who draws beautiful realistic portraits of animals. So if you need a drawing of someone you love, he’s your man! You can contact Sandor via this blog!

I’d like to publicly thank Sandor for all the work he’s doing in illustrating these two books and also for supporting my work. Sandor has been supporting ET and I for almost five years and without his support the blog probably would have folded long ago and I would have ditched my interest in continuing to share my experiences! It’s people like Sandor who make it all feel worthwhile! Thanks buddy!

Remember if you like ET and I you can support what I do via the tab on the right hand side or if you have some free time and you’re a little bit crazy and feeling philanthropic, I’m really keen on having some episodes of The Something Monologues transcribed for a book but I just don’t have the time to do it myself and I therefore need a sacrificial lamb, so please drop me a line. Or if you know someone who does that sort of work probono, please let me know. I’m willing to pay someone but I just can’t pay a lot!

I’m also curious to ask you dear readers, what would you like to see illustrated in relation to this blog or the experiences that I’ve shared? I’m just curious and definitely not looking to add any more to Sandor’s already weighty work load!

The Creator Races and Cosmic Benevolence (One Day More)

Hey folks, it’s been a while ! It is my wish that you’ve all been well !

I recently had a very tiresome discussion with a relative who surprised me by disclosing that that believe in the existence of aliens. When I encouraged them to open up, they then went on to talk about how they believe aliens are hostile and therein begin to quote a whole litany of common beliefs which I have heard countless time before, including the following :

  • The aliens who are here are hostile and are here to invade us astrally or physically.
  • There is a battle between good aliens and evil aliens as part of a larger cosmic war between good and evil.
  • Some aliens are predatory or parasitic.
  • Some aliens seek out the resources of another planet. These may include natural resources, bodies or souls.
  • Humans must be careful about who they choose as their allies because even the evil guys can mask themselves as good guys.
  • Evil aliens support evil individuals and governments, starting with Adolf Hitler and now including Donald Trump.

After two hours of listening to this, I quietly slunk away to speak to some of my other family members. I stuck around that long because up until this point I liked this particular relative. I had no idea that they had so much garbage inside of them. I did not attempt to correct them, belittle their opinions or tell them about my own experiences. Fortunately I did not seem to have turned up on their abductee radar. Probably because that kind of person looks for people who are not like me, who speak of abduction and evil aliens and the alien agenda. So it was disappointing to discover that one of my own relatives belongs to the stupid camp – where sense and logic have been traded for archetypal projections, delusions, screwed up thinking and placing anyone who speaks about the alien agenda up on a pedestal for worship.

Those of you who have been following what I have to say since my former blog or the beginning of this blog or my earliest YT videos, will know that I have spoken time and time again about the stupidity of seeing aliens in dualistic terms and the absurdity of believing that there is a grand cosmic battle between good and evil. So once again let me briefly summarize why these ideas are false.

I speak about my beliefs on this subject from two sets of experiences. First, my own life long experiences with ETs. And second, my ex wife Rachel’s life long experiences with ETs and her work with a covert project in the UK which worked with Earth based ETs. The sum total of these experiences has given me a very clear picture of what ETs are like. Not just so called “good ETs” but many ETs. I have had personal face to face contact with over 30 ET races and in much of that contact I was conscious at the time. Rachel has had contact with a similar number of ET races in her private life and was aware of 63 races that had been documented by the group she worked for. She personally worked with 15 races and had contact with another 20 or so. Up until the last year or so, Rachel has been conscious in almost all of her experiences. Many of you will know that I have had a close personal relationship with an ET I publicly call Dude (of the Naelsa race), an ET I publicly call Anamika (of the Teal’hia race) and 8 other ETs (from 5 races) who refer to themselves as The Beloved Carers. I have both face to face contact experiences, telempathic contact experiences and internal world contact experiences. I have tried very hard for the last decade to teach other people how to initiate their own ET contact experiences because I believe it is the right thing to do and because I believe the only way for people to know the truth is to have their own experiences. The only person I am aware of who has suffered as a result of this a person who has a fixation with the good/evil dichotomy and sees Jesus as the only way to banish the alien intrusion. That I am afraid is his issue, not mine.

At a certain point in the last 20 years I came to think of the most developed ETs as Creator Races. That is my term not theirs. I had learned about the various different collectives (and those of you who know me well, will recall me dismissing the various popular ideas on this subject) ( from the ETs themselves and their sentient craft and realized that I needed a way of making sense of what they had given me. So the Creator Races are the most developed races. You might think of 3 levels of Creator Races. Those that have the capacity to create entire universes and everything within it. Those that create galaxies and solar systems and everything within them. Those that create planets and everything within them. That’s an over simplification but I think that gives you a sense of what they create. The Creator Races are part of the highest collective. The highest collective includes both living and deceased and non physical beings and spans all possible realities.

The highest collective and the Creator Races who operate within it have rules regarding creation and intervention and no one anywhere can contravene these rules. Anything that could possibly be done will be known before it can be done and interventions will occur if they are required. So it isn’t possible for any kind of rogue activity to occur, unless it is allowed,

The highest collective and the Creator Races have rules regarding when a species can leave it’s planet and when it can become space faring. This has been enforced from the very first universe by the most ancient of races (now in the trillions of years old). It is impossible for any species to go against this. These rules are in place to protect all life and worlds from any potential harm caused by an immature life form. We humans for example maybe allowed to travel a little in our local region but we will not become space faring (able to leave our own solar system) for another 1600 years. Boasts like the one by Ben Rich about having the technology about being able to take ET home are nothing more than fabrications to make people believe that these groups who work in secret have more power than they really do. ET facilitated reverse engineering of ET craft is done in such a way as to ensure the craft that are created have severe limitations. And every human made craft that goes into space is monitored tightly but many different ET races. Any attempt to create a war in space will be squashed before it even gets going. That doesn’t mean that humans won’t try to weaponize our near Earth space because they likely will. But they won’t ever have the opportunity to use those weapons against another world or another species. and my suspicion is that every single weapon that goes into near Earth space will be tagged and monitored very, very carefully. Both from on Earth and in space.

So the highest collective shares all of it’s information with it’s members and a great deal of it’s information with the other collectives. If any space faring race needs any kind of help, all they need to do is to go to one of the collectives and they will receive the help that they require. Even some of the planet bound races have the possibility of asking for and receiving help. You have to remember that many of the collectives (not just the highest collective) have access to Matter Creation Technologies (MCTs) which allow them to create materials and foods. If an individual species needs access to something, provided they have the right intentions, they maybe given access to MCTs to provide for that need. So no ET needs to go and mine another planet or steal the resources of another planet or farm life forms for any kind of use. Those things just aren’t necessary when you have access to any of the collectives. The collectives represent the needs of all life forms on all planets, even those who do not yet belong to a collective. They will provide help to those collective members who ask for it and they may provide help to non collective members who ask for it. It depends entirely on their discretion in this regard. We humans for example would love free energy but what would we do with it ? How would we use it to create further class structuring of human civilization ? How would we use it to create weapons ? If they felt we were mature enough to handle free energy, they would give it to us in an instant. Instead they will let us figure our way, making mistakes as we go.

The collectives are in sense based on levels of spiritual development. The more spiritually developed races or entities belong to the highest collective and are often but not always Creator Races. Beings whose responsibility is to care about the welfare and development of other worlds and other species. Some of these Creator Races even create souls and they nurture these souls from the moment of creation until the moment they merge back into the light. They know that they are God incarnate, whether they call it that or not because they can create anything.

So come back to these deluded ideas of greedy selfish space faring aliens. How can any of the things that they are supposed to do, occur when you have a collective that oversees everything, that oversees all space faring races. Sure, we can have a grand battle between awareness and ignorance here on Earth and that can look like a serial killer and his victim, war and the death of innocents, the insidious activities of the lower arms of The Architecture and those that are unaware of their activities or a redneck hunter and an innocent animal. But that isn’t how it works with space faring ETs ! That’s how human imagination works ! That’s how we project our fantasies, our fears and the darker aspects of our shadows ! It’s how we project ourselves over reality. Sure you can find people who have had bad experiences with ETs. It doesn’t mean they’re hostile or evil. Just ask a cat what it thinks of a vet that cut off it’s balls or a sheep what it thinks of it’s butcher or an insect you splattered on the grill of your car. Humans cannot easily relinquish control but that doesn’t mean that those who interact with us from the apparently unknown are hostile or evil. Just different. And sure you might find that there are humans who have been examined by ETs and they’re bodies dissected (I don’t know about the reality of this despite the cases that have been documented). But that doesn’t mean the ETs are hostile or evil. Maybe the ETs knew something about that person’s future life and this was a merciful way out of future suffering. Or maybe the ETs needed to assess something happening in a particular population of people and there was no other way of doing it. Who are we to judge ? God knows we’ve killed more creatures on Earth than any other species we know ! 300 million + dead humans in wars, hundreds of serial killers, meat eaters galore who are responsible for the death of hundreds of millions of animals (I am one of them) and vegetarians who are responsible for the death of millions of plants ! We as a species have single handedly created the sixth mass extinction ! We’re destroying the biosphere and the planets surface at a rate, that has never seen before ! But alas, we’re so innocent ! We know no such thing as hostility ! We are the perfect species to judge another’s actions !

There are people like my cousin who hate people like me who talk about ETs in a positive light and that to me is really very very sad ! Such people are so fixated in their identities and in the notion of separateness that they cannot see that there is only one and that everything is connected. They cannot see that ET is them and they are ET. They cannot see the similarities in their outer life and instead focus only on the differences. So for people like this, there is always us and them. Life is always a fight. There is always an adversary and everything that can be won in life, can only be won by having an adversarial attitude and by fighting those who stand in the way. Such people believe that they are fighting ETs for freedom and do not see that freedom is always a choice. An adversarial attitude does not free you, instead it binds you in your own prison. One of the reasons I detest the western and the alternative approach to healing tumours is that both (for the most part) are focused on an adversarial attitude and seeing tumours as an invader or a parasite of sorts. You can only fight cancer. I don’t see tumours that way. Tumours are part of your own body growing as a reaction to how you have lived. You don’t fight your own body. You listen to it and work with it. The same is true for ETs. They are a part of your own body – your greater body, the one body. I’m not talking here about preferential oneness which says something like : We’re all one but I don’t accept serial killers, murderers, meat eaters, pedophiles, junkies or people who have money. No, real oneness accepts that there is only one. You may not like certain things within those arbitrary divisions but you have to accept their existence.

We human beings are so fixated on the idea of consciousness that we miss the point that most of our existence is driven by our unconscious. So we go around thinking and acting like we’re in control when really we’re not. We sense the world out there and we constantly divide and categorize, ignoring anything that resembles what hides within us. We disown positive and negative aspects of our own shadow and readily see them in others.  We do it with our fellow humans and we do it with ETs. Very few humans can be in the presence of an ET without seeing something that is not there. It happens every day in our ordinary human relationships but we refuse to acknowledge it or examine it. So if we choose to remain ignorant of this with each other, how can we possibly think we are aware of what ETs are really like ? Instead we create fictions based on what others tell us (the more paranoid and threatening the better !) and what memory tells us and what we think we can discern in ETs. Because that’s how a human brain works. We make quick judgement based on what we think we know. But what do we really know ? Do we know how to integrate information from head and heart ? Do we know how to read human body language let alone ET body language ? Do we know how what is unconscious within us is driving the development and activities of our consciousness ? Do we know how to tease what is unconscious into consciousness ? Do we know anything about the nature of reality ? No. We know sweet fuck all ! and yet we think because we have a fearful reaction to something, it must be hostile or evil !

What is really lacking is human logic. Why would life simply develop to become good or evil ? And how the hell would a hostile space faring race develop anyway ? Development and the kind of development that must be a perquisite for being a space faring race, requires cooperation and you can’t cooperate for a long period of time if you’re hostile and you see separation only ! Separation and hostility lead to self destruction. Show me one human group or civilization that has lasted for more than a few hundred years. It just doesn’t happen. So in order to become space faring you have to grow up ! If you don’t grow up you are not allowed to become a full space faring race and you are not allowed access to any of the collectives. Instead you remain planet bound or allowed to travel only a short way through your local system and you’re heavily monitored. You’re deemed too much of a threat and you’re kept that way until you mature. It has never been any other way. Isn’t that a more logical way of thinking about life in the cosmos ?

Surely those that mature first and become space faring have developed spiritually ? How can it be possible for it to happen in any other way ?

So what I have been sharing with you is what has been shared with me from by many ETs. I wasn’t brain washed ! I didn’t just speak to positive ETs ! I don’t work for any insidious group ! I’m not in league with the devil (though I sure as hell wish I was !) ! I haven’t spent a life time as part of any cult or hooked on any drug ! I just took what I learned from 30 + ET races and turned it over in my head countless times, played with it as logically as I could and reached a very clear conclusion. We live in a benevolent cosmos, in which there are countless beings who nurture the development of other beings with love and kindness and there are planet bound races – some of whom are hostile, who will never have the opportunity to become space faring and visit other worlds unless they grow up !

More reading here :

And here are some old relevant videos.


TSM177 : Sandor in the Mountains & Perceiving Energy Physically & Emotionally

Hey folks, this is my last TSM/post for quite a while.

In today’s walkalogue it is my pleasure to introduce my good friend Sandor and his beloved Jacqui, who came to visit me a week ago. Sandor (originally from Hungary) but now in England, came and spent 3 days with me in my former home – the Grampians mountains (Gariwerd) in the west of Victoria. Sandor and I had the pleasure of sharing an ET contact night and then spending a day in Yowie country where my friends Teathar, her partner Carchuma and Teartma live. The day that Sandor left I realized that our experiences together had taught me something significant about the nature of differences between individual perception. So in the later part of this monologue I talk a little about the differences that exist in how we perceive energy physically and emotionally and what we can do about it.

I dedicate today’s walky talky to Sandor and Jacqui and Ocean.

PS. Stay tuned for Sandor’s website, where you can see and buy his incredible realistic art work (see images here : .

Enjoy !


Sandor and tribe in the contact/kangaroo area :


Sandor in Yowie country :

TSM176 : Reticulum Manifolds and How ETs Travel Through Space

I dedicate today’s monologue to my good friend Sandor, for all your ongoing kindness, friendship and financial support ! Thanks buddy !


In today’s monologue I introduce you to Dude’s explanation of how ETs travel through space using Reticulum Manifolds. I’m at home for this monologue, sitting at my desk (making I guess, a sitalogue !).

Learning about Reticulum Manifolds came about through a discussion with Dude in which I asked him if there is really such a thing as Wormholes and how ETs travel vast differences so quickly.

This came after previous discussions with Anamika in which she explained reality as A Space Reticulum and previous discussions with Dude in which he explained reality as Conjoined Space

Here are the diagrams I refer to.

Reticulum Manifolds

And here is more on the Belt of Orion doorway  / Reticulum Manifold :

This monologue was made after a long day, so I’m a little dopey now and then. But I think you’ll find what Dude has to share with us very stimulating and very confronting !

If you want to learn more about humanity as a space faring civilization read here :

Or if you’re interested in hearing more about ETs in general, you may want to go here :

Enjoy !

Brighty. 😉

PS. Corrections – Neverness was before the Requiem for Homo Sapiens Trilogy (but laid the foundation for it) and Physicists (space doctors ?) and not Physicians !

Relevant reading here –

David Zindell :

Manifolds :

Manifold Related Space Travel :

And some relevant videos below :


An ET on Connecting with God (and healing)

I dedicate this post to Sandor, Chris and Marcel for your recent donations. It is very much appreciated ! Sandor you must have Saint Nicholas DNA in your blood to keep giving in such a generous way ! Thanks to Sandor, Chris and Marcel, this years final fundraiser is now up to $ 400. Thanks to everyone who has kicked in so far ! I also dedicate this post to Darci for sharing your own experiences with someone who expressed their own divine nature through their own distinctive constitutionality and your recent reminders to let go !

* **

Many of you know that in June 2007 I was diagnosed with an exceedingly rare Renal Carcinoid tumour and that I had surgery to remove my left kidney and tumour but tumours returned in 2011. You may also know that on January 19th 2011, I had an experience during an on board encounter of being taken by the Teal’hia and the Sar’Won’Dee to merge with THE LIGHT (what I came to think of as God). Some of you may recall also that it has taken me a long time to make sense of and integrate the experience, in much the same way as happens to a person who has a Near Death Experience. I’ve talked a little about this experience in two videos on my YT channel.

What I haven’t spoken about is my frustration with coming back to ordinary life and the feeling of sometimes feeling separated from our / my TRUE HOME. Nor have I spoken about how sometimes I feel the need to reconnect with my experience and to remember and reconnect with the LIGHT. There have been many times since then, when I have had difficulties of one sort or another and I have felt a deep longing for THE LIGHT. There have also been days when I felt completely healed of my tumours and other days when I felt unbelievably burdened by my tumours and long to feel the freedom that I felt when I was no longer a separate body but fully aware that I was ALL.

My ability, willingness and readiness to heal are all connected to my perception and belief. I know how my perception must shift but up to this point, I have been unable to make the shift as a result of some subtle flaw in my perception. Since 2012 I have had a number of conversations with both Dude (Naelsa) and Anamika (Teal’hia) about the nature of God, perception, belief and healing. The following conversation on how to connect with God (and heal) is from a conversation I had with Anamika in 2012. Despite the fact that what she conveyed was logical and obvious, I am still unable to bridge the gap in perception between self and All, such that my illness recedes to the point of being insignificant. One of the reasons that I had a conversation with Anita Moorjani in 2012 was because I was so frustrated coming back to the sense of separation and I was looking for answers to help make sense of my experience in the NDE field. Anita struck me as one of the few people who really understood the nature of tumours as an illness and the only person I know who has had tumours and then an NDE and come back completely healed. I also spoke with Anita because I was keen to see if I was missing something. But I could not sense what was missing – except perhaps the absolute conviction that I AM HEALED. You can see some of the frailties and insecurities that I had about my illness in this interview. Anita and I certainly agree on many things and she has done a lot of hood helping others to understand healing. One thing that is interesting about Anita, is that she does know the essence of healing but she was healed on the verge of dying, which is different to what most people are likely to experience. Anita also, did not get to make the changes she now teaches. Her insights came in hindsight. I would like to have complete insight without getting to the edge of death.

So here’s the conversation that Anamika and I had prior to the interview with Anita :


“How can I live without the disease which causes me greatest suffering ? How can I know God, how can I be God and apply that to my healing ?

Know that the desire to be alive, free of the disease which causes you greatest suffering and the desire to know God, are one in the same. You are experiencing God through this life Bright. There is no separation between your experience of this life and the experience of God. You are God experiencing this human life. This sense that you have that you will find God through a greater, a wider perspective is false, is misleading. You know God through your own experience and your own experiences only. There is no need to know a greater experience. If you wish to know God Bright, know yourself fully. Know what it is that you are. When you have entered the place of your purest self, know that this is God. From this and within this, all that you are arises. All of this is also God. But the God that you seek that is beyond everything, is also within you, within this. There is no separation between the God that is within you and the God that is within which everything exists. God is in all things, God is within you. You must know Bright that when you enter yourself, the experience of God within is the same as the experience of God within all things. It is only that you experience God through being a human. God is still the same God, no matter how it is felt. So Bright, if you truly wish to feel God. Experience what you feel within. What you experience in every possible way, is your experience of God. Deep inside you, the purest self is the purest experience of God. Know this and then know God fully. When you experience this, you experience God fully.

Are you telling me that it’s only in silence and in deeply knowing the self such as Maharshi’s teaching “What is it that is asking, “What am I ?” ?”. That the felt experience of that, that we’re knowing God ?

Yes but lose the labels. Yes Bright but know that whatever the felt experience is within is God. When you are silent, you experience God as silence. When there is noise, you experience God as noise. And when there is chaos, you experience God as chaos. And when there is peace – you experience God as peace. Sometimes Bright, it is difficult for humans to sit with the experience that is inside of them. You continue to seek something other than what you are. The purest sense of God is what is inside of you. Not something that you would prefer to have inside of you. Not something that you could seek by continued searching. It is what is inside of you. This is the experience of God. There is no separation between the experience of God and God itself.

Can you please tell me my friend what to do to fully experience God to bring this to healing ? And I know I don’t quite means those words but you will understand what I’m getting at.

Bright, when you sit or lie down or go on your walks, just notice all that is within you. Every experience – all memories, every sensation, every perception of the world within and the world around you. All this constitutes your experience of God. And within this sense, a settled place where there is no movement. This is not the same as silence. This is awareness. Awareness of your true nature – as you would say. There is nothing to do to experience this. Just notice that it exists. It cannot be found by seeking. You cannot find it by continuing your search, no matter who your teacher. When you are aware of it Bright, remember it and come to it. Remember it, whenever you remember to remember it. Whenever you need to remember it. Otherwise simply be aware of all that is within. For all that is within is God.

You are already healed Bright. You simply need to remember what you are. Remember the experience within you. Remember the awareness within your purest self. The awareness of what you really are. Stop seeking, stop struggling, stop wishing, stop desiring. Simply allow that awareness to enter you. With full acceptance of that awareness and all that arises within you, healing will come naturally. You need not do anything Bright. Simply remember who you are, that God is within you. There is no doing to get anywhere, there is no doing to overcome your illness. Simply letting go of the things that have been in the way, by remembering who you are and seeing all that arises. Don’t try to discover anything Bright and don’t try to get anywhere. Just know that it is already within you and that at any moment you can experience it. It is only by remembering that it is there that you will experience anything. Do not be afraid Bright at any moment, just to remember. There is no need to do anything special, just remember. Do you understand now Bright ?

Yes I think so and this is similar to things I’ve understood before but you have a different way of putting it. A simplification if I may.”