An Introduction to Conjoined Space – An ETs Radical Perspective on Reality

I dedicate this post to Sandor and Frédéric for your continued support of an ordinary man, on the other side of the world ! Your kindness means worlds to me ! Thank you ! 😉


I’ve mentioned the concept of Conjoined Space a number of times now but haven’t actually had the time to explain what it is. So this post is a basic introduction to the concept.

Conjoined Space is a term that was introduced to me by the ET I publicly refer to as Dude. My discussion with Dude about this subject came about as a result of several conversations that we had about the human idea of parallel universes and parallel lives. A more detailed exploration of this subject happened after January 19th this year, when I experienced a set of events that brought about the darkest period of my life (While my sister was dying of brain tumours. These events overshadowed her death the following month). Dude and I have now had about 20 hours of conversation about this subject and I have found every single conversation to be both exhilarating and deeply confronting. This will be the first time I’ve spoken in any detail about the subject and I am unsure if have the capacity to translate and summarise all that I’ve learned. You may find the subject very confusing and equally confronting. But you may not. Particularly if I can convey the essence of what I have been taught. Be warned, this concept is completely at odds with anything you or I are probably familiar with and contradicts many spiritual traditions. It is also far more complex than anything man has created. (Though of course mathematicians would disagree with this !)

Before I begin let me suggest that after you read this post, you listen this TSM (, this TSM (

and read this post (, for a more detailed understanding of the nature of the self and the nature of space. It’s also important that you understand that while I’ll be talking about what I think of as a concept – a set of ideas; this is reality as Dude and his people the Muajra have come to understand it. Such an understanding of reality is shared by many other Creator Races (with their own individual variations) but may not be something that is completely accessible – in terms of understanding and applications, by other races that are less developed. Many of the human like ETs may understand this concept but have little ability to apply it, as the Creator Races do.

I’m going to keep this as simple as I can.

Conjoined Space…Conjoined Space (CS) is the space that is connected to an original space. In the case of a human being, one life creates other lives – what we ordinarily think of as parallel lives existing in parallel universes. A new life is created by strong emotion and may emerge as a new life having just been conceived in utero, or more often as an older life at the same age. In the case where a new life is created that splits off at the exact same age, everything in that conjoined space is an exact copy, except for a small number of variations. For each copy of a copy, there is greater variation from the original, such that the later copies bear little resemblance to the original life. It might seem logical that there is an infinite number of CS’s and new lives but they are actually finite. Dude tells me that on average a person might experience about 1200 other lives. Now please note, I am not talking about new incarnations (as in reincarnations), I am talking about 1200 other lives splitting off an original life. There may be many incarnations, each with 1200 other lives splitting off. One implication of this is that when an original life dies, some other lives die. Or when other lives dies, some lives still continue. Such that the greater you of that single incarnation, can be both living and dead at the same time.

Let me give introduce a few metaphors to help you understand. Primarily because the way that this actually is, may be impossible for us to comprehend. Dude taught me through metaphors and it’s the only way I can get my head around it. So it seems natural that I should convey things in the same way.

Take a circle which represents the original life which exists in space. Now add a circle slightly off centre, which represents a new life. Now add another circle slightly off centre, which represents another new life and so on. The total space of all the circles is the total of all of the lives added together. Each life shares a CS but only a portion of it – lets call that CSX1, CSX2, CSX3 etc. Alternatively imagine all of the circles in 3D as a vertical spring, where each section of the spring represents a new life. If you look at them from above, now matter how distorted, they are all connected to the section at the bottom. Now a final metaphor. My son plays the game Minecraft, in which he is able to use pixel bricks to build a world. Minecraft has seed worlds that generate random worlds. A player can enter a basic seed world and then create what they want and collect chickens and pigs, be hunted by bad guys and play with fellow players. If the player wants, he can clone a seed world and everything in that world is copied, except for what he has gained since it was created. Imagine then that a seed world is an original life. That life can be cloned at any point after it has begun developing, copying everything. In this instance it also copies what was gained by game play. When the player enters that new world, he enters it as it is but does not experience it’s history. In other words he experiences that world as it is, complete with his perception of it’s history but it’s history did not actually exist – it did not take place for that player. The world simply formed from what was. It was cloned from something previously that experienced it’s own history. So, in this metaphor each new world builds on the conjoined space of the previous world. Follow ?

The idea then that there are parallel universes and parallel lives, is a misnomer. Because that implies that that universe has some overlapping history that goes all the way back to the beginning. Dude is suggesting that it isn’t like that. Reality begins at a point when the new space copied is almost but not quite, similar to the old space but without any direct history.

What I am still confused about is what happens when a new life/conjoined space begins that represents a younger age. I’ll have to leave explaining that aspect till a later date.

Remember Dude’s Fourth Maxim : Time does not exist. There is only space. So it appears that space replicates itself endlessly. Slices of space are all connected, in what we perceive of as time. CS represents a kind of variation in how space ordinarily replicates and as a result, how we perceive time.

So at this point, you might be wondering a number of things. Am I experiencing my original life or a conjoined life ? How do each of my incarnations connect to one another and to each other’s Conjoined Spaces ? Can I consciously create another life or another CS in which I can create something ? Can I be aware of the other lives that are connected to this one ? Among other questions. Dude has told me that it is almost impossible for humans to be aware of these other lives because of the limitations of our perceptions. But he’s been teaching me how to experience some degree of awareness. Total awareness of all our other lives is impossible. I sense that if we were aware of these other lives, it maybe almost impossible to function because of the direct interruption to our almost seamless, linear sense of reality. Remember my comments about how CS may not be completely accessible to lesser developed ETs. It’s an understanding of reality, that I sense represents the highest levels of development and the fact that these highly developed races are able to create all manner of spaces, souls and life forms (see my videos/posts about my encounters with the Teal’hia); may reflect their deep understanding of Conjoined Spaces.

You may remember Dude’s earlier comment :

“If as you believe when you die you create things with your mind, what is this mind that creates ? Does it occupy it’s own space or does it occupy another space – a larger space or a smaller space and where does that space reside ?”

In this comment I think Dude was prodding me to remember that mind is ultimately unconstrained. In view of our conversations about CS, I think he was suggesting that mind is the creator of space (but I suspect his definition of mind is different to ours) and that mind creates endless space in life and in death. For example, the afterlife doesn’t exist as a space that is separate from the space we experience in life, it is just another form or experience of space. The apparent separation is merely an illusion. I believe then that Dude is in agreement with the mythical Buddha – that the mind creates the world. Which of course goes against modern physics and all a priori / causation philosophies, which suggest the world has to exist first for mind to arise.

I believe that CS presents us with a way of understanding all manner of so called metaphysical phenomenon – including : parallel lives, some parallel worlds, Déjà vu (, Jamais vu, Presque vu, Déjà entendu, Déjà vécu, some experiences of bi and multilocation and many forms of intuition. And a way of ultimately understanding the cosmos and life itself.

The hardest thing for Dude and many of the ETs is to translate what they know into something that makes sense to us. As I’ve often said before, it’s almost as if Dude has to dumb things down for me (and the other humans he interacts with), so that things are accessible. Sometimes that means he has to shave details off an insight, so that I get the essence of what he’s talking about. It may well be that the entirety of a thing is beyond my comprehension. So he has to understand what I am able to understand and the implications of sharing things with me. I suspect he shared the concept of CS with me for at least three reasons. First, he wanted to give me a way of understanding this unfathomable event that happened on January 19th. Second, he wanted me to share some of what I learn, so that others could begin thinking about reality in a completely different way. In time I will try to write more extensively about the subject and plan on including it in the first ET interview book. Third, he wanted me to heal my tumours and create a long healthy life, whether it’s the same life or another one.

My understanding of CS is as yet very poor. I see a lot of connections between this view of reality, concepts like Holodynamics, Process Philosophy and Process Psychology and the teachings of Jane Robert’s Seth.

Dude is trying to teach me through theory and experience about the nature of reality and how live fully immersed in a greater experience of reality.

Today is the 10th anniversery of my diagnosis with a Renal Carcinoid Tumour. It’s been a long, exhausting and life affirming journey with tumours. But I’m still here. I believe that Dude is trying to help me to stay alive and to see beyond the limitations I have imposed on myself and the limitations that human belief systems have imposed on all of us.

About brightgarlick

Ecclectic kinda guy, who loves life and saviours each day as it is.

Posted on June 21, 2017, in Conjoined Space, parallel lives, Perception, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 20 Comments.

  1. Thanks Dude and Thanks Bright! Very interesting! Take care and recover!

  2. Hello,
    I like to continue to build inside me new concepts based on your article.
    You are shering beautifull things, raising new questions in me.
    Thank to continue to show some pearls you have in your bag.
    Have a great sunday

  3. Hey Bright 🙂 Who are at the highest level the aliens or falun dafa ? What is the truth here can you explain. I am in such a bad situation and dont Know what to bealive annymore. A good answer Wold mean the World to me

    • V I’m just heading out so I can only give a brief answer. I don’t know about Falun Dafa and how to relate that. Regarding the ETs, there are no levels – that is our projection on the ETs. But as I see it those beings I call the Creator Races are the most evolved. I mean several of them created what we think of as this universe. The highest you might think of as those who nurture and love and the lower ones the planet bound races – who wish they were space faring. It’s diffoicult to answer in a way that makes sense.

  4. Okey so they will take us back to the light no matter what ? 🙂

    • No. The light reveals itself, when we are ready. At the end of life we become aware of it. When we are ready to surrender all notions of self, we can return to it completely.

  5. In other Word are they able to take Care of the beings they create. V

    • Yes. They create opportunity and they create souls but not all souls. Don’t ask me which they create and which they don’t because I don’t know. But I know that they love us and empower us to make all our own choices – even the choice of when we are ready to return. But the light is always part of everything. We need only feel its presence and still the mind and recognise it in the core of our being.

      Don’t ever be decieved by confused people talking about evil aliens. All adversarial ETs are kept planet bound. Only those who have grown up are allowed to move through space and interact with others. 😉

      • For the people who report self-described experiences with negative ETs, demons, abductions and such, my theory at this point based on what I’ve seen is that they are more vulnerable than most to thought-forms within the human collective unconscious, along with some discarnate earth-bound spirits.

        There’s someone in a different country I’ve been doing distance Qigong projections on for quite some time. I suspect that they may have schizophrenia (they refuse to see a mental health specialist or get medication). Whenever I work on them I notice the marked weakness of their Wei Qi (aspect of Qi in Chinese Medicine associated with immune system and psychological boundaries). The episodes they get are oftentimes stopped within a matter of hours or minutes when I project to them, and it’s been the same with a couple other energy workers they’ve reached out to.

        I’d say that said experiences are not entirely all ‘in the head’ as materialists would assert, but I haven’t seen anything yet to suggest to me that their negative experiences are coming from literal physical aliens. In general they also tend to project accountability onto the world rather than looking at themselves.

      • Thanks Chris. I like your explanation. I think imbalances in Qi are resposible for many psychological problems – as in the case of so called Chi Kung Psychosis. I think that vulnerability to the collective unconsciousness has validity and if we were to map out ALL the many manifestations of the unconscious, I’d think we’d see all our terrors are embedded in us. But it’s hard to convince people who hold onto bad aliens and demons etc of that reality. The other one is easier, the one that sees a dystopian world where good is constantly at war with evil !

        Its a very kind thing for you to do, to help someone in such a way.

        Thanks for kicking in !

        Take care,

        Brighty. 😉

  6. Okey i understand Bright. Are your encounter still hard to remember , sorry for aking som much 😉

    • Well there have been many of them V. So some have been difficult – like the one’s in childhood because my awareness and understanding as a child was very limited but many others have been easier to remember. Those I was conscious of at the time are the easiest. Some were more traumatic and they are uncomfortable to remember. But in the last decade I’ve been much more aware and these experiences have been more detailed and longer lasting – so they’ve been easier. But sometimes they were also very unexpected and I was tired. So full awareness has been difficult.

  7. Or if it is possible to have an encounter like you andre i have. Thank som again means a Great Deal. 😉

    • Yes of course V ! But it’s all about your awareness and your energy. If you’re tired and less aware it’s much more difficult. If you’re fully awake and your energy is strong and you’re fully aware, it’s much easier ! 😉

  8. Thank you very much Bright 🙂 ! much love

  9. Hello again, Bright, I just wanted to pitch in with this whilst it’s still in my head and it’s regarding the concept of CS and the ‘splitting off’ or copying of a reality/world/experience; this reminded me when reading the comments below which mention health, of the words of Joe Dispenza, (which I will probably now butcher), who suggests that we are products of our belief that our tomorrow will be the same or a continuum of our yesterday and that our intention can break that cycle (of ignorance) and manifest literal changes – particularly in health – but conceivably in anything.
    This seems to fall in line with the creation aspect possibly or altering localised aspects of a space; if the symptom has its own system/space, can it be manipulated within the larger space of the organism f.e.

    I practice Qigong which I developed instinctively as a young man and much later, Reiki. Neither professionally, just used on family. And I wonder, after reading your explanations, if energy healing – which carries the intention of the healer/the intention of the original blueprint – if those changes/healings are simply micro/sub-system creations within the subject perhaps.

    Well you are exercising my grey matter today, I can feel a coffee coming on 😀

    Rgds, Dave.

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