Category Archives: Alien Disclosure

Dynamics and Patterns in the Alien Disclosure Movement and AI Alienology

Hey folks, here’s a little conversation I had with Chat GPT via POE on the subject of dynamics and patterns in the alien disclosure movement This was a very basic discussion and I could have taken it any number of more detailed directions but I wanted an overview from the AI that captured my own feelings about the movement – which I will say it did reasonably well! Anyone who has read this blog for a while will know that I think the whole disclosure movement is a bit of a lost cause and that I’m skeptical of any form of disclosure.

Now with AI at our disposal we have many different ways to explore a subject like alien disclosure and if it’s done really well, we can learn a great deal about the movement – its dynamics, patterns, key players, narratives, who wields what power, strategies for moving forward and the likely impact of particular strategies and about ourselves etc..

For those who get it and see the potential, AI is about to turn the subject of UFOs and aliens on it’s head! The era of AI Alienology is here!

More reading on disclosure here:

The Citizen Hearing on UFO Encounters – South America

Some of you might recall me talking about meeting and working with a young Brazilian boy who was unconscious whilst having an encounter with the Teal’hia a decade or so ago and about Dude’s regular presence in Brazil, incognito trying to guide conservation efforts across south America. Many ETs have an active interest in South America, primarily because of biological diversity, so it of little surprise that there have been many encounters there. Note there are also many covert human projects active in South America, trying to actively distort the truth about ETs and you shouldn’t be surprised that there are many more such efforts in the near future as interest in the ET subject heats up!

The following testimonies are well worth listening to but no doubt, light weight and just the tip of the iceberg.

Caught Between Two Worlds – Part Two

I want you to imagine a place where there is a technology and sometimes that technology is not a technology but a sentient life form that is like a technology or a piece of architecture or a craft, that is able to create anything out of matter or space (what I have referred to as a Matter Creation Technology – MCT). Imagine just such a place where there are no roads, where life is free to adapt and develop and thrive as it wishes, where each life form is revered and respected for what it is and given a place of importance where it can do whatever it wishes. Imagine that all decisions are made with regard to the greatest good and careful consideration is given to all activities which might harm another life form. Imagine in this place that there are many other life forms from other worlds, living and visiting and interacting without conflict with the native inhabitants. Imagine in this place that there is instantaneous travel from within your own home to any other place on the planet. There is no land, water or air pollution, no light pollution or sound pollution. The water and soil and air is clean and healthy and every ecosystem is rich with life and thriving in good health. Imagine that the native people who live on this world are generous with their time and their actions, they love life on their world, they value their visitors and guests, with whom they gladly share knowledge, wisdom, experiences and the beauty of their world. Imagine that these people have the capacity to destroy entire galaxies, solar systems and worlds but they do not. Instead they participate with many other races to create entire universes, galaxies, solar systems, worlds and even souls. Imagine that sometimes they do these activities by themselves and invite special guests to bring a particular aspect of their own people into the creation of a universe, a galaxy, a solar system or a world.

Imagine that with MCTs there is no inequality, there are no power differentials, there is no need for secrecy, there is no need for the hoarding of stuff, that anything that is created can be returned to the void or stored in other spaces and that energy is endless. Imagine that with MCTs there is no craving for stuff, no struggle to gain more, no struggle to meet the basic needs of life, no desire to keep up with the Joneses, no need to exploit the natural resources of the planet to produce energy or stuff, no need for animal agriculture, no need to destroy ecosystems to gain resources, no need for money, no need for profit and no need to control any place, group of people or other life form.

Imagine a world with no roads, where the cities and towns and villages are small and there are vast spaces between inhabited places. Imagine that instead of roads there are many small intimate tracks, which traverse the landscape, connecting history, people and ecosystems and other life forms. Imagine a culture where individual and family differences are prized, whilst all that they have in common is cherished. Imagine no racism and no isms of any kind. Imagine a people who welcome guests and share all that they can, including knowledge and wisdom, experiences and places. Imagine a people who do not judge you for how you look, what you believe, what you carry in your heart or mind or how you act in the world. Imagine a people who are gentle and tolerant and patient and accepting and understanding. Imagine that these same people were once as brutal as human beings. Imagine a people for whom there is no practical separation between life and death, who converse with the dead as easily as we converse with the living. Imagine a people who can occupy any space anywhere in the cosmos that they wish, in what we think of as any time and return instantly to their home worlds. Imagine a people who have created entire universes and who inhabit many of them but this is there original home world and because of that it is dear to all of the people, even those who inhabit other universes. Imagine a people who love their sentient craft and all the sentient technological life forms that they have created, who nurture such beings with all the love and caring of a parent, teaching and guiding them with all the knowledge and wisdom and practical experience that is available to them.

Imagine a people who value your privacy, who are capable of knowing your every thought and feeling but who recognize the importance of boundaries and who honour that at all times when you are among them. Imagine a people who could trust you with their entire world, to go wherever you see fit and experience whatever you wish, who would give you whatever they could to enhance your experience of their world, so that you might enjoy your time among them and come to know they and their world from the inside out. Imagine a people who took the time to understand you as fully as possible and who figured out the best way to facilitate your education, making the time to create opportunities and experiences to help you learn and enjoy your time on their world.

Imagine a people who understood the sense of homesickness, who could provide you with the means to see your loved ones at any time, who could help you when you were feeling homesick, who could help you to understand the tribulations of your world and your heart.

Imagine a sentient architecture or a sentient craft that could nurture you whilst you were with them, who could do many things to facilitate a safe and enjoyable time whilst you were in their presence and spending time on their world, taking on the role of educator, cook, nutritionist, personal trainer, doctor, recordist/diarist, friend, confidant, wise counselor / therapist, designer, entertainment consultant and co-creator/solo creator, investigator, scientist, interpreter etc.. Whatever role was required at any particular time. Imagine a sentient architecture or a sentient craft that knew your every preference – everything from how you like your bed to feel, to the kind of couch that best supports your body shape, posture, age and aesthetic likes, to the best kind of toilet and most comfortable shower or bath, to the kinds of food you most enjoy and need to eat, to the books you like to read, music you like to hear, movies you like to watch, experiences you need to have, ways you like to learn, relationships you most value and need and all the little creature comforts that will most help you to feel like you are home. Who could speak to the other sentient architectures and craft on the world and share what it has learned about you with each of them, so as to prepare them for your visitation.

Such is the nature of what I have experienced whilst I was among Dude’s people on NaelsI35 and when I have been on one of their sentient craft. If it sounds like an unreal place, it is an unreal place, unlike anything on Earth and akin to some kind of heaven. But it isn’t a heaven of an afterlife, it’s another world.

Contrast this to the world I leave behind whenever I take my trips away. A world where one species dominates every other species, a world where the human population continues to grow unchecked causing immeasurable suffering to other species, a world where among the dominant life form there is conflict, war, hatred, judgement, greed, ignorance, intolerance, impatience, secrecy, militarization, money, profit, control, violence towards other species and all ecosystems, systems which facilitate us and them, inequalities and disparities of every kind, niche roles, mandatory work, enslavement by individuals, groups and systems of control, pollution of every form, animal agriculture, technological dependence, endless craving for stuff, a desire to keep up with the Joneses, conflict and war over natural resources/energy/technology/information/physical space/cyberspace, religious/philosophical/political/ideological dogma, racism, isms of all kinds, confusion of identity, attachment to individual and collective identities, lack of awareness of the nature of the self, a sense of separation from the whole and a lack of love and concern for the welfare of all life forms on our planet.

At a local I’ve been fighting mining, destruction of the environment, land clearing, illegal shooting of kangaroos and wallabies, noisy and destructive motorcyclists and off roaders, roadside garbage everywhere, speeding drivers who on a daily basis almost cause head on collisions and a host of other small things that collectively are very hard to deal with.

Now can you understand what it’s like to visit NaelsI35 and how tempting it is not to come back? Not to mention that when I am there my tumours quickly disappear, I feel 20 years younger, I have boundless energy and I’m met everywhere by kindness and generosity. This then is perhaps the hardest thing about developing relationships with extraterrestrial beings and spending time away from Earth!

When you leave Earth, you realize how backwards we are as a life form and how much better things could be! And that dear friends makes coming back all the more difficult. But alas I am human being and there is no escaping my humanity wherever I am or escaping Earth because I am terribly attached to this world, no matter how fucked up we’ve made things!

In part three I’ll say more about why I feel caught between two worlds by giving you an outline of some specific experiences that I had on NaelsI35 and on Dude’s craft ( /

PS. For those who don’t know, early on I referred to Dude’s people as the Muajra, rather than the Naelsa, because at that stage I wasn’t comfortable revealing the name of his people, just as today I am still not comfortable revealing his true name.

Clifford Stone in the Afterlife

I’m a bit slow, I just discovered that Clifford Stone died in February 2021 ( . It’s a great loss to the world. He was one of the few authentic people in the entire field of ETs/UFOlogy, a man I could have conversed with at length, sharing and comparing experiences. “Taking care of other people is the most important thing!” Clifford. RIP Clifford stone.

AI and The False Alien Invasion

Hey folks, just to let you know back in March I worked with ChatGPT 3.5 on creating a false alien invasion scenario, which I later revisited with ChatGPT 4 and have just re-edited (I had to pull a few things out). It’s based on the warnings of Steven Greer and I think it’s a reasonably accurate portrayal of the general reactivity of the human species. I’m running it by a few people and will try to post it here in the next week or so. It’s 59 pages long and highly entertaining! I can’t help thinking that now is the time to release this to the public, given that recent changes in the attitude of the US government and global media to so called UAPs (why not FUDS – Frisbees of Unknown Design Status?) could potentially lead to a reinforcement of the hostile ETs/alien threat narrative or it could go the other way and be all hunky dorey and a wonderful blow job for disclosure! Either way I won’t be pulling my hair out or having any orgasms over it! I do think however that it is worth considering what could happen if certain groups within the lower arms of The Architecture ( decided to have a big wet dream all over humanity! Stay tuned for more!

Steven’s New Disclosure Press Conference

Steven Greer has a new disclosure press conference planned for June this year. I don’t think it will blow the socks off the world, as there’s a lot more than what Steven has in mind to disclose, as yet hidden but it certainly looks like a great follow up to his press conference of long ago. The main difference this time is that the media will likely be all over this event. I suspect that this is Steven’s antidote to the Threat Narrative of the last five-ten years, particularly from propped up groups like TTSA.

The Cosmic Hoax

Steven Greer has just released his latest movie and as you probably know, we’re basically on the same page. I think the name of this film is misleading but it hits at the heart of the covert deception and that’s all that matters. On another note, I will gladly take a parting shot at Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles fame. Linda has been manipulated by those in covert power to believe the whole threat narrative. She is such an idiot with a narrow mind! Her interpretation of the problem of animal mutilations is totally naive and much of what she has had to say has had a profound impact on the beliefs of others regarding the nature of extraterrestrials. You have heard me say countless times before, ETs pose no threat at all to us. You are only allowed to become space faring when you grow up. You can’t be a threat if you’re space faring. She and others like her are gullible and easily manipulated into a very narrow view of how things are.

You can dislike Steven Greer all you want, that’s fine but what he has been saying for decades about the nature of ETs is true. Unfortunately most people can’t think for themselves and they apply the Hermetic cliche ‘as above so below’ to everything, especially the cosmos. But it isn’t like that. It doesn’t reflect narrow human thinking.

I have mixed feelings about Steven but I admire the way that he’s stuck to his desire to talk about this subject for so long and he’s one of the few people who talks openly about the benevolent nature of ETs. People jump on band wagons all the time and I think he’s successful avoided doing that in relation to this subject. I don’t think he actually knows much about ETs first hand but he has a clear sense of what they’re actually like and he certainly has a good sense of how those in covert power manipulate the truth and create false narratives. I wish him every success with this film!

Space Sensibility

There’s some interesting voices coming out of Russia, that seem to be providing a contrary voice to the current American push for a space force. It’s hard to say exactly what is going on but such voices seem to be advocating a peaceful approach to space and a non hostile view of the ETs, which is perfectly in line with what I have been suggesting for many years. These are the sorts of people that the masses should be paying attention to and not donkeys like Donald Trump or the war mongers of the world. Maybe not everything they have to say is rock solid but they seem to be saying enough that matters and for that they deserve our attention!

“This is the cosmos and we do not own it!” Alexander Semyonov

More reading here : and here :

Steven Greer’s Concerns

Hey folks, I’ve just seen this on my YT feed and apparently Steven share’s some of the same concerns that I have regarding the upcoming release of US government information on UFOs, he does not however appear to see beyond the weaponization of space but I suspect he soon will. (If you read the documentation that co-supported that US government request you will see much more – see this post : All efforts to arouse the masses are important and I commend him for what he has done and is continuing to do but unfortunately this whole thing will move so subversively that most people will miss it. Once you have the technological co-dependence of the masses, people are stuck – hook, line and sinker! Knowing about potential weapons in space isn’t enough! Weapons in space are the tip of the iceberg!

TSM188 : An Extraterrestrial Perspective on the Emerging Space Empires

Hey folks, here’s Katowwa’s (Dude’s) response to TSM187, which he gave me after I wrote my notes for TSM187. In this TSM Dude gives a down to Earth assessment of what will and won’t happen with these emerging space empires and I think he offers an encouraging and positive antidote to the threat that is currently arising from those in apparent power.

Please, if you value what I have shared about the truth regarding ETs and ET-human relationships, please share TSM187 and TSM188 with your contacts and networks. I may not be the squeakiest wheel or the most engaging speaker but I speak from a place of knowing and of truth. Take note of the things that I have highlighted in TSM187 and what Dude highlights in this TSM and pay careful attention to how things play out in our near and distant future.

May you all be well,

Brighty. 😉

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More TSMs here : but be aware they are no longer available on Podbean or iTunes.