A Podcast Update and Short Cuts 19 & 20

Hey folks, here’s an update and a couple more Short Cuts.

ET and I – Episode 4: The Dystopian Cosmos vs How It Really Is

Hey folks, here’s the first subscriber episode of the latest episode of the podcast. Go here if you’d like to take out a subscription: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2300508/supporters/new. Show description is here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2300508/episodes/14819246.

Update: I decided to make all episodes free, so you can now hear this one.

Short Cuts 15-18

More short cuts.

If you like these you might like the full episodes and if you wish you can take out a subscription here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2300508/supporters/new.

Prospecting For Contentment

I live a very simple but harsh life yet it’s a very content life. It seems to me that sometimes people try too hard to find contentment. Sometimes the people that we least expect have the most to teach the human race.

Jack the Irishman hung around Borroloola when everyone else had left but he didn’t mind. Jack ended up marrying an Aboriginal woman and having 7 children. He kept a King Brown snake as a pet and one day it killed him. It seems that despite some adversity and his town Borroloola disappearing and reappearing, he was a contended man.

ET and I – Episode 3: The Great Epiphany

Hey folks, here’s the latest episode of the podcast. This one is complete with some budgie sounds in the background! Not sure if you can hear my tiredness after a hot night. I think the sound is otherwise OK.

I had planned on starting the models of the cosmos series this episode but decided that there was something more important that I needed to talk about first. This is the last of my deeply personal episodes for a while. I made this particular episode because I felt it would create a good foundation for all that I’ll speak about later.

This will be the last of my free full episodes. Short Cuts will continue to be free.

Let me know if the new podcast is floating your boat or not!


Bright. 😉

Short Cuts 11-14

More short cuts:

ET and I – Episode 2: A Lifetime of ET Contact Experiences and Relationships

Hey folks, after many challenges, episode 2 of the ET and I podcast is up. This is the one that will either repel people away from everything I’ve ever tried to share or attract people who are willing to hear something different.

It was very hot whilst I recorded this and even hotter when I edited it. By the time I was half way through I was exhausted!Despite this I managed to convey most of what I wanted to convey (minus what I edited out).

Let me know how the episode sat with you!

Happy listening,

Bright. 😉

This is the World We Created (Victims For the Altar)

In August and September I was talking on Twitter to a young woman in Gaza who was desperate for money to help her father who had kidney disease. She didn’t know anything about my own kidney tumours or struggles with one kidney. She persistently nagged me for money in an unrelenting way. It was possible that she was trying to scam me (my son was convinced of it) but when I prodded her for photos of her immediate neighborhood, she was able to take them and provide photos with the relevant look at that time. The images of she and her father also seemed legitimate. I was willing to send money to her (despite my own challenges at that time) but the tone of her insistence annoyed me, so I blocked her instead. She claimed to have lost her mother in conflict with the Israelis and it’s possible that was true. She clearly had a hard life. Now at the same time as this was unfolding I paid a young medical student in Kenya a small amount to transcribe some episodes of The Something Monologues. He did a reasonably good job but he was also very pushy about whether I had any more jobs I could give him to help him out financially. What he did not know was that I had recently had the means after the end of my sexual abuse case but that my intentions were to help a local wildlife provider who works tirelessly to save kangaroos and other wildlife. A woman who has devoted 15 years after the death of her husband to saving the lives of injured and orphaned animals. I weighed up very carefully whether to help the young man in Kenya. I would have meant giving up something else I was going to buy. For very little I could have sent him enough to pay for the remainder of his medical school training. A simple donation. I then lost Gandalf, the little kangaroo I was caring for, told him that I was devastated and going through a hard time but I received no human warmth what so ever for three months. So that decided it for me. A doctor in training who could not acknowledge a little human suffering, needs to seriously grow up! Whilst these two events with the lass from Gaza and the young man from Kenya were happening, I was also developing about 20 different short sub stories for one of my novels, in which the main character connects with strangers all around the world and helps them in some small way (be it through money, encouragement, publicity for their cause or some other small act of kindness). My character is willing to do what I was not. However he came out of me and I am very much like him. I help when I can and I plant seeds where possible.

Gaza has since been overrun and many people have been killed. The young lady I spent a great deal of time talking to (and offering to help in other ways) may well be dead or injured or have lost her father. The young man in Kenya continues to struggle to get through his medical degree, doing many different things online to support himself – selling himself to westerners, just to scrape together enough money to pay his university fees and survive.

I have thus had to at different times turn away from people I would have helped, even when I had the means. At other times when I was struggling myself financially, I have helped other people who I knew did not appreciate it but would benefit in some small way and I have helped other people because I felt they deserved some small act of human kindness, when others ignored them. I always give to the homeless when I am in Melbourne. There were times myself when I was so poor I could barely pay my bills and yet still I helped people when I could because I felt we all have an obligation to notice the struggles of other people and to lift them up where possible. In recent years I have become more discerning in who I help and that in some small way reflects my unwillingness to help people who will not help themselves and some intrinsic value judgement. I don’t like making value judgements but it is something that we all do, every single day of our lives, unless we are supremely mindful of the way that we function. I try to be aware of my own values and how they effect my judgements and subsequent behaviours but I’m not perfect and it gets in the way of unconditional love and acceptance. For my part, this small aspect of my life is one way in which I have contributed to the creation of this world. This blog, my videos and my audios are another. In time the body of fiction work I am creating will be yet another. And most importantly how I treat people on a day to day basis and the work I have done in restoring the land here and helping the wildlife is another.

We are all contributing to the creation of the world. This is the world we have created! Whilst most people’s tendency will be to blame someone in authority for creating this world – a world not of their liking; that way of attributing creation to others is false. We have all contributed. I may not personally have contributed to the current escalation of the Middle East conflict but I did avoid helping someone in the Middle East who was suffering, when I could have done otherwise. And today I will fill the water dishes for the birds, kangaroos and hares, so they don’t suffer in the heat and tonight I will put down some extra food for the wallabies and the kangaroos, so that they don’t go without. The existence of those things on planet Earth, doesn’t occur without my taking action. It takes 8 billion people to create the world that we have.

The day after Gaza was invaded I began watching walk through videos about Gaza. Soon after I began watching walk through videos about other places that I have been researching for my novel – Yemen, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Maldives, India etc.. I also resumed looking at Google Earth imagery of our own Australian deserts, deserts and farmland around the world, trying to understand how man has shaped this world. It occurred to me that despite so many differences, there is so much beauty. This is the world we created! And yet soon, many of these places will be destroyed, once again by the cruel hands of war. Others will be rebuilt or restored. Whilst yet others will be completely transformed. If you could see for example what many in the Middle East have done with the desert, bringing cities of green to places that were once just sand, you would be amazed! The Amazon forests are being cleared to make way for coffee plantations and beef and other crops and livestock. Humanity’s hungry appetite for Coffee is killing countless species. And yet one day these very same farms will be reclaimed and the forest will be replanted and the great Amazon basin will turn green again. As a young boy I had the opportunity to explore the densest human population on Earth in Hong Kong’s now infamous Walled City. Today that same place is a beautiful green park, dedicated to creating tranquility and preserving the memory of the people who once lived there. Humanity is constantly reshaping this Earth!

Freddy Mercury once asked, “Is this the world we created?”. My answer is, “Yes it is Freddy, yes it is”.

“Oh-oh, is this the world we created?
We made it on our own
Is this the world we devastated, right to the bone?
If there’s a God in the sky, looking down
What can he think of what we’ve done
To the world that He created?”

Queen, Is This the World We Created?


A good writer should never bury the lead! Fuck that, here’s some of my favourite doom albums of the past…

The first track by My Dying Bride was the first doom song I ever heard and I loved it.

I’m a wee bit older now and I prefer silence and bird song but I’m still very fond of a little doom.

Metal heads and classical music aficionados only!

And finally a band and an artist (who took his own life) who I feel was a kind of precursor to doom.

Dire Straits in China

I’ve been studying human trafficking for about 15 years now and the extent of it never ceases to shock me. I’ve been trying to pull together some data for a small part of one of my novels and every time I look at the global picture of human trafficking, it leaves me feeling sick and angry. One place where things are really bad is in China, where more than a million people go missing every year. Most of them women and children who end up in the sex slave trade or are turned into baby making machines (children used for what, is anyone’s guess). Some women, children and men end up having their organs harvested. It’s not hard to imagine human production sites where offspring are merely created for the harvesting of their organs or to be used as sex slaves. If the government can sanction organ harvesting in living and executed prisoners, then anything is possible outside of the reach of the CCP. There are many causes of human trafficking and human abductions. China’s one child policy and its skewed gender demographics one cause but then there are many other causes related to demographic shifts and domestic and overseas black markets that feed the desire of greedy human beings who see other human beings as nothing more than commodities. I’m not a fan of how the US and UK and their allies treat China but neither am I a fan of how China treats its own people and people in other countries who they entrap with debt investments.

The critical questions we need to ask regarding the problems of human trafficking and organ harvesting are – what are the root causes and what can we do about them?

I can’t help wondering how bad things are in the other population giant, India.