A Space Reticulum – The Teal’hia on Reality

Some of you may recall that I had originally intended on interviewing my Teal’hia friend who I publicly call Anamika. It is my wish that when the Dude Books are complete I move onto replicating the process with Anamika. Meanwhile I talk with Anamika now and then about a range of subjects. Recently I asked her if the Teal’hia have an equivalent understanding of Dude’s explanation of reality as Conjoined Space and she responded that her people do have their own understanding. She fully understood Dude’s explanation (without my having to say anything about it to her) and understood his use of metaphors to help me/us understand the nature of reality. But instead of Conjoined Space, she describes reality as A Space Reticulum (ASR). When she said that my mind automatically flew back to my biology training and I thought of the endoplasmic reticulum – the organelle that is found in all Eukaryote cells (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endoplasmic_reticulum). Those of you who are interested in small things will know that folded structures like the ER increase the surface area and processing capacity of a system.



To begin I’d like to start with a couple of human definitions of the word reticulum. According to wiktionary (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/reticulum), reticulum is defined as follows : “Etymology – From Latin rēticulum (“net”). Noun – reticulum (plural reticula or reticulums). A network.  A pattern of interconnected objects.” And Oxford Dictionaries online (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/reticulum) defines reticulum as “A fine network or netlike structure.” Now some of you will be looking at the images of the ER above and thinking that if reality can be described as ASR, it looks like a Brane (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brane /https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brane_cosmology). I can see why you might think that but what she was describing has nothing to do with Quantum Mechanics or mathematics.



Now rather than give you a detailed explanation of ASR, I’ll give you an extract from our first conversation on the subject.

“All space contains more space. There is no end to space. All space contains space that is known and unknown.

Some of the space you have concluded occurs externally and contains bodies and some of the space occurs internally within a body. And it also occurs within the experience of the brain and the mind. Think of these (external and internal) as two distinct entities and each of these entities contains many different types. In other words, there are many different variations of external and internal space. So Bright, when I describe a space reticulum, I am talking about the interaction between many different types of external and internal space. The reticulum is the movement between the two, the passage between the two. Now as I said there maybe many different types. And as I described there maybe space within a body, space within a brain, space within a mind but all of it exists inside of the larger external space. So Bright, it is connected and hence Dude’s word, conjoined. But this Conjoined Space isn’t merely space that is connected between bodies and the body’s internal spaces. It is also space that is connected to each of the types of space within them. When we say A Space Reticulum, we are saying that there is connection, movement, passage, joining, a conjoining as Dude would say. We are also saying that there is an interweaving of spaces. We used the word reticulum because reticulum as you would know it means weaving, moving in and out; means a compression of this moving in and out, sideways, left and right, in a passage if you like, following a particular movement. Think of it as perhaps a better, easier way for you to understand space. But it isn’t necessarily the only way. There are many different ways to understand. What Dude has explained to you as Conjoined Space is accurate and he has been working with you through metaphors and what I am saying to you is also accurate and I will also work with you through metaphors and eventually both Dude and I will try to explain things to you as they actually are. However it is useful for you to hear the two different perspectives. They do not necessarily disagree – they agree on many different things but they explain things differently; give a different perspective on how to understand things. And that will be useful to you and to the human race, when you eventually publish your work.”

The following diagrams are a kind of summary of what I believe that Anamika is suggesting. I’m not very good at making digital pictures but I think they convey the essence of what she said.


Space Map

So there is both external and internal space and many different types of each space. Some are perhaps limited in their existence and dimensions and some are perhaps unlimited in their existence and dimensions. Some external spaces are enclosed and some are un-enclosed. When we die mind opens up a new space that we can think of as internal, within the greater external space but not necessarily this universe. When you imagine something or use the Internal Worlds practice I’ve been teaching, you open up internal space. Every body contains a different type of internal space that is similar but different to the external space.

I guess you might be thinking that this all sounds very fractal’ish and I wouldn’t say categorically that it isn’t. But I think reticulated is a better term because fractal implies self similarity (the same pattern on different scales) and not all objects in external or internal space or space itself appear to be the same on different scales. Those of you who by now are thinking that this sounds very much like Hyperstructure or higher dimensions might be right. I think we’re on the right track with Hyperstructure to some degree but it misses the entire Internal Space aspect and it’s too artificial and is therefore limited as a concept that describes reality. Similarly I think ideas like Hilbert Space, Topology and Manifolds touch on elements of truth but all miss Internal Space.



I think the implications of reality as A Space Reticulum are profound. On the one hand imagine what that implies for cybernetic or other types of artificial worlds in which you could create spaces within spaces (e.g. Learning from simulations created inside Second Life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Life), which itself has been created inside cyberspace, which has been created inside a silicon chip, which has been created inside external space). Or imagine what it means for neural-AI/computer interfaces and for how we will create and exist in virtual worlds. Or imagine what it means for exploring Internal Worlds as I and the PK Fellowship do ? Or imagine what it means for the afterlife, when mind is free to create anything – physical or nonphysical ? And then if you’re really brave, imagine what it means for space travel and so called “propulsion systems”. Most of the advanced ETs don’t use propulsion systems. They use the life force and consciousness. What does that imply for how they understand reality ?

Remember what I said earlier about how the ER increases the surface area and processing capacity of a system – in that case the protein system in the Eukaryote cell. Well the same feature is prominent in all animals brains and in many parts of the human body – such as the villi in the small intestine. It exists on the larger scale and it exists on the cellular scale. If this kind of feature is prominent in biological systems, then it must be because it enhances how things function. Surely then the same principles applied to technology will improve the efficiency of many technological systems. Reticulum Chips or Quantum Reticulum Chips any one ?

Once we understand the fundamental nature of space, I believe we will have the capacity to shape space. And what is shaping space ? Changing the way it reticulates on many different scales. And when we cans shape space, space becomes far more accessible without the need for propulsion driven technologies. Alas, such wild ruminations are fun but the reality of such applications is aeons away in human time !

One final thing. Last year when I had contact with the Tearhom, I watched one of the beings as he searched through a projection of space with his hands and fingers and spoke to me about what he was doing. He kept moving and opening specific regions until he found what he was looking for. In a way, it looked he was opening up a book and fingering it’s pages. Almost like he was playing with ripples of space within space. A Space Reticulum seems to be a good way to describe what I saw.

About brightgarlick

Ecclectic kinda guy, who loves life and saviours each day as it is.

Posted on March 7, 2018, in A Space Reticulum, Anamika, Conjoined Space, ETs and Reality, reality, Space, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. nicholasmarros

    Space reticulum,… not the final frontier!😉

  2. I’m finding these mini lectures extremely interesting Bright, love the context this has for internal worlds contact.

    Have been practicing internal worlds and could give you the name, species, and home galaxy of a particular ET I met during my first time. However I can’t tell you if I’m imaging everything! This is what I find a little … unmotivating about IW contact.

    So one thing I did was ask him what google would show me if I google a particular phrase. He told me a car name and the what it looked like. So I did this and it was the the same camera angle, color, and general shape as what he showed me. The pronunciation of the car was similar, but was not a perfect match to what he said. However this could have simply been my intuition being right during that particular request, who knows. I didn’t really try to ‘prove’ he was real by asking anymore of those questions because I found it pretty selfish and disrespectful to basically interrogate if he was legitimate or not. So I just asked him questions I had about his life and fellow other ETs! Anyway, that was more for others who may want to verify and toy around with IW and see what experiences they have.

    Do you have any ways you found to verify these experiences during your early IW contacts? I recall you would see things during these IW contact sessions, and later have something happen to verify them. Can you be more specific?

    Also are all interstellar ET capable of internal worlds? Is this them actually interacting with you or maybe have something to do with conjoined space and another ET life working with you? I am a little confused. Mine told me that all he did was IW contact with many different ETs, and seemed he was not able to visit Earth physically.

    Regards Bright, hope you’re well.

    • Thanks K. I never thought of them as mini lectures but I guess they sort of are. here’s what I have learned !

      Well done K ! It sounds like you get IW ! The whole proof thing is difficult. I documented everything and took any advice that was offered and slowly asked little things – that then began to show up in the external world. Evidence built up slowly and I would meet some of the ETs 1 at a time in real life. I had met the 2 Teal’hia who are part of the 8 ETs I meet regularly, before I began the IW practice but I didn’t have great familiarity with them. In January 2016 I met all of the 8 in person when a large craft came and have met some of them since then.

      Proof is a hard thing. Document everything, ask questions gently, explain to them your frustration with knowing if it’s real or not and the need for some proof, see if what they say makes sense or sounds like your mind made it up or you were influenced by popular culture. And important;y, there is a feeling in your body when it’s real and the emotion is very powerful in a way that I believe imagination cannot replicate. Pay attention to it during the experiences.

      Interstellar ETs capable of IW ? If they are Interstellar travelling – i.e. space faring, probably but not necessarily. It is a widespread method among many space faring races and some who are not (that is small numbers of people in those races – like me / you / others learning on Earth). I think this method suits ETs when they live a long, long way away; if there race is not space faring but individuals are prepared; if it’s impractical to always travel to meet (like using video chat instead of travelling by plane !); and possibly if we are connecting with formless beings – who are not really ET but may or may not have been once.

      I understand the unmotivating aspect of IW contact and that’s why it will remain unpopular. Its not like wham, bam, we’re here mam and you have instant proof ! But it can be linked to external contact. You can ask while meeting with them, if later that day or whenever, if they can arrange for others to come visit – signal from above or possible f2f contact. Sometimes when I talk to Dude or Anamika, and they are far, far away, if they will ask others to come visit while I’m out walking and that’s exactly what happens. Similarly you can ask when in an IW, for outer contact.

      The IW is a form of CS but not in the sense of a whole other life. It is you within your life, interacting with something else from within their life.

      One of the dangers of this method is that eventually people who take DMT, other drugs and entheogens and/or who use them before hand, and or who are unstable mentally, begin to talk about all kinds of beings they encounter in an IW and most, if not all of it will be their imagination. So the first thing is to always establish a high degree of self awareness. Know how your mind works, know how to experience calmness and if possible stillness/silence. And play around with other types of Internal Worlds first – like your own sacred space. Once you are sure that you are functioning in a stable way, then you can feel confident that IW contact is real. But gradual proof is always important as well.

      Keep up the great work and all the best with your journeys and explorations !

      Brighty. 😉

  3. Ive had not wright this jet. But i just want to say Thank you Bright , i really appricated. I really see you as a big brother. Teaching me about the creator races i have painted that hanging on my wall. Thanks love compassion and trustto youmy friend. It helped alot!! Much love «3 «3

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