Blog Archives

ET and I – Episode 4: The Dystopian Cosmos vs How It Really Is

Hey folks, here’s the first subscriber episode of the latest episode of the podcast. Go here if you’d like to take out a subscription: Show description is here:

Update: I decided to make all episodes free, so you can now hear this one.

ET and I – Episode 3: The Great Epiphany

Hey folks, here’s the latest episode of the podcast. This one is complete with some budgie sounds in the background! Not sure if you can hear my tiredness after a hot night. I think the sound is otherwise OK.

I had planned on starting the models of the cosmos series this episode but decided that there was something more important that I needed to talk about first. This is the last of my deeply personal episodes for a while. I made this particular episode because I felt it would create a good foundation for all that I’ll speak about later.

This will be the last of my free full episodes. Short Cuts will continue to be free.

Let me know if the new podcast is floating your boat or not!


Bright. 😉

ET and I – Episode 2: A Lifetime of ET Contact Experiences and Relationships

Hey folks, after many challenges, episode 2 of the ET and I podcast is up. This is the one that will either repel people away from everything I’ve ever tried to share or attract people who are willing to hear something different.

It was very hot whilst I recorded this and even hotter when I edited it. By the time I was half way through I was exhausted!Despite this I managed to convey most of what I wanted to convey (minus what I edited out).

Let me know how the episode sat with you!

Happy listening,

Bright. 😉

Short Cuts 5-10

Here’s some more Short Cuts.

Short Cuts – An Extension of the ET and I Podcast

Short Cuts is a small addition to the ET and I podcast that will introduce particular subjects that I may or may not explore in greater depth in full episodes. All episodes of Short Cuts will be free!


You’ll find an updated playlist of the free episodes of the podcast here:

ET and I – Episode 1: Introduction to the ET and I Podcast

Hey folks, the first episode is up for the new podcast. I had a lot of trouble with my PC and laptop, which are now pretty fucked and so the sound quality was not as good as I wanted. There’s still some things I’m unhappy with with the first episode but it is what it is. This one is a little stiff sounding but hopefully the content is reasonable and future episodes will be more relaxed and full of ums, ahs, sos and hmmms (which took forever to edit out)! This one took way too much time to prepare and edit and I will endevour to bring future episodes down to 4 hrs total work commitment, rather than the inordinate amount of time that this one took! Feel free to offer any feedback.

There’s a few comments I made on ETs that may provoke some comments because they just don’t make sense but a smart person will be encouraged to consider how these things could possibly be true, by really thinking about the nature of ETs.

I’m still trying to figure out this new podcast host, so I have no idea yet how patrons work or links to Spotify etc.. I’ll try have that all sorted in the next week. As of the next day it seems I can’t actually have patrons, so I’m not sure what I’ll do on the issue of cost, given payments are unavailable. Donations can be made but not payments per episode or yearly subscriptions. Grrrr! I’ll also try and have a podcast player on this site, so that things are more accessible. there’s also a transcript that is available via the links below and they’ll be transcripts for every episode. The accuracy is OK but it’s not perfect ( is a much better at transcribing). I’ve just tested the audio quality on several mobile phones and it seems to sound OK but your feedback would be useful. It’s remotely possible that if I can find all the features I want, I’ll switch to another host in the next month. I had Podbean for the majority of the TSMs but they’ve since upped their prices significantly! seemed like the best option but I couldn’t find out about the finer details without paying for it!

In this podcast I wont be making any effort to convince people via evidence because as I’ve said many times before, that’s not my modus operandi because in part it’s rarely possible during or after after experiences (especially when you go off world) and because I don’t need to convince anyone of what I know is real. Some people will dismiss me because of that and that’s their prerogative. I’m trying to offer something that encourages people to look at the subject in a completely different way. Teaching people how to have their own contacts and relaying my experiences and relationships with stories and anecdotes are the best I can offer. Take it or leave it, the choice is always yours!

I’m not sure at this stage if I’ll keep the current format. Whether I’ll add or subtract some music. Whether I’ll divide each episode into ideas/experiences or keep the current format, in which for the first 0-60 % of the series I’ll discuss ideas and in the last 40 % of the series I’ll discuss my experiences. It’s all up in the air at the moment! Episode one is really a big test to figure out, where to from here!

Enjoy and have a wonderful day of human life,


Update: I have now moved everything over to Buzzsprout here and here – I should be able to offer free and paid episodes with Buzzsprout.


Degrees of Separation – Part 2

So far I have not had the kind of expansive life on Earth that I would like to have had but it’s been very interesting and enjoyable and I’ve met a lot of really interesting people and plenty of arseholes! I’ve certainly realized how interconnected we all are. And Otherworldly Encounters, ET and I, The Something Monologues and Youtube has certainly brought that home for me, with all the different people who have reached out to me and all the different people are interested in the subject of ET contact.

The thing that stuns me the most is how few people realize that we are the one and the many and that all differences are really arbitrary and insignificant.

Getting to know people and form relationships has been one of the greatest blessings of my life and by forming relationships with people I’ve come to realize just how small the human world really is and how close we really are to each other. And I’m saying that whilst living 15 km from the nearest small town and 60 km from the nearest large town in the middle of nowhere. Today we are so connected that it’s almost too true to believe and I wish more people would remember that and then perhaps they might think about how the things they say and do effect people far away.

So let me give you some examples by taking the idea of six degrees of separation ( and the bacon number ( and simplifying things a little bit. Imagine then that I am no. 0 and a person I know or have met is no. 1 and any person they know or have met is no. 2 and so on. So those are the degrees of separation.

If I were to do this for myself and Dude, well all the people he knows (which is most of the world’s leaders) would be 2 degrees away.

So here’s a brief list of some well known living and dead people I’m connected to by their degree and who I’m connected to them through (I won’t include musicians or sports stars or actors that I’ve seen because I’ve seen to many!):

1’s: Cliff Young (ultramarathon runner), Bob Geldoff (musician), Mirka Moira (artist), Helena Sukova (professional tennis player), Hugo Weaving (actor), Denis Napthine (former Victorian premier), Dan Tehan (federal politician), Bob Hawk (former Australian PM, Thomas Kennealy (writer), Frank Antonuccio (String Theorist), The Queen and Prince Edward, (who I either met or for the most part saw up close).

2’s: Bono/The Edge/Larry Mullin Jr/ Adam Clayton, The Queen, Princess Margaret, Prince Edward, Prince Charles, Lady Diana, Redfoo, Kylie & Dannie Minogue, Lady Ga Ga, Michael Crawford, Sarah Brightman, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Rayleen Boyle, Margaret Court, Martina Navratilova, Bjon Borg, Willie Nelson, Hugh Jackman, Waylon Jennings, (via my ex Rachel Bree).

John McEnrowe, Don Dunstan, John Paul 2, (via my father).

Telly Savalas (Kojak), (via my sister Susy).

Martin Freedman, (via my son).

3’s: Nelson Mandela & President Bush Jr (via Bono), Margaret Thatcher & David Cameron & Former President Jimmy Carter & Bush Sr & Clinton, Obama (via The Queen), Former Prime Ministers of Australia Paul Keating & Gough Whitlam & Malcolm Fraser (via Bob Hawke), Former pope John Paul 1 & Cardinal Ratzinger (later pope Benedict) (via John Paul 2), Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd & Julia Guillard & Tony Abott (via Denis Napthene), Tim Winton & David Malouf & Patrick White & Collen McCullough & Robert Hughes & Clive James & Ruth Park & Morris West (via Thomas Kennealy).

This is just a brief list of names that popped into my head. There’s no point going past 3 degrees of separation because the list then branches out beyond the scope of this blog. Most people on Earth seem to be connected between 2.5-4 degrees, depending on how you look at those connections. You probably don’t know most of the names on my list but no doubt you have your own names!

You are now separated by 1 degree from all the people I mentioned in my list.

So here we are, all of us living in our own little worlds on one small planet we call Earth. We act like we’re separate but really we’re not. Tug on the web here and you feel it over there. Invade there and we pay a price here. Fuck up the Earth here, there and everywhere and we have a plague that threatens the entire human race. Drop a bomb on your enemy and you make enemies for all of us! You are of the Earth, not separate; to quote a Chinese man from 3,000 years ago.

The weak and the strong connections that we have to each other matter because of the causal effects of relating to one another and interacting with the world. What I do to you, effects someone, somewhere, well beyond the panorama of my knowing. Goodness and kindness radiate out into the world just as easily and evil and cruelty. We never know what other people are dealing with in their lives and they never know what we’re dealing with in our lives, so we ought to be just a little bit more caring towards one another.

A human being is shaped and defined by his/her relationships to the world.

There is no separation! We are the one and the many! And we had better start remembering that if we’re going to survive and prosper and honour all the other non human Earthlings who share our world!

Given that you’ve been reading my blog for at least this post and in some small way you’re acquainted with me and I’m acquainted with an ET called Katowwa of the Naelsa race, you are all now 2 degrees separated from all the great leaders of human history from the last 3,153 years and 3 degrees separated from all the Creator Races and the oldest beings in the cosmos. How close we all are!

You my friends, are at the center of everything!

I’d be curious to see your wonderful web of connections.

Part 1 here:

Brighty. 😉

The Emerging Chrononaut Movement and the Future of the Movement

Before I end ET and I, I wish to leave a cautionary tale based on what I have shared before about the emerging Chrononaut Movement (read what I wrote here 3 years ago and also here). This tale begins with a descendant in the 23rd century but I would like to tell it from another perspective, that of my friend Katowwa.

In 2010 I was told by V (who was then in 2328) that in our time we would witness the emergence of what she referred to as as the Chrononaut Movement (CM). The CM is a movement in which there are large numbers of people claiming to be viewing the past and future (using RV and other methods that are developed) and a small number of people who claim to be physically time traveling to the past or the future. In V’s time it isn’t referred to as the Chrononaut Movement because what it becomes has diversified immensely. V explained to me that in her time there are Orthodox Chrononauts (OCs) who abide by rules and a moral code of conduct and do not try to change the past or future (unless it has been agreed upon) and there are Rogue Chrononauts (RCs) who ignore any kind of rules and moral code of conduct and try to change the past and future as they wish for themselves and/or for collective reasons. Most people in V’s time believe that physical time travel is not possible because there are natural boundaries which prevent this and because someone could always come back and rectify any changes – perpetuating a kind of temporal infinite regress. In 2328 RCs also do a lot of hacking but in V’s time hacking is a relatively rare phenomenon because information is far more accessible and freely shared and there is greater global transparency. V explained that the OCs and RCs are tied up in a kind of ongoing temporal war in which the Religious Chrononaut Wars (RCWs) are but one aspect.

I was curious about what V had told me and so I asked Katowwa to tell me more about the emergence and unfolding of this movement, which he happily did.

Katowwa made a few critical comments at the end of our discussion which he asked me to emphasize in this post. So I’ll start with those comments because they underscore everything else that I am about to share with you. First, he said to remind people that there is only space and that time does not exist. Time is a mental creation. Second, he said – Humans cannot ever physically go to the past or the future no matter what they believe. The only ones who can journey (see my posts on journeying) are the one’s we allow to learn, we choose to teach, we decide have the right morals and ethics to do this, who will benefit the planet! Everything else is simply imagination! Yes, some humans can see other times (spaces) and experience them differently but they cannot physically go there! And third, he said – There is nothing you can do to create a future you think humanity ought to have using these kinds of interventions. We will let you go so far and then we will reset things here and in other spaces, so that no harm is caused. Now the harm you cause here, you’ll have to live with! That part of the future we will leave alone for you. That is for you to learn from!

So to begin with Katowwa made the point that the CM does exist and its existence creates many spin off movements. For example there will be many people who focus on particular periods of time (space) and that becomes their specialty. Within this spin off there will for example be people who specialize in:

  • The dinosaur period
  • The Mesopotamians (people of those regions)
  • The Aztecs and the Incas
  • The Australian aboriginals (in different time intervals)
  • Natural history, going back a long way to different geological epochs.

Katowwa also said that there will be explorations forward and backwards and that will depend on people’s particular specialty and interest. They’ll use remote viewing and many other methods that will be developed in the intervening time. There will be no physical movement through time, except for the 6 people who the ETs will teach journeying to between now and 2400 AD (which is about 1-2 per century). These people will only do what the ETs allow them to do and Katowwa and the other ETs who will teach this, will give them guidance. Journeying is a difficult thing to teach others and the ETs will control who will be able to do it. They will teach these 6 people because it will be important for the human present or future. These people will rarely see the same future when they revisit it and mostly see different Conjoined Spaces with subtle variations between each of them.

The development of the CM will be very gradual and the emerging CM will take 70-80 years to really get going. As it develops, it will develop many different schools and practices. During this time lots of people will claim to be time travelers from the future or the past but their stories will all be fictitious.

2100-2110 will see the formalization of particular schools who will start to develop a moral code and look seriously at how they can learn to influence the future. Prior to that many people will be doing their own thing without respect to any rules or ethical considerations. Those who have rules will be careful about how they filter the information that comes through, how they interpret it, how they make sense of it and how they apply it. They will have formal guides – people who supervise the work and who give direction. Other people won’t have any of that and they will disclose certain things to the public and some of that will have very real consequences for the future. So they’ll be two fundamental diametrically opposed groups – one that is trying to do the right thing and thinking very carefully how to influence things and the other who don’t give a fuck, who are happy to cause chaos and to create conditions that serve their own needs. For the next 100 years or so to about 2200 all these different attempts to influence the future will be unfolding.

Running parallel to this there will be covert groups who also believe that they need to do this. Some of these groups will be testing technologies that are very dangerous and will cause local disturbances in the Electromagnetic Field. Several thousand people will also be killed by these experiments but they’ll keep going anyway, driven by the idea that they can do it – that they they can create physical time travel.

Between 2200-2250 things start to change significantly because there is greater transparency everywhere. Some of the covert projects come to light and others remain hidden. There are then open experiments in the area of physical time travel and there are also protests against them. Many people try to shut them down and subsequently there are international laws that are passed that increase the monitoring of some of these experiments and outlaw other experiments. Many other time related activities being carried out by the OCs continue and many of the schools continue to splinter and diversify in their viewing/sensing methods.

By about 2250 there is a real push by the RCs towards the religious wars. By 2250 people will have been talking about such things for three hundred years, so it’s a subject that’s been well explored. In 2256 many RCs become deadly serious about the subject and there is an alignment of RC forces into Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Agnostics (the Buddhists stay out of it). They begin to pit themselves against each other, getting caught up in the idea that they can undermine each other. But it isn’t as simple as striking at religious leaders or founders of the religions – people like Jesus and Mohamed. Because once you do that, you change everything and you extinguish your own existence. So some of these people become specialists in learning about who and what to target. And they claim that they are able to go back and make certain changes. The evidence for those changes doesn’t ever present itself but they believe that they created a different branch of space (time) and some of them believe that their own branch will merge with that branch, so they’re satisfied with that.

At a certain point the OCs get wind of what’s happening and certain groups within them begin formalizing groups to target people who go back, so this initiates a huge shift in global intelligence gathering. Some of which is done by corporate and government groups – some of whom are out in the open and some of whom are covert and some of which is done by groups who are in the public domain. So some of these OCs become devoted to trying to stop the interventions of the RCs.

Whilst all this is happening, there are people who believe that like journeyers they can materialize in other times, there are people who believe that they can do outer body explorations in other times (like OBEs in time) and there are people who believe that they can travel to other times using technologies.

Most of the remote viewers and all their splinter method practitioners devote their efforts to intelligence gathering.

So the RCWs aren’t necessarily physical and they’re not an all out war but certain targets are taken out by different groups and thousands of people are literally killed and certain targeted groups are taken out or shut down.

Within both the OCs and the RCs there are people who actually witness other times and there are many people who think they’ve witnessed other times or gone to those other times, who merely imagined those other times. So you have small numbers of groups within the RCs who are attempting to change the development of certain futures by targeting the development and proliferation of certain religious groups – some of which already exist such as Christianity and Islam and some of which don’t yet exist but they believe will eventually exist. Some RCs also go ahead quite a long away and then come back to their present and then return to a put that is not as distant as the first point and try to influence that point with knowledge from the more distant point. Or so they believe. They also bring back information from distant points to try and influence the development or extinguishment of future religious groups.

The RCWs are part of a broader movement of Chrononaut Wars (CWs) which focus on changing the past and future for many different reasons.

In 2312 there is a major event that takes place that is associated with choices made by the ETs (I realized after my discussion with Katowwa that this was an uncanny but unrelated coincidence They do not like the influence that the modification of future spaces is having on those spaces and others that would follow and they decide to intervene and to take away some of the changes that were made and to set a different course for the collective. So the Creator Races terminate that branch and it merges with another branch that’s healthier for everyone in that time and in all future times (spaces). The Retro Chrononaut Wars (RECWs) continue but the Future Chrononaut Wars (FUCWs) dissipate and there’s a real effort by the populous to bring everything out in the open and to have these wars mandated against and made illegal – which world governments are successful in doing by 2319. From that point onwards future interventions basically disappear off the radar. (I’m not sure why the populous react that way or why governments react that way when so many people don’t believe actual physical time travel can happen but I suspect that many people must be convinced that seeing/sensing other times can really be done. I also don’t really understand why the FUCWs seem to dissipate unless the Creator Races intervene in a way that shocks everyone in the CM or simply interrupts all efforts to engage in the FUCWs.)

By 2350 you have a lot of people claiming to have made changes to the past but there is yet no evidence and there’s some suspicion among the masses that the whole subject and the CWs in general are coming to an end. A lot of people lose interest in the subject because there’s no getting around the fact that it’s an infinite regress game in which it can’t happen or there’s no ultimate winner. But there are a hardcore group of fanatics who continue and by about 2400 they’re firmly entrenched in the dark and the OCs who are open and transparent to the public, are trying to stop what they’re doing (or what they believe they’re doing). By this time about 85 % of the OCs don’t believe that you can physically go back or forward and the remaining 15 % either aren’t sure or think that you can. Most OCs don’t give a fuck about what the RCs fanatics who believe they’re still modifying the past and future think. But the other 15 % do and they’re the ones who do the preventative work and attempt to fix any problems that they believe have been created.

By 2425 there are international conventions that decree that it is illegal to do certain chrononaut activities, to practice these things, to teach them, to have projects devoted to them, to have education centers devoted to them, to have educational materials related to the subject and so on. So many people who once practiced these things move out of the whole field and some of them actually move sideways and switch sides from the RCs to the OCs to help the good guys.

The RCWs continue to about 2940 and really achieve nothing but cause a lot of harm for the future but that is part of our collective learning!

The CWs are also about other issues. Many of these wars run parallel to the religious wars and span from about 2425-2700 and some even continue beyond this. Most are covert but not all of them are. Many become covert because of the international laws outlawing them (sound familiar?). The main issues at the core of the other CWs include:

The big three –

  • Technology (which is the biggest issue) :
    • AI and robotics
    • Agriculture/agriproducts
    • Pharmaceutical production strategies
    • Aeronautical engineering/satellite technologies/space technologies – space flight and things like space mapping and space mining
    • Mapping technologies (which is a big issue)
    • Communications/computers/IT
    • Energy production systems
    • Hydrology – How water can be used for technology (they’ll be big discoveries in how to use water as an energy form and an energy carrier and a way of using water for imprinting information and this will have a huge impact on computers/IT)
  • Material science and the technologies they can create
  • Biotechnology.

This will involve retrieving ideas and designs from the future and bringing them back to the present to re-engineer technologies and giving the ideas and designs to the past and giving them to other futures.

They other main issues at the core of the CWs are:

  • Knowledge from academic disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, philosophy, geopolitics and what today we think of as information technology.
  • Weather and climate changes and how in particular people learn to influence weather and climate. They are mostly interested in how to apply the lessons people learned and the technologies they develop to the present.

So that’s Katowwa’s brief overview of the subject till basically the end of the millennium.

Having shared all that I now have several questions for you. Can you see the seeds of the CM and the CWs here in our time now? Can you see this way of overt and covert functioning in our current time? And do you have some sense of how long overt vs covert functioning has existed in the human species? Can you see why the ETs will need to intervene at certain time periods to change our behaviour? Can you see how these CWs, RECWs, FUCWs and RCWs could unfold and how they might affect future Conjoined Spaces? Can you see that today we already have orthodox and rogue groups in many different areas of life at war with one another? Can you see the different ways of thinking and the different desires behind RCs and OCs and the different temperaments behind the desire for rebellion (the RCs) and the desire for order (the OCs)?

It doesn’t matter one ounce of flea poop to me whether you believe any of this or not! What matters is that you take notice of what is happening in our world today because the seeds of the CM have already taken root and will have a profound impact on the future of all of our descendants and the other life forms who are entitled to be called Earthlings! If we’re aware today, we have the chance to shape tomorrow. And it is my belief that by sharing what I have learned from V in 2010 and Katowwa more recently that I can help sow the seeds for a better tomorrow.

ET and I is almost at an end…

We who are voyagers and torch bearers are leaping off the cliffs of uncertainty into the great unknown, laughing and smiling! Do not be disturbed People of Earth, for the human future is glorious and Earth and life will endure!

Frederic and Sandor here is my unopened seed for you! 😉

Blessed be life! Long live mankind!

Brighty. 😉

TSM194 : The Derivation of Written ET Languages

Hey folks, here’s a late night monologue in which I discuss how some written ET languages are derived. This is a really basic overview and it doesn’t really speak much to space faring ET races. Here are some basic examples related to the Shapian or Shaparian Symbols that I mention.

Related reading here and here.

Happy listening,

Bright Glyph Garlick. ;’;’;’ 😉

TSM192 : The Difference Between ETs and Humans

Hey folks, in this TSM (which is 192 not 191 – man I was tired after a long day and eating too many cookies!), I try to help you understand the difference between ETs and Humans using my own experiences with them as an example and my experiences in caring for the life forms in my neighborhood as a parallel. For those of you who have been following this blog for a long time, this will be more of what you’ve heard many times before.

More TSMs here : but be aware they are no longer available on Podbean or iTunes.

Happy trails!

Brightus Still Silent Sometimes Garlicus. 😉