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The Most Sentient Creatures on Earth

Just a quick post before I jump into working on the interview book with Dude. We’ve been working on the interview book but we’ve veered way off course and I’ve been learning from Dude all about other creatures that he feels are as or more developed, more sentient than humans. I’m not sure but I may excise that section and stick it in the conversation book.

So just quickly, here’s a summary. He told me about 2 creatures in particular that fascinated me. An as yet undiscovered ant in the highlands of Venezuela and an as yet undiscovered giant cuttlefish (over 1 m) that lives in deep waters off Scandinavia and Japan – Alaska and smaller populations in deep water between Africa and India. The largest currently known cuttlefish is the Giant Cuttlefish which grows to 50 cm. I once found a dying one on Griffin Island in Port Fairy and it was the most alien creature I have ever seen and extraordinarily beautiful !

So here are a couple of incredible facts from Dude. The ant remembers everything from birth to death but when it remembers, it’s memory begins with remembering the constellation of it’s internal experiences and that brings forth the sensory memory. Think about that for a minute, that’s quite incredible ! That’s the opposite of how we function. It also has a colony memory that spans hundreds of generations. The cuttlefish has an abundance of defense mechanisms, including the ability to move up to 45/kmh and then change direction in an instant and accelerate to the same speed. It also has the ability to disrupt the visual system of any predator with a solvent it squirts out and it can emit a magnetic energy field that confuses predators. This particular cuttlefish has light sensitive photoreceptors all over it’s body and not just in it’s retina and an incredible double sectioned brain that contains some of the most diverse cell types and connections of any creature on earth. It has more brain cells connected to different kinds of brain cells and other cells in the body. This diversity is part of the reason that it has developed a high degree of sentience and a complex social system and complex mental states. The ant will be discovered in 2070 and the cuttlefish will be discovered in 2036 in deep waters between South Korea and Japan by researchers working with fishermen to document a number of oceanic variables and fish types for a Japanese fishing company. soon after it will receive global protection.

It’s exhilarating for me to have Dude present another perspective. He keeps reminding me that there are so many things that we don’t know about our own world and yet we obsess constantly about going into space. Dude maybe a diplomat but his real love is life and so I really enjoy when he tells me stories about the extraordinary diversity of life here and on other worlds.


A Teal’hia’s Reflections on Purpose

Last night I was listening to an old recording I made of  conversation with my Teal’hia friend Anamika, whose race is probably often mistaken for the mythological grey. In this particular conversation we were talking about how she saw the purpose of her existence and I asked her what brings her greatest joy. She said that her greatest joy comes from experiencing the diversity of life through the cosmos and awakening individual beings to their own divine nature. You may remember that when I asked the Teal’hia who they are during my January 19th, 2011 encounter, they responded “We are God incarnate.” Over the years I have had many conversations with them about what this means and how they see reality and I have come to understand that this means that they know that they are both an individual entity experiencing physical and non physical life and they are also the totality of everything and the light from which everything arises. And I think when Anamika made her comments about awakening individual beings to their own divine nature, this is what she was suggesting. When she nurtures a being for it’s entire existence from the creation of that soul to it’s returning to the light, she experiences so many wonderful moments of witnessing the growth of that individual and seeing it come to understand what it really is – as both an individual entity, the totality and the light – God incarnate.

Sometimes I have some sense of what that must feel like. For years I’ve been planting trees and when I plant a tree I often see barren ground transform into a place that is teeming with life – insects, birds, reptiles, echidnas etc. One tree can bring so much life and a forest utterly transforms a place. I get very attached to the life I have helped create and there is no greater joy for me than watching new life enjoy it’s existence in a place that was once barren. Imagine how it must feel to create a soul and watch it grow through life and life after life !

Every caring mother and father knows how it feels to participate in their child’s life and what it’s like to see them grow up and go out into the world. Nothing else in life arouses so much emotion from all ends of the spectrum and nothing else arouses so much love and joy. Every person who has ever raised a plant or a pet knows what it feels like to see them grow up and come in contact with the world. There is so much joy in seeing a young animal encounter things for the first time. And how we both love and detest our pets and grieve when they die !

I have this sense that when Anamika and the other Teal’hia go about interacting with life, it’s as if they are encountering life for the very first time. And yet they have encountered countless life forms. But they do so with so much reverence for life, that each life becomes precious. In one way, the way that they are is like a fully mature God encountering something in which the germ of God has just been born and is barely discernible. They see all that is and all that will be – both, the divine in action; God, in all stages of being.

Sometimes I feel it is a great loss and a great tragedy that when we look at each other and when we look at other life forms we see difference and feel judgement, when beings like the Teal’hia see the infinite expressions of God and feel boundless unconditional love.

Anamika once said to me that there is no greater work for her people than to bring love into the universe. And I can think of no argument against this. For in the face of unconditional love, all resistance melts away. Imagine how we could be as a people if we aspired to the same thing !


Greer and I Concur

Here’s an interview in which Steven Greer basically says the same things that I also say on the subject of the nature of ETs.


Space Marbles, Bigger on the Inside & Little People

I’ve just returned a few hours ago from having minor toe surgery (my right ingrown toe nail incised at the back – much easier than the last surgery – having the whole nail removed), so what follows might be a little delirious due to my exhaustion (before surgery I was working on the roof in the hot sun) and feeling a little out of it (I’ve had a couple of pain killers so the pain doesn’t prevent me from sleeping tonight). Anyway, here goes.

I always found the Men in Black films to be highly entertaining and insightful. There are several lines in all 3 movies (particularly number 1) that are very close to the truth of how things are – like someone in the know influenced the writers of the film. But one of my favourite things is how they play around with scale – like when the little furry guys are living in the railway station locker or the aliens are playing marbles with galaxies, at the end of the film.



Perhaps the hardest thing that I have had trouble with in relation to the entire ET subject is the sense of scale and the relationships of scale to dimensionality, perception, perspective and reality.

I posted these videos on scalarity and dimensionality 6 years ago (check out the baggy eyes after a long night with little sleep) and much of what I said still holds true but…



There are some things that I still find difficult to understand, let alone discuss with other people. These include how ETs rearrange the structure and size of space and how they change the way that the life force manifests and how they effect how others perceive reality.

One of the things that I discovered a long time ago was that if you change how your senses work, you change perception; if you change your conditioning, you change perception; if you change your food, energy, light and sound, you change perception; and that there are cycles throughout the day when perception and awareness change without any effort. In addition I discovered that if you change perspective – how you look at an object, the angle you look at an object and the distance away that you look at an object; your perception changes. I also became aware that there are internal perceptions (mental constructs like thinking, somatic and emotional feeling and visualisation) and external perceptions (biological constructs like what comes through the 5 senses or the neurological structures of the brain) and that all of these perceptions can be altered by internal and external factors. With these insights and realisations it became apparent to me that reality is a construct of experience and mind.

As I have grown older I have been confronted by more and more unusual experiences with ETs and other life forms that were difficult to understand. They could only be understood when I realised that reality is a construct of experience and mind. Sometimes however the understanding that I have is still inadequate to fully comprehend what is going on.

So let me give you some examples, which I will say more about in time, as I gain greater understanding of them.

Most of you have heard the infamous Doctor Who comment regarding the Tardis, that it’s bigger on the inside !



Well the same is true for many ET craft. However, this is not entirely true. In fact, to say that an ET craft is bigger on the inside, is way too much of a generalisation. It isn’t that black and white. In my experience there are several anomalous features here that need to be unpacked.

In regards to space :

  • There are some ET craft that are exactly the same size inside as outside.
  • There are some ET craft where there is a uniform spatial dilation inside (in other words it is uniformally bigger on the inside).
  • There are some ET craft where certain regions of the craft are bigger on the inside.
  • There are some ET craft where there the entire craft is bigger on the inside but some regions are significantly bigger on the inside (e.g. on a specific Teal’hia craft I was on, there was a region that contained rooms where there were spaces that were larger than several galaxies – Greg Bear’s book Eon touches on a similar theme
  • There are some ET craft where at one time it is bigger on the inside and at other times the inside is proportionate to the outside.

While in regard to time :

  • There are some ET craft in which the sense of time is identical on the inside.
  • There are some ET craft where the sense of time on the inside matches specific races on board.
  • There are some ET craft in which the sense of time is compressed or dilated.
  • There are some ET craft in which the sense of time corresponds with the specific space (or space dilation).

Remember that there is only space and time is a product of the mind. When you alter space it is possible to alter time. But both space and time can also be altered by altering perception. This is one reason why many people have a hard time making sense of what they see and experience and remember on board an ET craft.

Another example that I’d like to talk about is interacting with small ETs. In terms of the concept of scalarity (see video above), there are ETs of many different sizes on many different relative scales. There are more than one group of very small ETs (under 12 inches). I mentioned previously about having encounters with the Chenntrame, who are between 3-6 inches in height and that Preston Dennett has interviewed people who have also had encounters with small beings. Preston says that these people claim to have been shrunk down to the same size as the ETs. That is not true. It doesn’t ever happen. So let me try to explain why, bearing in mind that this is not easy to convey.

I have seen these beings here on my farm near other much taller beings and they looked tiny. I have seen them on other ETs craft and they looked tiny. But I have also been on their craft and they looked my size. I once had a dream about seeing a ball of light that changed size  (see Dream 5 here : Through this dream I began to understand that the life force can manifest itself on whatever scale it wishes to and yet it is still fundamentally the same. Similarly when you interact with the Chenntrame or other small ETs, they alter your perception and hence alter your perception of reality such that you experience reality differently. I have also heard it said by ETs that different beings may see each other the size that they need to.

Some of you will realise that in making internal ET contact (which I’ve spoken about extensively here), the same thing happens. You meet each other in a shared world, taking on the form that you wish and that you perceive others how they wish you to perceive them. From an absolute perspective there really is no inner and outer – just one reality. So the same thing happens during external contact as internal contact. Others consciously effect your perception and their energy inadvertently effects your energy and your perception. Our perception is literally altered by contact with ‘the other’. And as a result what and how we experience reality are also altered.

I don’t know if that makes any sense at all ! It’s very difficult to put into words !

ETs don’t shrink us with some sort of shrinkydink gun or put us in some kind of mind altering Holodeck. They alter how we experience reality ! That is why so much ET contact feels dream like. It’s something that is largely foreign to our conscious way of experiencing reality.

The Chenntrame are very comfortable on their world. Plants and animals or their equivalent are in proportion to the Chenntrame in a similar way that they are for us. They are not tiny creatures on their own world. That is not to say that there are not space faring ETs who are not tiny on their own worlds. But somehow they consciously and/or inadvertently alter the perception and experience of other beings who come in contact with them (in certain circumstances) or who visit their world. I don’t have a better understanding of what takes place than this.

So let me leave you with a kind of koan, a kind of conundrum, that reflects what I have learned to be true.

Space can occupy any space that it wishes. The life force can occupy any space that it wishes and remain completely unchanged. 

Steven Greer on the Atacama Coverup

As many of you know I have mixed feelings about Steven Greer’s disclosure efforts but I admire his perseverance and dedication to the cause (especially in view of his wife been sick with tumours at one point). He is one of the few people who has accurately identified how the lower arms of The Architecture directs how the ET subject is handled. And he is one of a handful of people who see right through the To The Stars Academy group. His early articles on the subject of manipulation and deception are an excellent introduction to the subject

I don’t know whether the so called Atacama alien (or Aleshenka / Kyshtym beings) are extraterrestrial or not but I can see how certain groups have been involved in the manipulation of the scientific data that Steven and his team have produced on the being found in Chile. As some of you will recall, I have had contact with a very small humanoid ET small race who call themselves Chenntrame (who are called the Shentriaem by The Architecture – who incidentally have a file on them). They range from about 3-6 inches in height and do look similar to the beings that have been found deceased and seen alive in many places around the world.

Preston Dennett has interviewed a number of people, who like myself, have also claimed to have had contact with very small beings.

In time I hope to say more about the Chenntrame and my interactions with them. The last of which took place in 2014. These beings are incidentally, highly developed technologically and spiritually.

I have no idea how this will all play out with Steven’s group but no doubt it will continue to be steam rolled by the well manipulated media and scientists.


TSM162 : Inside an ET Craft – Muajra : Part 1B

Dude Prep 2016 © Rachel Bree 2016.In tonight’s at home monologue I continue describing the inside of Dude’s craft, discussing such issues as craft levels, types of rooms, atmospheric variables, windows, onboard map projections, viewing loved ones, other projections, surfaces, visitor well being, opening and closing doors and communicating with the craft. I trust that by the end of this audio, you will understand that Dude’s craft is more than just a smart machine or an advanced form of AI and see that it is a living caring being !

Forgive me for sounding a little tired. I had a long day outside in the sun rebuilding a shed !

Enjoy !

Brighty. 😉

The Oldest ETs in this Universe (Twinkletastic)

I don’t know if I have said anything about what Dude and Anamika have told me about the oldest ETs in this universe, so here is a brief post on that subject.

Now the numbers I am going to give you are completely at odds with everything that is widely accepted by our scientists about the age of the universe. And I’ll be talking about this universe and not the wider cosmos but please don’t see this just as our universe as we understand it. An ET definition of our universe is very different to our own and I won’t be providing you with that for now but perhaps I can do that at a later stage.

I’d like to start by giving you some basic numbers. I often talk about 4 races in particular and they are probably the ones that I am closest to. The Teal’hia, Sar’Won’Dee, Muajra and Sarpalxn. These are their approximate ages according to Dude :

  • Sarpalxn : 3.610 Billion years old
  • Sar’Won’Dee 12.350 Billion years old
  • Muajra : 14.548 Billion years old
  • Teal’hia : 15.451 Billion years old.

So of the ETs that I have regular contact with, the Teal’hia are the oldest.

I have been told by Dude and Anamika, that there are races who predate this universe and some of them are several trillions of years old.

I’d have to dig in my notes to find the exact figures Dude gave me but he once told me that there were something like 13-14 % of ET races who were older than his own race. Many of them are much older. He recently told me about one race that is approximately 27.5 billion years old and another that is approximately 40 billion years old. Now even though there are races who are trillions of years old, those two that he mentioned are considered very old. You have to remember that there are billions of space faring ET races, if not more. It might only be a handful that are trillions of years old.

Dude has given me the impression that there are few if any of these 20 plus billion year old races visiting, residing (or originating from our galaxy) because for the most part they are in a more restful phase of existence. So let me say something about that.

Apparently the really old races are very simple in form and function and are protected by younger races. To give you two examples. The two races that I just mentioned that are 27.5 and 40 billion years old, now reside in distant and quiet regions of this universe and are relatively planet bound. They are capable of being space faring but they choose to lead relatively dormant lives. They do not need space craft to travel but if they need to travel, they only travel as far as neighbouring planets to visit their own kind. They have no desire or interest to travel interstellar, intragalactic or intergalactic distances. During it’s development, the younger race chose to explore every possible way of functioning from simple space travel to becoming a Creator Race and creating universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets, life and souls etc.. They took this as far as they could go before going beyond this. What that means I have no idea. And then they stepped away from those abilities and activities. Whereas during its development, the older race went as far as becoming a Creator Race and no further. Before they too stepped away from these abilities and activities. Dude explained to me that there were significant spiritual differences between these two races and that in their retirement (so to speak), the elder race chose to accept whatever fate lay in wait for them. They resided on a planet where there were beings who may have been dangerous to them and where there were celestial events that could have been threatening. They did not wish to be protected. And yet younger Creator Races chose to protect them. When I asked Dude about this he explained that there has been significant disagreement about this kind of intervention but that this is what has always been done. The elder races are always protected from harm, whether they want protection or not. Now the younger race were different in that they accepted protection. They didn’t ask for it but they readily accepted it. The difference in attitude seems to relate to differences in spiritual beliefs.

There is a race that appears to be a shape shifting race that can travel anywhere in the cosmos by simply folding in on itself (at least that’s what it looks like). This race resides on Earth as a simple gastropod and from what I have been told, appears to have a relatively peaceful existence. It also interacts with people in certain covert projects. Why ? I am not sure. It cannot be controlled and means us no harm. I do not know if it is an elder race or simply a shape shifter who prefers simple forms. I suspect the later but I am not absolutely certain.

Sometimes when I talk to my ET friends it is very confronting. As many of you know, Dude is over 8,000 years old and that seems so damned ancient to me. And yet the ET/human ET I refer to as Number 1 is significantly older, Anamika is much older as well and Dude has told me about some of his people who are way older than he is. There are beings I’ve been told about who are half a million years old. So whenever you hear the term Ancient Aliens, you can be pretty sure, that it probably only means Young Aliens.

I’ve never actually asked how old the oldest individual beings in this universe are. I might be in for a big shock when I ask that question ! But it is on my list of questions for Dude.

Sometimes I think to myself, if my friend Dude can know as much as he does and he’s a spring chicken compared to many of the older ETs, imagine what they must know about anything and everything ! It’s absolutely daunting to imagine how much they know compared to us and I guess in a way it’s like comparing what we know to a mosquito that lives 3-5 days. By human standards, an 80 year old person lives 5,840-9,733 times as long as a mosquito. And by way of comparison those half a million year old ETs live approximately 6,250 times longer than us.

So whenever you hear someone who claims to have figured everything out boasting about what they’ve figured out and that they know the answer to everything, think about how little they must know compared to a being who makes their life seem like that of a mosquito !


How to Categorise ET Civilisations

I’ve always felt that the well known approaches to categorising ET civilisations are arrogant, naive and myopic. I have my own model which one day I’ll include in my book of essays on Alienology, which goes well beyond the well known models. So why do I think so poorly of models like the Kardashev Scale and Michio Kaku civilisation types ? Essentially it gets down to their limited assessment of a civilisation based on technological development. Assessing an ET civilisation based on their technological development, does a couple of things :

  1. It projects our understanding of reality on the ETs.
  2. It projects our understanding of potential technologies and energy sources on the ETs.
  3. It structures our perception of ETs around technology and ignores spiritual development, social organisation, cultural development etc.

There are so many ways to model, categorise and compare civilisations. Why would we limit ourselves to our own limitations and to one aspect of a civilisation ? I don’t get that ! Nor do I get why we leave such things to scientists ? If we must categorise ET civilisations as we seem to want to do with everything we encounter : sense, perceive, group/class/classify/categorise, judge, react; then surely we can do it collaboratively with the input of people from all kinds of disciplines, who bring with them many different perspectives and aspects for us to assess, evaluate and understand !

And why would we place technological development above spiritual development ? That makes no fucking sense to me ! Except that it’s done by people who have spent so much time with their heads up their arses thinking about science and technology that they’ve forgotten to explore what it means to be alive and to grow as human beings. Spiritual development has to be a critical aspect of any categorisation of ET civilisations ! Making an assessment like this will teach us so much about ourselves, about how we project what we know about ourselves onto ETs and about ET spirituality. We’ll have to decide to abandon the notion of comparative levels and to recognise both difference and similarity for what it is. Not better than or worse than ! If we truly embrace spiritual development as a critical signature of how we might understand an ET civilisation, then we might actually be forced to understand the process of growth, change and evolution (and if evolution even exists !). And we might also be forced to ask hard questions of ourselves, like :

  • How do we want to be as a species ?
  • How do we want to grow as a species ?
  • What are a critical faults, strengths, weaknesses and potentials as a species ?
  • How might we get from here to there in our development  ?
  • What obstacles and challenges must we face and overcome if we are to grow spiritually as a species ?

There are of course many dangers of focusing too much on spiritual development or on emphasising spiritual development out of context. We might for example fall into a Ken Wilbur’ish form of self grandiosity at having seen all possibilities when we have actually seen nothing. Or more likely, we’ll develop spiritual development categories that like the Wilbur models, establish a kind of elitism towards which only certain humans can aspire and through which we can put the ETs in their place ! Any focus on spirituality has to be done through a lens like comparative religion, in which things are seen as they are and not categorised into levels – which ultimately depend on judgement and opinion. Factors which change all the time. For example, temperament and personality are ideas that are always in flux. What is popular today will be dead in a hundred years ! So any ideas that we create about categorising, must be flexible and open to change.  

There is so much more we can do with how we look at and approach this entire concept of categorising civilisations. And up to this point, all we have is a handful of stuck up scientists telling us how it should be done and the rest of the human race watching from the sidelines like children at a circus !

If we are to truly develop a discipline like Alienology (and that’s just one possible, albeit lame name for such a discipline – I can’t stand Exopolitics and the like) in order to devote serious time, money, thinking and feeling towards understanding extraterrestrial life; then we must get past this science and technology driven way of approaching the subject !

Ultimately it’s science and technology that created so many of our human problems and that is pushing us towards the exploitation and weaponization of space. But it will be spirituality that helps us to grow enough to be truly ready to become space faring. We humans are kept non space faring because like certain men who think and acts with their dicks, we act with our heads and our technology and not with our hearts and our spirituality. Growing up is about learning to harmonise all aspects of our humanity. Right now it isn’t dick driven scientists and greedy fucking business men and politicians that make contact with ETs ! It’s people who know how to genuinely feel and who have a heart felt connection to the world around them. For whom separation, comparison and competition are irrelevant !

How would you look at an ET civilisation ? And how would you want them to look at us ?


A Space Reticulum – The Teal’hia on Reality

Some of you may recall that I had originally intended on interviewing my Teal’hia friend who I publicly call Anamika. It is my wish that when the Dude Books are complete I move onto replicating the process with Anamika. Meanwhile I talk with Anamika now and then about a range of subjects. Recently I asked her if the Teal’hia have an equivalent understanding of Dude’s explanation of reality as Conjoined Space and she responded that her people do have their own understanding. She fully understood Dude’s explanation (without my having to say anything about it to her) and understood his use of metaphors to help me/us understand the nature of reality. But instead of Conjoined Space, she describes reality as A Space Reticulum (ASR). When she said that my mind automatically flew back to my biology training and I thought of the endoplasmic reticulum – the organelle that is found in all Eukaryote cells ( Those of you who are interested in small things will know that folded structures like the ER increase the surface area and processing capacity of a system.



To begin I’d like to start with a couple of human definitions of the word reticulum. According to wiktionary (, reticulum is defined as follows : “Etymology – From Latin rēticulum (“net”). Noun – reticulum (plural reticula or reticulums). A network.  A pattern of interconnected objects.” And Oxford Dictionaries online ( defines reticulum as “A fine network or netlike structure.” Now some of you will be looking at the images of the ER above and thinking that if reality can be described as ASR, it looks like a Brane ( / I can see why you might think that but what she was describing has nothing to do with Quantum Mechanics or mathematics.



Now rather than give you a detailed explanation of ASR, I’ll give you an extract from our first conversation on the subject.

“All space contains more space. There is no end to space. All space contains space that is known and unknown.

Some of the space you have concluded occurs externally and contains bodies and some of the space occurs internally within a body. And it also occurs within the experience of the brain and the mind. Think of these (external and internal) as two distinct entities and each of these entities contains many different types. In other words, there are many different variations of external and internal space. So Bright, when I describe a space reticulum, I am talking about the interaction between many different types of external and internal space. The reticulum is the movement between the two, the passage between the two. Now as I said there maybe many different types. And as I described there maybe space within a body, space within a brain, space within a mind but all of it exists inside of the larger external space. So Bright, it is connected and hence Dude’s word, conjoined. But this Conjoined Space isn’t merely space that is connected between bodies and the body’s internal spaces. It is also space that is connected to each of the types of space within them. When we say A Space Reticulum, we are saying that there is connection, movement, passage, joining, a conjoining as Dude would say. We are also saying that there is an interweaving of spaces. We used the word reticulum because reticulum as you would know it means weaving, moving in and out; means a compression of this moving in and out, sideways, left and right, in a passage if you like, following a particular movement. Think of it as perhaps a better, easier way for you to understand space. But it isn’t necessarily the only way. There are many different ways to understand. What Dude has explained to you as Conjoined Space is accurate and he has been working with you through metaphors and what I am saying to you is also accurate and I will also work with you through metaphors and eventually both Dude and I will try to explain things to you as they actually are. However it is useful for you to hear the two different perspectives. They do not necessarily disagree – they agree on many different things but they explain things differently; give a different perspective on how to understand things. And that will be useful to you and to the human race, when you eventually publish your work.”

The following diagrams are a kind of summary of what I believe that Anamika is suggesting. I’m not very good at making digital pictures but I think they convey the essence of what she said.


Space Map

So there is both external and internal space and many different types of each space. Some are perhaps limited in their existence and dimensions and some are perhaps unlimited in their existence and dimensions. Some external spaces are enclosed and some are un-enclosed. When we die mind opens up a new space that we can think of as internal, within the greater external space but not necessarily this universe. When you imagine something or use the Internal Worlds practice I’ve been teaching, you open up internal space. Every body contains a different type of internal space that is similar but different to the external space.

I guess you might be thinking that this all sounds very fractal’ish and I wouldn’t say categorically that it isn’t. But I think reticulated is a better term because fractal implies self similarity (the same pattern on different scales) and not all objects in external or internal space or space itself appear to be the same on different scales. Those of you who by now are thinking that this sounds very much like Hyperstructure or higher dimensions might be right. I think we’re on the right track with Hyperstructure to some degree but it misses the entire Internal Space aspect and it’s too artificial and is therefore limited as a concept that describes reality. Similarly I think ideas like Hilbert Space, Topology and Manifolds touch on elements of truth but all miss Internal Space.



I think the implications of reality as A Space Reticulum are profound. On the one hand imagine what that implies for cybernetic or other types of artificial worlds in which you could create spaces within spaces (e.g. Learning from simulations created inside Second Life, which itself has been created inside cyberspace, which has been created inside a silicon chip, which has been created inside external space). Or imagine what it means for neural-AI/computer interfaces and for how we will create and exist in virtual worlds. Or imagine what it means for exploring Internal Worlds as I and the PK Fellowship do ? Or imagine what it means for the afterlife, when mind is free to create anything – physical or nonphysical ? And then if you’re really brave, imagine what it means for space travel and so called “propulsion systems”. Most of the advanced ETs don’t use propulsion systems. They use the life force and consciousness. What does that imply for how they understand reality ?

Remember what I said earlier about how the ER increases the surface area and processing capacity of a system – in that case the protein system in the Eukaryote cell. Well the same feature is prominent in all animals brains and in many parts of the human body – such as the villi in the small intestine. It exists on the larger scale and it exists on the cellular scale. If this kind of feature is prominent in biological systems, then it must be because it enhances how things function. Surely then the same principles applied to technology will improve the efficiency of many technological systems. Reticulum Chips or Quantum Reticulum Chips any one ?

Once we understand the fundamental nature of space, I believe we will have the capacity to shape space. And what is shaping space ? Changing the way it reticulates on many different scales. And when we cans shape space, space becomes far more accessible without the need for propulsion driven technologies. Alas, such wild ruminations are fun but the reality of such applications is aeons away in human time !

One final thing. Last year when I had contact with the Tearhom, I watched one of the beings as he searched through a projection of space with his hands and fingers and spoke to me about what he was doing. He kept moving and opening specific regions until he found what he was looking for. In a way, it looked he was opening up a book and fingering it’s pages. Almost like he was playing with ripples of space within space. A Space Reticulum seems to be a good way to describe what I saw.

My Friend Dude

I thought some of you might like to see a very raw sketch of Dude that Rachel did of him in 2016. It’s only about 60 % accurate / complete but it captures his essence. Dude’s image in one form or another will be on the front cover of the books.

All copyright © Rachel Bree 2016. Please do not post this image anywhere else, as it will piss Rachel off and end the ET Art Project before it’s completed !

Fuck the so called grays, he looks nothing like them ! Add a little green, a cheeky smile and shake and there you have him. A reminder his eyes are green with orange/gold flecks through out. None of this big bad black eye crap !

Say hi to my friend Dude !

Dude Prep 2016 © Rachel Bree 2016.