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What is Space, What is Reality ?

If you really want to understand the nature of reality, you have to answer only one question : What is Space ? If you can answer that it will lead you to the whole and everything within the whole. So People of Earth, what is space ? Let us begin with a metaphorical space.

Swan Dive











Fill in the gaps. The gaps of what ?

Dimensions Do Not Exist !

Here’s a little idea for you to play with. What if dimensions do not exist ? There is no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th etc. dimension. All so called dimensions are merely perspectives. There is but one whole in which all of these perspectives exist. A human being radiates its life force through the totality, not just through 3 or 4 or 5 or whatever so called dimensions. Its consciousness may only be aware of certain perspectives and not the totality. But the life force is aware of all perspectives.

We humans get so caught on ideas like a fish with a hook in its mouth, that we take them to be real. Remember that when we change perspective we change our perception. What if our perceptions are being skewed by a limited perspective ? Change the perspective and see what happens. How do you perceive a sphere when you are inside of the sphere or travelling on it’s inner skin ? How do you perceive a sphere when you watch it merging with another sphere from it’s core ? How do you perceive a sphere when it contracts and disappears when you are on the inner skin ?

And one final comment. One and two dimensions do not exist. They are merely creations of mind. Think about it. There is always a third aspect whenever you look at a so called two dimensional object. Always a depth. It’s just a matter of perspective – how close do you go ? So if these dimensions don’t exist, can those that arise from them exist ?

We humans have inherited so many ideas from all those who have come before. We are building pyramids, edifices, complexes and structures on the back of clouds. And then taking them to be true and real. Everywhere we look this way of functioning reveals itself – Quantum physics, string theory, M branes, economics, politics, democracy, freedom, Asimov’s 3 Laws of Robotics, Chaos Theory, Man Made Climate Change, Justice, Morality, Religion, Salvation, Mathematics…etc.We ought to be very careful what we believe and to question as many assumptions about the nature of reality and the reality that we create, as possible. And above all, we ought to learn from those who have already lived and died. They thought they had all the answers and understood reality but they only had a limited perception of how things really are. Why are we in the 21st century any different ? We are not ! We are just as prone to flights of fantasy about what we think reality is, as they were ! Science doesn’t hold all the answers, nor does religion, nor does mathematics nor string theory nor complexity theory nor any other theory that we could conceive. The best that we can do is to observe, to conceive and to constantly re-evaluate and reflect on how we are functioning and to throw it all away and to begin again. All the while asking critical questions like, What if ?, Could it be possible that ?, What does it mean ?, Is there another way of looking at this ?, What assumptions does this idea depend upon and are those assumptions/dependencies rock solid ?.

Personally I hold everything that I think I know lightly and am prepared for the possibility that I may learn at some point after dying that I was completely wrong.

We create a localized version of reality within our own minds. Is there another version of reality ? A greater reality that exists beyond our minds ? I don’t know ! I suppose it depends on your perspective ? Whose mind are you exploring this with ? Your mind, one of many minds or the One Mind for whom there is no separation ?

TSM170 : The Nature of Reality – Doubt and Discernment

Thanks to your recent feedback, I decided to save a few TSMs that would otherwise have gone to the scrap heap because they had too much wind in them ! (Thank god no one has chucked me on the scrap heap yet for the same reason !). Today’s TSM from June this year is the first of them and I can tell you that after much pedantic editing on my part (because the wind did piss me off !), this TSM is completely free of wind !

I dedicate this post to Darci and Frédéric. Darci asked me a question on the subject of figuring out what’s real a little while back and for whom I failed to give an adequate answer ! Thanks Darci for all your curiosity and support and for being willing to look honestly at all your conditioning ! Frédéric has continued to push his own experiences of reality to the edge of what he knows and has the courage to keep asking “Is this real ?”. Thank you Frédéric for being open to all the boomerangs and sausages that I throw at you !

In TSM170 I explore the nature of reality by looking at our ideas of objective and subjective reality. I speculate on the possibility that the shared agreements that we have about objective reality, may actually change over time.

We all have a subjective reality. We accept that. But we don’t know how another person’s subjective reality is different to our own or necessarily accept the particulars of another person’s subjective reality. The experience of objective and subjective realities can occur simultaneously and if we’re not careful, other people’s subjective reality can become part of our own subjective reality.

So how is it that we can figure out whether a particular experience is real in regard to it’s objective reality, so that we can safely accommodate it into our own subjective reality ? In order to answer this question we have to ask what effects our experience of reality and use doubt and discernment to tease out what’s real ? And what if after everything, we’re still not sure about what’s real and what’s not real ? How then do we deal with the discovery that some things may be real and other things may not be real and other things are entirely unknowable and uncertain ? And what then can we discover about ourselves when we face the unknown ?

Note : Early on I referred to my son getting driving experience for his provisional licence. I meant to say probationary licence. When it’s cold, ye old brain does not always work so well !


Bright. 😉

You can find a related discussion here :


What it’s Like to Talk with Dude, Anamika and The Beloved Carers

Talking to my ET Friends has become so normal for me that I forget that this is a completely foreign thing to other people. So perhaps I can explain what it’s like and then you’ll understand why it feels so normal to me.

Let me begin by telling you that for the last 2 years I have spent more time talking with Dude than with Anamika, simply because I’ve been working on the Book of Dude (parts 1-3) with him. When that series is complete I’ll probably end up speaking more with Anamika.

I didn’t start out with a plan to spend an inordinate amount of time talking to any ET. It happened that way almost by accident. Previously I had spent a long time exploring ideas about the nature of the self, conversing with the many aspects of self (which each have their own voice if we allow that to happen) and doing what I’d been doing for a long time – having conversations with people who have died. I had to work very hard to figure out what was real and what wasn’t. I had worked previously with many people with so called Schizophrenia, Schizo Affective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and the like and I was familiar with the types of ways that the human mind creates hallucinations and delusions. So I worked very hard to explore how mind works and to figure out exactly how my own mind was working. I didn’t fall head first into talking to ETs with my eyes closed. In fact it took a long time for me to believe that those first few conversations with people who have died were real. I was dubious and sceptical and it took along time for me to be convinced. Having said that, this was my journey and it convinced me. I don’t expect anyone else to be convinced of what I claim to be engaged in. I hear a lot of people who claim to channel ETs and people who have died and a host of other living and dead entities and I often think, “What a load of ill informed crap !”. I am not an easy person to convince ! And I don’t expect anyone else who hears what I talk about, to be easily convinced either.

IMG_20160512_0005 (2)

The ability to perceive people who have moved beyond bodily life didn’t come easily to me. In fact I was a complete ignoramus ! I sensed nothing ! It was my ex wife Rachel who was the gifted one, who couldn’t help picking up on the presence of those who have died. With Rachel’s guidance, I slowly learned to notice. But I had a lot of doubt and scepticism. It was only when my guide Kanatek materialised a small set of gifts to prove his existence to me, that I really began to explore what was happening without significant doubt overshadowing my experiences. But I had to work so hard to teach myself and I made lots of mistakes ! So by the time I came to connect with ETs, I knew all about doubt and scepticism and the zig zag nature of the path that developing these kinds of skills might take.

The first time I spoke to an ET, I was lying down on top of a sand dune looking at the stars, all alone on Griffith Island in the coastal town of Port Fairy. I was talking to whoever was listening when a voice suddenly said, “We’re here” and a light began blinking directly above me. I was so taken back, I lept to my feet in case I was seeing things. And the light continued. And then in the weeks that followed , whenever I was out on my walks the same thing happened. In the years since then I discovered that the ETs would respond by signalling me and sometimes they would speak to me. But they were not always able to respond and I had to learn to accept that. Most of the time when they respond they signal me by flaring up (blinkers), sending horizontal streaks between flare ups or streaks (false meteors) by themselves, sending flashes around me or by sending some other kind of light form. Sometimes they will speak to me, whether I am ready for it or not. And sometimes I’ll initiate a dialogue and they’ll respond. On a small number of occasions I’ll have a full telempathic experience of being shown things and feeling the emotion that is associated with what I’m being shown (from the ETs and/or myself). Sometimes ETs will be present in the space around me and even though I can’t see them, I can sense them (see post on Expanding Your Physical and Emotional Senses). And occasionally I’ll have a full face to face contact experience on the ground with them or on a craft.

The way that I began speaking with Dude started in a very ordinary way. After many years of keeping Dude a secret, Rachel finally revealed his existence. We spoke for a few days all about his presence in her life and then one day after I meditated, I sent out a mental request to speak with him. Within about 20 seconds I heard a very distinctive voice say, “Hello Bright, it’s Dude. It’s nice to meet you !”. And from that point onwards he was there whenever I asked to speak with him. Things were a little different with Anamika. I’d had the big encounter of January 19th, 2011 (see my Youtube video) and I knew that there was a female Teal’hia who was very fond of me (I referred to them as The Brownies before then). I had heard this name for several years in my head, even before that experience and I knew that I could never quite articulate it. Then one day after the 2011 encounter I had an experience of going back through another encounter and I remembered her name. A few days later I was out for a walk in the forest. I sat down and meditated for a short while and then when my mind was calm, I asked to speak to her. And within ten seconds she was there, “Hello Bright, I am here.”And from there we began talking.

Whenever I went for a walk in the forest I made an effort to connect with Dude or Anamika. I still had doubt and I was still unsure of exactly what was happening. But I tried to reserve all judgement, to let whatever was going to happen, happen. In the same period of time I was also having other encounters and conversations with ETs and people who have died. Later I began having similar conversations with a Hairy Folk/Yowie/Forest Person called Teathar. For years I’d been scribbling bits and pieces about my ET contact experiences in my my journal but I was very laissez-faire about the whole thing. It was only in 2014 that I began to document every single ET related experience (see my post on Documenting the ET Contact Experience).
My experience of having conversations with ETs was a slow and gradual thing, enmeshed with doubt and scepticism and self exploration. I didn’t get to the point of believing instantly. Like Fox Moulder, I wanted to believe but I didn’t want to deceive myself ! So the experiences that I describe today about talking with Dude or Anamika I don’t take lightly. And I don’t make this stuff up. That would be stupid and a waste of my life ! I worked hard to get to this point ! And I continue to ask hard questions of myself and to look for proof if ever doubt arises.

So what is it like to talk with my ET friends ? To start with, imagine that you have a best friend, who knows you inside out and you get to speak with each other for 3 or 4 hours a week. You don’t always see each other because you live a long way apart. You’re curious about each other, you respect each other, you care about each other and sometimes you like to have a joke and a dig at each other. That’s Dude and I. Mostly I talk to him when I’m out on one of my walks because I find walking very relaxing and it’s easy for me to connect with him when I’m in an open spacious environment. I can connect with him anywhere but I like connecting with him when I’m out walking. Sometimes when we’re talking I’m also connecting with other ETs and they’re signalling me at the same time. Sometimes he’ll even tell me who has arrived and which craft are where. Dude and I joke around a lot and occasionally he reprimands me for being an idiot and making a bad choice ! But mostly he’s very accepting of who I am and my choices. He just doesn’t like to see me get hurt or become unwell. Talking with Anamika is little bit different. She feels very maternal. And also like a big sister. She’s very loving, very caring, very gentle in how she speaks and very happy to speak about anything. Mostly I talk to her when I’m out walking as well. But sometimes we speak when I’m at home and feeling restful. Anamika only offers suggestions when I really push for advice. Both Dude and Anamika love their work and enjoy life immensely. So we often talk about what they’ve been experiencing, which I find enthralling but admittedly I don’t make enough time to explore these things at length. Sometimes when I talk with Dude or Anamika, there are periods when I have a telempathic experience with them and/or other periods when I see what they want me to see.

These days I like to record my conversations. Now because Dude or Anamika are speaking to me through my mind, it’s all heard internally. So in order to record my conversations with them I have to repeat everything that they say to me. So when I play back a recording, it’s like listening to 2 different versions of myself. The conversations with Dude sound very different to the conversations with Anamika. If you were to see me having a conversation, this is what you would see. I’m holding my iPod close to my mouth and talking to it, like I’m talking to someone on a phone. I’m saying my part out loud and repeating what’s said back to me out loud. If you didn’t know better, you’d think I was just having a normal conversation on the phone. When I come home I upload the audio and file them away into specific folders. Sometimes I play them back and take notes or sometimes (like when I’m writing the book) I have the excruciating job of writing or typing up every single word. And I loathe, I hate having to do that !


You might however wonder what it’s like when I have a conversation when I’m having Internal World contact with The Beloved Carers. Well it’s a little different. I’m lying or sitting on my bed. I’ve gone through a process of deep relaxation, which can take up to an hour. I’ve entered my internal world. And in this particular world that has been co-created, there is a pair of large curved stone seats facing each other. I usually stand at the front of them and wait for my 8 ET friends to enter the world, via a kind of light vortex that arises in side of a small Greek style circular temple (I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this style). I wait for them to come towards me and then I greet them one by one with a hug. We take our seats, I welcome them and then one of them begins talking. If I’m recording the conversation I am able to open my eyes and write down what’s been said and re-enter instantly or I am able to speak out loud and make an audio recording. If I’m not recording, I’m fully immersed in the world and I make my notes after. So we have a normal conversation and they usually tell me what today’s lesson is all about and then we go for a little walk and they might take me somewhere else in that world or to another co-created world or to a physical world elsewhere (this came as a surprise when it first happened). We can travel either by walking, flying or moving instantaneously. These kinds of experiences involve both instruction, education and experiential learning. Sometimes one ET takes on a key role and sometimes everyone takes on a role. There are 8 ETs from 5 races and they all have something unique to offer.

When I talk with Dude or Anamika, our conversations are usually between 1-2 hours. When I talk with The Beloved Carers, our conversations are usually between 1-3 hours. The hardest thing about either kind of experience, is that it’s mentally exhausting and it often leaves me feeling physically tired as well – especially when it’s been a long or a complex conversation.

There are often occasions when I am talking to ETs and other ET related phenomenon are happening around me and there are often occasions after I’ve talked to ETs and so called synchronicities occur – as if to confirm something that was said.
The ETs aim their conversations with me at my level. They don’t for example, talk about higher order mathematics or physics because A. Those are human ideas and B. I suck at mathematics and physics and wouldn’t have a clue what they’re talking about ! I am however deeply interested in cultural evolution, spiritual development and the nature of reality. So those are topics they often talk to me about.

Sometimes when I hear Dude or Anamika or The Beloved Carers (outside of the inner world but still in my head) they sound very distinctive – just like how they sound face to face and sometimes I hear them in my voice. And sometimes it’s like there is a gradual tuning in from my voice to their voice. Most often I suppose, I hear them in their voice.
So how does a conversation with my ET friends sound ? Well I usually start out with something like this : “Hello Dude, are you there ? Can I speak to you please ?” or “Hello Anamika, can I speak to you please ?”. Then I wait and usually within 1-30 seconds I will hear them respond with something like “Hello Bright, I’m here. Do you wish to speak ?” or “Hello Bright !”. I’ll then ask them if they are free to talk and how they are. They are always free to talk and always well but I ask anyway because I think that courtesy is important. I then ask them where they are and what they’ve been doing and they’ll give me a quick overview, unless I ask more and sometimes that can turn into a whole conversation in itself. I’ll then ask a set of questions and we’ll go backwards and forwards like in a normal conversation. Then when I’m worn out or the conversation has come to a natural end, I say a big thank you, wish they and their families well and bid them a fond farewell. And then the voice stops and it’s like a vacuum in my mind. Very still. I often walk away from my conversations with them, in a state of disbelief. It often takes me days to process what was said to me and sometimes its very confronting and challenging. I’ve been forced to let go of so much of what I once believed to be true. I mean, for example, I don’t believe in quantum mechanics, string theory, the matrix, holographic theory, none of that stuff. It’s all crap ! I’ve had to let as much go as I can. Because a full mind is a closed mind. And if I want to truly remain open, I have to put aside what I think I know and make space for what is unknown. Take Dude’s explanation of Conjoined Space and Anamika’s explanation of A Space Reticulum. Fuck, I was so shocked by both of these ideas. More so by the former and less so by the later because I had already heard the former. If I had believed many of our modern conceptions – be they mainstream or alternative ideas, I would not have had mental space to accommodate things that are completely at odds with what I know and turn reality on it’s head ! So my attitude to communion with my ET fiends is, “I know nothing, open me to what’s possible.”. And it takes a lot of vigilance to ensure that I don’t get too attached to human ideas – especially my own ! I try to take everything with a grain of salt. I let it sit comfortable for a while and then re-examine what I think I believe and sometimes I chuck things out entirely. Which is exactly what I did with the whole concept of sacred geometry. Bullshit ! Man made crap ! Touchy feely stuff that makes people feel warm and fuzzy. Nothing more than a product of the human imagination ! Interesting but false. Fun and beautiful but not what people say it is.

I suspect that the only difference between myself and most people is that I care enough to want to know as much as possible about other life forms. Its why I originally studied to become a biologist. But I also make the time and make effort to create relationships with them. While millions of people are stuck in front of their televisions watching murder dramas or watching cat videos on Youtube, I’m outside connecting with the heavens and talking with my ET friends. I want relationships with them and so I devote time to develop relationships. I know that they know everything about me, so I don’t try to hide anything and I fear nothing about them because they pose absolutely no threat to me. And importantly, I am always curious about what I don’t know and I love learning new things.


If I were to die tomorrow, I feel like I have done the best I can at trying to engage with life Both the human world, the natural world and the cosmos at large. I love that I can ask the stars and the space around me, “If there are any beings from other worlds, will you please connect with me in any way, shape or form if it is convenient to do so ?” and sometimes within seconds a craft will signal me from above ! And I love that I can ask Dude or Anamika or any of The Beloved Carers, “Can I speak to you please ?” and they respond, just like a person picking up a phone at the other end ! I’m not saying any of this because I like boasting. I’m saying this because this is what it is like to talk to ETs. You know that wherever you are, they are there too in some way, connected to your very being, always aware of your presence in some way. And if they can, they will respond to you. When I talk to ETs I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I have a greater family who knows that I exist and that my existence is worthy of their attention. And if it’s true for me, then it can also be true for you ! Because we are all equal ! ET contact is unconditional and free. Why wait any longer ?

Hyperspace & Higher Dimensional Geometry

Hyperspace and Higher Dimensional (Order) Geometry may seem unrelated but I don’t think they are. I suspect that there is a very close relationship between shape, the structure of space and perception. I don’t know if I believe in the concept of Hyperspace or if Higher Dimensional Geometries really exist in nature, given some of the things I’ve told you I have been taught by my ET friends but they’re interesting concepts.

One of the strangest things I found when I was taken off world, was that for a brief period of time when the craft was travelling fast, everything was dark – no stars. But at some slower speed there were different light effects and the craft could filter that for different visitors on the craft. I still don’t understand what I experienced. But I know that what is portrayed in scifi is crap.

I find it interesting to think how the various types of biological inner space (body, mind and energy) and the different types of outer space relate to one another. I don’t believe they relate as higher dimensional structures but I don’t know for sure. I do think however that there are ways of shifting the structure our bodies and regions of outer space, in order to travel through space. Is that hyperespace ? I’m not sure. I certainly don’t believe in sacred geometry and it as an explanation for space travel and openings between worlds. I think that’s a man made myth !

I have this terrible feeling that when I come to the end of my days, all that my ET friends have taught me, will force me to relinquish almost everything I have learned from humans about the nature of reality.


A Space Reticulum – The Teal’hia on Reality

Some of you may recall that I had originally intended on interviewing my Teal’hia friend who I publicly call Anamika. It is my wish that when the Dude Books are complete I move onto replicating the process with Anamika. Meanwhile I talk with Anamika now and then about a range of subjects. Recently I asked her if the Teal’hia have an equivalent understanding of Dude’s explanation of reality as Conjoined Space and she responded that her people do have their own understanding. She fully understood Dude’s explanation (without my having to say anything about it to her) and understood his use of metaphors to help me/us understand the nature of reality. But instead of Conjoined Space, she describes reality as A Space Reticulum (ASR). When she said that my mind automatically flew back to my biology training and I thought of the endoplasmic reticulum – the organelle that is found in all Eukaryote cells ( Those of you who are interested in small things will know that folded structures like the ER increase the surface area and processing capacity of a system.



To begin I’d like to start with a couple of human definitions of the word reticulum. According to wiktionary (, reticulum is defined as follows : “Etymology – From Latin rēticulum (“net”). Noun – reticulum (plural reticula or reticulums). A network.  A pattern of interconnected objects.” And Oxford Dictionaries online ( defines reticulum as “A fine network or netlike structure.” Now some of you will be looking at the images of the ER above and thinking that if reality can be described as ASR, it looks like a Brane ( / I can see why you might think that but what she was describing has nothing to do with Quantum Mechanics or mathematics.



Now rather than give you a detailed explanation of ASR, I’ll give you an extract from our first conversation on the subject.

“All space contains more space. There is no end to space. All space contains space that is known and unknown.

Some of the space you have concluded occurs externally and contains bodies and some of the space occurs internally within a body. And it also occurs within the experience of the brain and the mind. Think of these (external and internal) as two distinct entities and each of these entities contains many different types. In other words, there are many different variations of external and internal space. So Bright, when I describe a space reticulum, I am talking about the interaction between many different types of external and internal space. The reticulum is the movement between the two, the passage between the two. Now as I said there maybe many different types. And as I described there maybe space within a body, space within a brain, space within a mind but all of it exists inside of the larger external space. So Bright, it is connected and hence Dude’s word, conjoined. But this Conjoined Space isn’t merely space that is connected between bodies and the body’s internal spaces. It is also space that is connected to each of the types of space within them. When we say A Space Reticulum, we are saying that there is connection, movement, passage, joining, a conjoining as Dude would say. We are also saying that there is an interweaving of spaces. We used the word reticulum because reticulum as you would know it means weaving, moving in and out; means a compression of this moving in and out, sideways, left and right, in a passage if you like, following a particular movement. Think of it as perhaps a better, easier way for you to understand space. But it isn’t necessarily the only way. There are many different ways to understand. What Dude has explained to you as Conjoined Space is accurate and he has been working with you through metaphors and what I am saying to you is also accurate and I will also work with you through metaphors and eventually both Dude and I will try to explain things to you as they actually are. However it is useful for you to hear the two different perspectives. They do not necessarily disagree – they agree on many different things but they explain things differently; give a different perspective on how to understand things. And that will be useful to you and to the human race, when you eventually publish your work.”

The following diagrams are a kind of summary of what I believe that Anamika is suggesting. I’m not very good at making digital pictures but I think they convey the essence of what she said.


Space Map

So there is both external and internal space and many different types of each space. Some are perhaps limited in their existence and dimensions and some are perhaps unlimited in their existence and dimensions. Some external spaces are enclosed and some are un-enclosed. When we die mind opens up a new space that we can think of as internal, within the greater external space but not necessarily this universe. When you imagine something or use the Internal Worlds practice I’ve been teaching, you open up internal space. Every body contains a different type of internal space that is similar but different to the external space.

I guess you might be thinking that this all sounds very fractal’ish and I wouldn’t say categorically that it isn’t. But I think reticulated is a better term because fractal implies self similarity (the same pattern on different scales) and not all objects in external or internal space or space itself appear to be the same on different scales. Those of you who by now are thinking that this sounds very much like Hyperstructure or higher dimensions might be right. I think we’re on the right track with Hyperstructure to some degree but it misses the entire Internal Space aspect and it’s too artificial and is therefore limited as a concept that describes reality. Similarly I think ideas like Hilbert Space, Topology and Manifolds touch on elements of truth but all miss Internal Space.



I think the implications of reality as A Space Reticulum are profound. On the one hand imagine what that implies for cybernetic or other types of artificial worlds in which you could create spaces within spaces (e.g. Learning from simulations created inside Second Life, which itself has been created inside cyberspace, which has been created inside a silicon chip, which has been created inside external space). Or imagine what it means for neural-AI/computer interfaces and for how we will create and exist in virtual worlds. Or imagine what it means for exploring Internal Worlds as I and the PK Fellowship do ? Or imagine what it means for the afterlife, when mind is free to create anything – physical or nonphysical ? And then if you’re really brave, imagine what it means for space travel and so called “propulsion systems”. Most of the advanced ETs don’t use propulsion systems. They use the life force and consciousness. What does that imply for how they understand reality ?

Remember what I said earlier about how the ER increases the surface area and processing capacity of a system – in that case the protein system in the Eukaryote cell. Well the same feature is prominent in all animals brains and in many parts of the human body – such as the villi in the small intestine. It exists on the larger scale and it exists on the cellular scale. If this kind of feature is prominent in biological systems, then it must be because it enhances how things function. Surely then the same principles applied to technology will improve the efficiency of many technological systems. Reticulum Chips or Quantum Reticulum Chips any one ?

Once we understand the fundamental nature of space, I believe we will have the capacity to shape space. And what is shaping space ? Changing the way it reticulates on many different scales. And when we cans shape space, space becomes far more accessible without the need for propulsion driven technologies. Alas, such wild ruminations are fun but the reality of such applications is aeons away in human time !

One final thing. Last year when I had contact with the Tearhom, I watched one of the beings as he searched through a projection of space with his hands and fingers and spoke to me about what he was doing. He kept moving and opening specific regions until he found what he was looking for. In a way, it looked he was opening up a book and fingering it’s pages. Almost like he was playing with ripples of space within space. A Space Reticulum seems to be a good way to describe what I saw.