Blog Archives

AI and The False Alien Invasion

Hey folks, just to let you know back in March I worked with ChatGPT 3.5 on creating a false alien invasion scenario, which I later revisited with ChatGPT 4 and have just re-edited (I had to pull a few things out). It’s based on the warnings of Steven Greer and I think it’s a reasonably accurate portrayal of the general reactivity of the human species. I’m running it by a few people and will try to post it here in the next week or so. It’s 59 pages long and highly entertaining! I can’t help thinking that now is the time to release this to the public, given that recent changes in the attitude of the US government and global media to so called UAPs (why not FUDS – Frisbees of Unknown Design Status?) could potentially lead to a reinforcement of the hostile ETs/alien threat narrative or it could go the other way and be all hunky dorey and a wonderful blow job for disclosure! Either way I won’t be pulling my hair out or having any orgasms over it! I do think however that it is worth considering what could happen if certain groups within the lower arms of The Architecture ( decided to have a big wet dream all over humanity! Stay tuned for more!

The ET and I Podcast

Hey folks, as many of you know I had almost 2 years (22 months) away from here and I returned reluctantly. Some of you might recall just how fed up I have been with the whole UFO/ET/paranormal field – the unaware egos, the distortions, the delusions, the misunderstandings, the hostile aliens narrative, the paranoia etc., basically all the crap! Since returning I’ve had little interest in the subject online or in any other media. But recently I watched Steven Greer and his new witnesses and the so called UFO Hearings. Nothing really new in any of these materials for me and anyone who’s heard me refer to my ex wife or Dude will know that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of covert work related to and with ETs.

I like what Steven Greer has done and I commend the bilateral support of the six senators who were behind the as yet unapproved UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 and these ongoing committee hearings.

I’ve listened to and read all this material and several things strike me as worthy of consideration. First, it’s highly amusing as I’ve said many times before, that so many people depend on some kind of formal government disclosure for validation that ETs exist or that governments and other groups know about them. That in my mind is absurd! Second, the disclosures that have been made are the tip of a very deep iceberg and the ET subject is just one of many that those in control are desperate to keep hidden. Third, there’s not a chance in hell that anything of any real substance will be revealed by those in The Architecture who control the narrative and what is actually happening on the ground at the coal face. And a big part of the reason is because if they reveal the depths of what has been hidden about this subject, they will also have to reveal the depths of a large number of ongoing atrocities they have committed, going as far back at least as 1910 (WW1 was a great testing ground). Fourth, secrecy is maintained by the ETs and is impenetrable and unilateral (see my map of The Architecture). It is the human arms of The Architecture that has distorted the secrecy and turned it into something that it was never intended to be, done devious and cruel and greedy things and created the impression of hostile ETs trying to control Earth (via such things as abductions and animal mutilations). Fifth, full disclosure will occur when the ETs decide we’re ready and that isn’t for a long time yet – not until we grow up! Sixth, this movement towards disclosure has the potential to re-enforce the threat narrative and create a very powerful impetus towards arming nations to protect themselves against potential ET adversaries. The only adversaries worth protecting nations against are those in The Architecture who facilitate false narratives and alien abductions and the hostile ETs threat narrative, and those in The Architecture and government and corporate groups outside of TA who facilitate psyops against the masses and foreign operations that are driven by the desire for control, power and profit. It could be that the six senators supporting the push towards rapid disclosure have their hearts in the right place but it doesn’t take much for members with vested interests or ignorant members of the public to shift the emphasis towards the potential hostile ETs threat narrative and arming nations and weaponizing space to protect us against them. There are already ignorant members of the US government and other governments around the world and ignorant members of the public advocating just such a stance. Whilst it may seem reasonable to prepare for the possible, it defies logic and the experiences of those of us who have genuine ongoing relationships with ETs, including people within The Architecture who work with ETs based on Earth who know better!

Some of you will know that I like what Steven Greer has done and admire his efforts to tell a greater truth about what ETs are like and the extent of covert secrecy and covert structures and operations. I don’t always agree with him however and two issues (of many) that I disagree with him on are that ETs feel our nuclear weapons are a threat to other ETs/dimensions and that free energy will liberate the world from enslavement. First, it’s worth noting that our nuclear weapons pose no threat to ETs visiting this world or ETs in any other spaces overlapping with out own. Such dangers are well regulated. What they are concerned about is the dangers that nuclear weapons present to the other life forms of Earth. We have no right to imperil other life forms with such dangerous weapons and that is a mistake they don’t wish to see us continue to make. Second, we don’t have the right to take free energy technologies that have been partly created from partially back engineered ET craft. And if we did have access to such technologies it does not guarantee the end of human enslavement to oil, big business, governments, capitalism or any other form of tyranny. Man will find ways to use such technologies to create disparities and create us and them – just as we are doing now with AI. Making such technologies open source of patent free, does not guarantee free access for all or equal access for all or equal impact for all. That is exceptionally naive reasoning. That doesn’t mean to say I disagree with Steven about the importance of such technologies but I am more inclined to believe that our spiritual development must come first and that man will only be free of enslavement when he matures spiritually. No technology will improve the spiritual development of man or the equality of man. Whilst ever human greed and ignorance exist, such ideas are beyond reach and nothing more than fantasy. That is why as I’ve said before it will take 1600 years before we become a fully fledged space faring race who can leave our solar system. We must grow up before we are allowed to travel freely!

So in my eyes Steven is doing a good job pushing this disclosure band wagon but the full extent of disclosure will not be revealed until long after he and all of us are dead. Similarly those who created the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 are doing a good job at pushing for mandated disclosure but they too will not see the fruits of what they are sowing. For those of us living with the ET reality, it has been a snail’s ride to witness the agonizingly slow pace of open public discussion about the subject of ETs on Earth and their involvement with military and covert operations. I don’t really care what is shared and what is not. What I have found difficult to deal with is the derision and outright dismissal of those of us who claim to have relationships with ETs and the preferential treatment of well credentialed witnesses! But now at my age and having dealt with so many challenges (including now my 17th year of living with tumours) I no longer give a fuck about such issues. What I do care about though is how the negative portrayal of ETs continues to distort the wider perception of what ETs are really like. And the reason that I care so much about this issue is not that the ETs are being hurt or need protecting but that we are hurting ourselves and impairing our own development. If I was born 1600 years from now my views would be inconsequential because most people will understand how ETs actually are. But today the sort of views that I hold are at odds with 99 % of the garbage that is out there in relation to the ET subject! When humanity nurtures the sort of ignorance that holds that there are good ETs and bad ETs and that there is a grand cosmic war for planets and souls going on, we not only cut off our arms and legs but we gut ourselves, cut out our hearts and decapitate ourselves. In other words we annihilate the essence that is in each of us and is in them. By doing so we fail to recognize that the other and us are one. Sure, it’s true that we are all unique individuals but its equally true that we are the same. Some of you may recall Dude dismissing the idea of oneness as preferential oneness and suggesting that ETs recognize the essence that is in all of us that binds us as one and the uniqueness in each of us that makes us the many. The one and the many. So whilst we’re led towards the hostile NHI/ET hypothesis and the threat narrative, we’re equally led towards the notion of separation and disconnection from the whole. And that my friends will be our undoing. It is the very thing that has led us to destroy our biosphere en masse and destroy each other. So I urge you, pay attention to where this whole disclosure band wagon is headed and how it unfolds. It has the potential to do much that is good and the potential to cause much harm and set our species back to the dark ages!

What then has any of this got to do with the ET and I podcast? Well, some of you might recall me saying that I felt that most of what I’d shared since 2000 had fallen on deaf ears and that I wondered why I bothered. That is still true and I don’t anticipate that anything I might do in the future will change that because I am just one man with one small voice, swimming against a tide of ignorance. However also believe that when a person chooses to do so, he or she can become a torch bearer in times of great ignorance. And what does a torch bearer do? He holds a light so that others might see and eventually he passes the light onto others, so that they can help others to see. That is all I have ever tried to do!

So sometimes between now and the end of the year I’ll be starting a new podcast called ET and I, a kind of complementary podcast to this blog and a sort of substitute for writing. Writing takes more time and effort than making a podcast. The podcast won’t be fancy or polished – just me sitting at my desk, talking and sharing. Unlike The Something Monologues, I won’t be out on my walks, so the sound should be much easier on the ears. My intention is to create a short podcast of about 30 episodes (maybe longer of I feel like it) of at least an hour each episode. What I intend on doing is to talk about ten subjects directly related to ETs that I may or may not have ever discussed here before and to talk about ten experiences I have had with the ETs that I may or may not have ever discussed here before (including my time away on NaelsI35 and in the Naelsa’s sentient craft). What I will be trying to do is to convey the nature of what ETs are really like and what experiences and relationships with ETs are really like – once you get past the fear. So the sort of things I will be talking about will have nothing to do with abduction, paralysis, experiments or waking up and not knowing what’s happening. I’ll be talking about nuts and bolts experiences and relationships. Things that happened whilst I spent several weeks on a craft and things that happened when I spent upwards of two years at a time on their home world. Whilst I won’t be talking about a great number of experiences (to convey two years of an experience would take an awfully long time), I will touch on some critical experiences that will make it very clear to you what ETs are actually like, what their craft are actually like and what their home worlds are actually like. Most of my conversations will focus on the Naelsa (Dude’s people) because they are the people I know best and with whom I have ongoing visits. In recent years since leaving the blog, I have been involved with 8 races more intimately and spent more time on NaelsI35 but I am not at liberty to discuss those experiences at this stage. I don’t always feel the desire to share my personal experiences with the public but I’ve also been advised several times that now is not the time to share these most recent experiences. Perhaps that time will come in the future. Just to give you some sense of what the podcast will be like, here are somethings I will discuss:

  • Spending time on Dude’s very large clover shaped craft (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Speaking with other ETs on Dude’s craft.
  • Speaking with Dude’s sentient craft and learning from the craft.
  • Spending time in the Reticulum Manifold (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Spending time with The Beloved Carers during Internal Worlds Contacts, visiting other worlds to learn lessons. (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Spending time in the forest and at the lake in Dude’s craft enjoying the many different alien creatures that inhabited the lake (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Remembering my visits to Naelsi35 via an experience Dude gave me by his personal lake on the craft.
  • Spending time with the Family Tree at Dude’s home in NalesI35 and being shown their people’s distant past.
  • Learning with House Intelligence in the home where I stayed on NaelsI35 and the nature of a living house intelligence and network of house intelligences.
  • Being taken by Dude to see other places in our Galaxy.
  • Being taken by Dude to the distant past and near future where he showed me events from my future life (including the death of my sister, which came to pass) (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • The nature of instantaneous travel and travel to other worlds and to off world craft, where you are returned to the exact moment you left (note: I spent a long time trying to get ChatGPT 4 to make sense of this and instructing it how to reconstruct its reasoning).
  • The nature of ET craft and the hybridization of large numbers of elements at the molecular level (see earlier posts on this subject)..
  • Matter Creation Technologies (see earlier posts on this subject of MCTs).

There maybe a bunch of other things but those are the things I can think of at this time. Like I said, between now and the end of the year, likely in 2-3 months as I have several other significant issues to attend to. Let me know if there are any subjects you’d like me to cover (if they relate to what I previously identified) and I might be able to address them.

For those wondering who the fuck Dude is, go here: or see the tab above (Dude is of the Nalesa race, I used the term Muajra initially because I did not feel comfortable revealing the name of his people). For those who want to hear The Something Monologues, go here: (but only available via Box, not Podbean or iTunes). And for those who want to hear the Dude’s Maxims podcast, see below or look it up on Anchor or Spotify (start with episode 1 for context). I may now and then add an episode to Dude’s Maxims.

If you’d like to support the podcast or this blog, go here: (or see the link on the top RHS of page).

I will be posting here occasionally but not very often. Most of my efforts from now on will go into the podcast. You can however dig into the blog all the way back to the beginning. My videos on Youtube are however not available and I cannot be contacted via email. I’ll remove the adds when I can and forgive any typos! It’s late and this is now foreign to me!

Enjoy the next chapter of ET and I!

Steven’s New Disclosure Press Conference

Steven Greer has a new disclosure press conference planned for June this year. I don’t think it will blow the socks off the world, as there’s a lot more than what Steven has in mind to disclose, as yet hidden but it certainly looks like a great follow up to his press conference of long ago. The main difference this time is that the media will likely be all over this event. I suspect that this is Steven’s antidote to the Threat Narrative of the last five-ten years, particularly from propped up groups like TTSA.

The Cosmic Hoax

Steven Greer has just released his latest movie and as you probably know, we’re basically on the same page. I think the name of this film is misleading but it hits at the heart of the covert deception and that’s all that matters. On another note, I will gladly take a parting shot at Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles fame. Linda has been manipulated by those in covert power to believe the whole threat narrative. She is such an idiot with a narrow mind! Her interpretation of the problem of animal mutilations is totally naive and much of what she has had to say has had a profound impact on the beliefs of others regarding the nature of extraterrestrials. You have heard me say countless times before, ETs pose no threat at all to us. You are only allowed to become space faring when you grow up. You can’t be a threat if you’re space faring. She and others like her are gullible and easily manipulated into a very narrow view of how things are.

You can dislike Steven Greer all you want, that’s fine but what he has been saying for decades about the nature of ETs is true. Unfortunately most people can’t think for themselves and they apply the Hermetic cliche ‘as above so below’ to everything, especially the cosmos. But it isn’t like that. It doesn’t reflect narrow human thinking.

I have mixed feelings about Steven but I admire the way that he’s stuck to his desire to talk about this subject for so long and he’s one of the few people who talks openly about the benevolent nature of ETs. People jump on band wagons all the time and I think he’s successful avoided doing that in relation to this subject. I don’t think he actually knows much about ETs first hand but he has a clear sense of what they’re actually like and he certainly has a good sense of how those in covert power manipulate the truth and create false narratives. I wish him every success with this film!

Steven Greer’s Concerns

Hey folks, I’ve just seen this on my YT feed and apparently Steven share’s some of the same concerns that I have regarding the upcoming release of US government information on UFOs, he does not however appear to see beyond the weaponization of space but I suspect he soon will. (If you read the documentation that co-supported that US government request you will see much more – see this post : All efforts to arouse the masses are important and I commend him for what he has done and is continuing to do but unfortunately this whole thing will move so subversively that most people will miss it. Once you have the technological co-dependence of the masses, people are stuck – hook, line and sinker! Knowing about potential weapons in space isn’t enough! Weapons in space are the tip of the iceberg!

TSM187 : The Emerging Space Empires

Hello People of Earth, after almost a year long absence, I have at last started making some new TSMs. In today’s TSM I explore the idea of emerging space empires. I begin by suggesting that the concern some people have about the weaponization of space is just the beginning of what we should be concerned about, with the real concern being the formation of space empires that span our solar system. Today I explore the notion that what we are witnessing now is the emergence of space empires. Space empires which without any external control, could mark the beginning of human tyranny in space. This of course is never going to happen because of the ETs but there will be significant implications for all of us that stem from the efforts by different individuals and groups to create their own space empires.

In the next TSM I’ll offer Dude’s follow up response to this subject.


Brighty. 😉

PS. Please let me know if the volume is OK, as I had to adjust it on my laptop due to strange sounds that were coming from my laptop speakers. If it isn’t I’ll lower the sound.

Download here :

More TSMs here : but be aware they are no longer available on Podbean or iTunes.

Sound/Musical Tones for ET Contact

Some of you may recall that I recently posted some tones for use during ET contact : and whilst I enjoy making experimental music in general, I may have deliberately misled you on the subject, hoping that someone would take the bait bit nobody did. So let me elaborate.

There are people who believe that you can use specific tones (mostly constructed from mathematical sequences ( like the Fibonacci Sequence – / to make contact with ETs or facilitate contact with ETs. Steven Greer even has CSETI (triangular symbol) tone on his contact app ( (The app itself is quite good and the tone is interesting but…). The idea for this tone came from Steven’s experience in a man made crop circle in the UK. Others have also heard tones in crop circles, including Colin Andrews. And while Colin’s experience is genuinely anomalous, others seem less so.

There is this belief among people who visit Crop Circles and people who practice CE5 that playing special tones attracts ETs.

So first let me say something about Crop Circles. 99 % of them are man made. You’re probably familiar with what I believe about Crop Circles but if not a quick summary. I was a believer for many years. I started a national network which I didn’t do much with. I traveled the country side seeking them out. I mapped all known circles in this country and did find some interesting patterns. I studied the geometry, symbolism and positioning of all the worlds Crop Circles. I then started making circles on my own farm and made a two videos of just two of them and attempted to pass them off as real (unfortunately I didn’t have access to a drone then, so they didn’t get much attention) – which some people believed and went to elaborate lengths to integrate into their special stories. I also familiarized myself with the people who were making Crop Circles, their methods and the circles they made. I realized I was mistaken and that the vast majority are man made. Perhaps only the simple circles are real and these maybe saucer nests (like those seen by one of the original human maker Doug Bower in Tully Queensland). These may infact have been indentations left from ET craft that landed. Crop Circles are cool and interesting and have all kinds of unusual geometries but they are not the Rosetta Stone of Consciousness that I once believed they were and neither are they made by extraterrestrials and nor do I believe do ETs encourage people to make them. Attempting to pass two off as real and having the beliefs that I do about the subject, makes me very unpopular among croppies. But I don’t care about popularity, I care about truth.

So there is a question worth asking. Would ETs be attracted to groups of people visiting crop circles? And I think that is a possibility. In which case they may cause some anomalous phenomena at these sites. But I see no reason why playing special tones in Crop Circles would attract ETs.

So what about tones during ET contact sessions? Well I’ll be Frank. It’s a load of crap! And from the point of view of Steven Greer’s Coherant Thought Sequencing and the states of consciousness that is supposed to evoke, playing additional sounds would distract a person from maintaining any kind of “other consciousness state” and take them out of that state. Don’t get me wrong, I like Steven Greer and admire the work that he is doing but the premise that these are helpful in false. And this is true for anyone who believes that playing tones during ET contact sessions attracts ETs.

The three things that you require for ET contact are stillness, pure intention and strong feeling. You do not need any kind of sound or special tones. And they may infact be a hindrance. In much the same way that playing binaural beats and that kind of fashionable soundwave therapy is a hindrance to real meditation and genuine states of awareness. Special tones maybe useful for creating a nice warm fuzzy feeling and making you feel good but they are totally unnecessary!

So sure, I am happy to make ET contact tones for people if that’s what they need but it’s a crock of shit! Listen to them for enjoyment, not because you believe that they will attract ETs. Be interested in the maths behind the melodies if you like but don’t believe they’re doing anything special connecting you to ETs.

Humans have used sound and drugs and pain etc. for thousands of years to alter their state of consciousness and to access unusual experiences. But many of these tools are absolutely unnecessary and bypass the hard work of understanding the mind and working with mind-body. (They’re also used out of context with traditional shamanism and the rights of passage experiences that accompany them.) That’s not to say that many of them are not useful because some them are really useful but there is an over-emphasis in our modern society on using these tools to quickly access desired states. And that is dangerous and naive!

Sound is a  very useful tool. It’s why I like composing and making field recordings. But it is no substitute for using the mind to direct the body towards feeling and awareness.

More reading on Colin’s Crop Circle Sound here :

PS. Turning things completely around. Can we ask if ETs use sound to effect us? Well from my own experiences (see part 4 of my video on my January 19th, 2011 experience), I would have to say yes! And knowing how susceptible our minds are to sound influences, I would also say yes! But we must remember that at one level, ETs are not us and we are not them!

Tom DeLonge You are An Idiot (How the Security State Plays it Pawns)!

Some of you will recall my previous criticism of Tom DeLonge and his To the Stars Academy. Steven Greer and I are in complete agreement on the both Tom and his group. What you may not know is that I wrote to Tom back in 2016 when I thought he was about to do some good with the currency of his fame, thinking I could help him to see the ETs in clearer light (clearly I failed to have any influence what so ever!) :

Hey Tom : 

I just wanted to say thank you for the work you are doing on the ET subject. It’s vitally important that celebrities use their ‘currency of fame’ well and you are doing that exceptionally well ! I take my hat off to you ! It will be a long hard ride, so make sure you look after yourself and stay safe from the many vested interests who would rather you stay quiet !  
I am an ET experiencer who was once married to someone who worked first hand with ETs in covert projects around the world. I am also close to an ET who continues to work with humans in high positions. I write about my experiences with the ETs and my knowledge of a structure I call The Architecture on my blog ET and I.
I will have much more to say about this structure and a larger structure I call The Diamond Complex, over the course of time. I am also trying, like Steven Greer, to educate people as to the true nature of the ETs and much of what I have to share, goes against what’s popular. 
I thought some of what I have shared, may help you to understand a little more of the subject and have positive benefit for you, as you educate others to the nature of the ET subject. I know you have allready learned a great deal from others at the coalface in special projects.
I wish you well in all your endevours and commend you for having the balls to tackle the biggest subject of all ! 
Best wishes,
Bright Garlick.
PS. Forgive me for emailing you directly.
PSS. Some educational posts…
And here’s a couple of videos about my experiences.

That was the last time that I tried to do anything like that. These days I only write here and I correspond with a small group of friends and that’s all. If people want to believe in the whole hostile ETs concept, that’s entirely their choice. I won’t try to convince anyone. But they will be lost in a fiction!

So now that Steven Greer’s Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind film is out, don’t be surprised to see a new threat narrative being spun by Tom and his gang of fools and the rest of the security state in the wake of people talking about ET contact. Just remember, anyone who talks about hostile ETs visiting Earth posing a threat to us, has a myopic view of cosmic development and is bound to either an us and them mentality or has an alternative motive for keeping you stupid!

Don’t let undeveloped unaware frightened people who want to control everything, tell you what is true and what is not.

In case it was not obvious, I no longer have any respect for Tom and his out of control tomfoolery! How stupid can a person get? Feed a monkey what he wants and he comes back for more! Men can be bought with three things – money, ego and sex! Such simpletons!

More reading on Tom and his gang here :

PS. Anyone remember the Slippery Goose from England who disappeared after I discredited his fairy ET testimony on my last blog? It’s one slippery plan after another in the world of covert stupidity!



Close Encounters

Steven Greer’s new film Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind premiers in Los Angeles on the 6th April and even though as some of you may know, I strongly disagree with some things that Steven says or does, I do endorse his efforts to spread the word that the ETs who are visiting us are all peaceful. The new film talks in part about how people all around the world are initiating ET contact and that dovetails nicely with much of what I have tried to do with this blog. I also really like the way that Steven takes a jab at the To the Stars Academy, which Steven and I are in total agreement about. They are a dangerous insidious group, fulfilling an insidious agenda driven by certain members of the lower arms of The Architecture. And if people aren’t awake to what they’re up to, they will fall hook, line and sinker for the whole hostile ETs gig and the need to weaponize space!

So anyway, Steven’s new film will hopefully hit some cinemas and online outlets after it’s premiere and have a positive impact on raising the issue of human initiated ET contact!

Good on ya Steve for having the balls to say fuck em! 😉


Fuck You Elon Musk and Starlink!

I was recently privileged to seeing a very large formation of ET craft. Since then I have seen several more large geometrical formations and the normal craft that appear in different locations. A few days ago I decided to look up Australian UFO reports and was surprised to find about half a dozen reports that coincided to some degree with what I saw in terms of the general alignment of the craft. I saw the formation within 15 minutes of asking to see a formation and felt a very personal connection to what I was witnessing and to what my son later witnessed (which was on a different flight path).  Soon after I saw the craft Dude confirmed that there were 60 craft in total. Several days after the sighting, a spotlight seemingly coming from nowhere could be seen on the side of my house and inside the lounge room and the bedroom. One within a minute of seeing a formation and another within minutes of seeing a several separate individual craft.

Having found numerous other reports (reports which span a period of several weeks (and years when you dig far enough back), I thought I best see if there was any possibility that they could be satellites that other people were reporting (or that I had seen). It was then that I realized that Elon Musk’s SpaceX group has already started implementing the Starlink Mission. I knew it was coming but had not followed it closely. Starlink is a massive satellite project (releasing some 60 satellites at a time – coincidence hey!) with the aim of providing a global broadband service by 2021, with a plan to deploy it around Mars in the future (I suspect they want a network of satellites throughout the solar system!). So far Starlink have released 122 satellites and the last of Starlink’s satellites will be deployed in November 2027 and by then they will have deployed 11,936 satellites (with 42,000 in total when the project is complete) (each weighing about 100 to-500 kg). It’s like GPS satellites on steroids! A network of satellites and satellite trains enveloping the planet! Wikipedia says that there are about 5,000 satellites still in orbit from about 8,900 that have been deployed and of these about 1900 that are still functional. 42,000 will be a massive increase! An 8,400 % increase!

Many professional astronomers are outraged at what SpaceX have done and I fully sympathize with them. Starlink will wreck enjoying and observing the night sky and make outdoor ET contact much more difficult due to the distraction and confusion that it may cause. FUCK YOU ELON MUSK FOR WRECKING THE NIGHT SKY! AND FUCK THE US FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FOR AUTHORIZING THE DEPLOYMENT! All for fucking internet! Give me the heavens any day!

God knows how much space junk will end up orbiting our planet but I can see it turning out like it did in Wall-E if Elon Musk has his way. How the hell does one US government agency have the right to authorize SpaceX (despite numerous legal objections) to fuck up the night sky for every living thing on Earth! I can’t help wondering who the FCC has links to ( and how well connected they are to the war machine and other aspects of The Architecture and The Diamond Complex. It smells stinkable to me!

It is my sincerest wish that people start a global series of petitions against SpaceX/Starlink and that some sort of international tribunal (with better integrity than the UN) takes this to court and puts a stop to what is just the beginning of  fucking up the night sky. This whole internet from space thing is set to go stupid, with Amazon planning to send up 3,236 satellites some time soon with it’s Project Kuiper, with OneWeb planning to send up 2,622 satellites, with Samsung planning on sending up 4,600 satellites  Microsatellite production companies such as Sierra Nevada Corp and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd may also become key players ( Corporate networks and money – the two go hand in hand!

I wonder if any of these companies have thought of future risks to other low earth orbit craft or plants, animals or people or the impact the satellite light will have on our night sky? Elon’s comment on Twitter to do something about the albedo (Agreed, sent a note to Starlink team last week specifically regarding albedo reduction. We’ll get a better sense of value of this when satellites have raised orbits & arrays are tracking to sun.“) sound pretty lame arsed to me!

Just as a small side note, it’s kind of funny that Elon had said half halfheartedly that the 2016 DARPA AI challenge Cyber Grand Challenge would lead to the creation of Skynet ( Skynet was the artificial neural network super intelligence in the Terminator movies that tried to Nuke the planet and wanted to destroy humanity. And it’s also amusing that Elon was a signatory to a letter against autonomous lethal weapons and has been a staunch advocate against the dangers of AI. I mean a massive planet surrounding network of communication satellites with the best high tech, replaced every 5 years, starting with the ability to transmit broadband internet, doesn’t sound too far of Skynet to me! And if it’s not SpaceX, someone else will be thinking about the Skynet model. Whether it’s in the US, Russia, the UK, China, India, the EU or an international consortium. Skynet plus Supercomputers and Cloud Networks equals money and control! Even right intentions can be swayed. Everyone has a price! Everyone!

I didn’t have to tell you about any of this or put my own experience under the spotlight but I do so in the interest of honesty and to let you know about the changes. So having had my experience with the recent formation, I wanted to be absolutely certain of what I saw. So I went back to the Satflare website to check the details on that particular night. And although there were some similarities, there were significant differences in terms of time, angle, start and finish position, luminosity and duration. I’ve also watched the Starlink trains since what I saw and they seem quite different. So I feel confident that what I saw was not Starlink. I do however find it amusing that Dude said that 60 craft materialized and 60 satellites were deployed by SpaceX last mission (Nov 11).  What I saw fits in well with other formations I have seen, even if it is unique. Of course some people will think I was mistaken and other people will believe me. I suspect as spring arrives in the northern hemisphere many people will have difficulty distinguishing Starlink from real ET craft formations and fights may well erupt over what was ET and what was man made.

You can track the Starlink Trains (1/2) on the site, so as to be aware of their presence and you can learn more about Starlink here and here I for one will be monitoring the Starlink Train, so I don’t ever mistake it for anything else!

Steven Greer should take note of Starlink because it will have a profound impact on what he is trying to do with his new documentary and the success of global CE-5 groups and individual efforts to make ET contact!

Join me in petitioning against Starlink here : or consider starting your own petition through a relevant channel like or Just remember that if you do start a petition to your government, that it must comply with the process outlined by your own government.

More petitions here :

The next Starlink deployment (3) is due for 31st December, 2019 (check here for details :

More reading here :

More reading about the impact on astronomy here :