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Steven Greer on the Atacama Coverup

As many of you know I have mixed feelings about Steven Greer’s disclosure efforts but I admire his perseverance and dedication to the cause (especially in view of his wife been sick with tumours at one point). He is one of the few people who has accurately identified how the lower arms of The Architecture directs how the ET subject is handled. And he is one of a handful of people who see right through the To The Stars Academy group. His early articles on the subject of manipulation and deception are an excellent introduction to the subject

I don’t know whether the so called Atacama alien (or Aleshenka / Kyshtym beings) are extraterrestrial or not but I can see how certain groups have been involved in the manipulation of the scientific data that Steven and his team have produced on the being found in Chile. As some of you will recall, I have had contact with a very small humanoid ET small race who call themselves Chenntrame (who are called the Shentriaem by The Architecture – who incidentally have a file on them). They range from about 3-6 inches in height and do look similar to the beings that have been found deceased and seen alive in many places around the world.

Preston Dennett has interviewed a number of people, who like myself, have also claimed to have had contact with very small beings.

In time I hope to say more about the Chenntrame and my interactions with them. The last of which took place in 2014. These beings are incidentally, highly developed technologically and spiritually.

I have no idea how this will all play out with Steven’s group but no doubt it will continue to be steam rolled by the well manipulated media and scientists.