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ET and I – Episode 4: The Dystopian Cosmos vs How It Really Is

Hey folks, here’s the first subscriber episode of the latest episode of the podcast. Go here if you’d like to take out a subscription: Show description is here:

Update: I decided to make all episodes free, so you can now hear this one.

Short Cuts 15-18

More short cuts.

If you like these you might like the full episodes and if you wish you can take out a subscription here:

Short Cuts 11-14

More short cuts:

A Teal’hia’s Reflections on Purpose

Last night I was listening to an old recording I made of  conversation with my Teal’hia friend Anamika, whose race is probably often mistaken for the mythological grey. In this particular conversation we were talking about how she saw the purpose of her existence and I asked her what brings her greatest joy. She said that her greatest joy comes from experiencing the diversity of life through the cosmos and awakening individual beings to their own divine nature. You may remember that when I asked the Teal’hia who they are during my January 19th, 2011 encounter, they responded “We are God incarnate.” Over the years I have had many conversations with them about what this means and how they see reality and I have come to understand that this means that they know that they are both an individual entity experiencing physical and non physical life and they are also the totality of everything and the light from which everything arises. And I think when Anamika made her comments about awakening individual beings to their own divine nature, this is what she was suggesting. When she nurtures a being for it’s entire existence from the creation of that soul to it’s returning to the light, she experiences so many wonderful moments of witnessing the growth of that individual and seeing it come to understand what it really is – as both an individual entity, the totality and the light – God incarnate.

Sometimes I have some sense of what that must feel like. For years I’ve been planting trees and when I plant a tree I often see barren ground transform into a place that is teeming with life – insects, birds, reptiles, echidnas etc. One tree can bring so much life and a forest utterly transforms a place. I get very attached to the life I have helped create and there is no greater joy for me than watching new life enjoy it’s existence in a place that was once barren. Imagine how it must feel to create a soul and watch it grow through life and life after life !

Every caring mother and father knows how it feels to participate in their child’s life and what it’s like to see them grow up and go out into the world. Nothing else in life arouses so much emotion from all ends of the spectrum and nothing else arouses so much love and joy. Every person who has ever raised a plant or a pet knows what it feels like to see them grow up and come in contact with the world. There is so much joy in seeing a young animal encounter things for the first time. And how we both love and detest our pets and grieve when they die !

I have this sense that when Anamika and the other Teal’hia go about interacting with life, it’s as if they are encountering life for the very first time. And yet they have encountered countless life forms. But they do so with so much reverence for life, that each life becomes precious. In one way, the way that they are is like a fully mature God encountering something in which the germ of God has just been born and is barely discernible. They see all that is and all that will be – both, the divine in action; God, in all stages of being.

Sometimes I feel it is a great loss and a great tragedy that when we look at each other and when we look at other life forms we see difference and feel judgement, when beings like the Teal’hia see the infinite expressions of God and feel boundless unconditional love.

Anamika once said to me that there is no greater work for her people than to bring love into the universe. And I can think of no argument against this. For in the face of unconditional love, all resistance melts away. Imagine how we could be as a people if we aspired to the same thing !


The Alien Invasion (Show Down with the Greys and Reptilians)

Picture the following as a cartoon.

Somewhere in Earth orbit on board the GREY STAR 69, 12 ETs from 4 different races are sitting at a bar :

Joe : Hey Lemmy wadda ya think of dem Erflings ?

Lemmy : Widge ones ?

Joe : The Soft Skins. You know the one’s who call em selves Who Mans !

Lemmy : Well daze a bit funny really ! Always pokin funs at us becauze we don look like theyz look.

Joe : Yeah daz true. Only last week Phil was tellings us that they keep callinz hiz people tha Greys because theyz skins look grey in the moonlight.

Phil : Yeah dem bimble bots. Theze got it in theyz puny heads that we got grey skin, so we called Greys. We keeps tellin dem, ‘No we not Greys. We got names too ! Me I’m a Winky,  Ralph here, he’s a Pooky, Lemmy over there he’s a Dingle and Oozo over there, he’s a Chittychatter. You godda understand, we not called Greys. We haz names too, just like you called Who Mans ! And each Who Man race has it’s own name too ! We tha samez’. But they no listen. Stupid Who Mans !

Larry : Yoos reckonz yoos got it bad, what about us. We beenz gettins called Reptilians because we have skin that look a little like daze reptile scales on za Earth reptiles. Evy time I goes down dere to visit dem, I keep saying weeze not Reptilians. Onleeeze last weeksy I say to lady, ‘Hewo we cumz in peace, not to take you to pieces. We is the Wa Was, not Reptilians. You gotta remember that. We not like da snake or da lizard, we like us. Next time you make da mistake and insult us, we gunaz eat you ! Just kidding !’ And when Iz say dat, she poopy her self !

Joe : Like I saz, dose Erflings, dose Who Mans, so stupidy ! Maybe id time we started probin theyz anuses and looking for signs of intelligence !

Lemmy : Wadda youz epect guys, theyz ruled by fluffy fuck asses theyz call cats.

Larry : Yez no point in probin theyz anuses when da real intelligence in theyz cats !

Rosy : Hey boyz, maybe we shouldz probes the anuses of cats and then put loud speakers in cat bums to play tricks on dem Who Mans !

Joe : Yez yes I likey Rosy ! We couldz play tricks on dem. Cat bum say, ‘Dis is da Greys, we cumin for you. Cumin to eat youz for breakfast. Cumin to eat youz for tea. Da invasion is here.’ And theyz runz around like idjiots lookinz for where da invasion cumin from and da cats chasin theyz anuses in za circles. So funny !

Phil : And we could make cat bum say, ‘Dis is da Reptilians, we goinz to eat your babies and comez and take over yourz leaders and pretend to be kings and queens and make youz ourz slaves. We are bigz and scaries and we eat Who Mans !’ I so wants to do its !

Joe : Then weeze agree. We become da Greys and da Reptilians and weeze form the Grey-Reptilian Allianz and weeze tell them we arez part of da Draconite Federationz.

Larry : Ohh Ohh me got it. We canz also be da Nordics and make da Galacticz Federationz of Light and we be at da war wid each other. Draconite Federationz vs da Galacticz Federationz of Light. Den we make da Who Mans choose sides.

Rosy : Larry youze mean like sums of us can be da Alliez of Who Manity and sums of us can be da Bad Guyz ?

Larry : Yes, yes. Youze spot on Rosy !

Lemmy : Bar Tender, do youze have some straws for pussytail drinkz ?

Bar Tender : Yes I do Lemmy. What ya wand dem for ?

Lemmy : So weeze can play shortast strawz. I choose to be da Alliez of Who Manity, parts of da Galactic Federationz of Light. Who wid me ? Bar Tender you cut da strawz for us. Shortast straws get to be da Draconite Federationz.

Joe : Donz forget, we needz to do probe da cat anuses for specialz soundz effects !

Rosy : Youz couldz alzo probe theyz poopinators, where theyz sit for doinz poops. Scarez the poops out of them with talkz of invasions. Be da funniest showz on da Earth !

Lemmy : Ha ha Rosy, youze so funny !  Probes theyze poopinators !

John Titor 11 – Time Traveler ?

I’ll let you decide and hold my judgments till I get back.

The Naming of ET Races – Part 1

Over the years I have spoken a lot about ET races and said that much of what passes as legitimate extraterrestrials is myth. I think however it’s only fair to add that many of the names that are used to describe ETs have been given to them by us. And as such they are merely a reference point (like all names). The names that we use, arise from many sources and points of origin and among them these include :

  • The lower arms of The Architecture
  • People who do not genuinely know the names of ETs
  • Ancient and modern mythologies
  • Memes which are easily transmitted via the internet
  • People who suffer delusions
  • Religious figures
  • Cultural and religious archetypes.

When I talk about ET races, I am referring generally to specific ET groups, in much the same way I might refer to humans – in more of a general biological race sense ( I do not use this word to mean race in the sense that we use it to describe individual human races ( . However I do at the same time mean it in the sense that  I am referring to beings “who share similar and distinct physical characteristics” but not to the degree that would we would think when referring to individual human races. There are, for example, there are many different types of Sarpalxn, however I don’t know the exact details of their individual differences, so I refer to the entire group as a race called Sarpalxn. There are also different creatures on their home world and other worlds they inhabit, and I don’t know what to call them.

If we were to more accurately name our ET friends we would refer to them in a taxononomically accurate way, starting with the idea of Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species and Sub Species. But we have one fundamental problem. We do not know enough about the biology of our ET friends, to impose the same taxonomic classification system upon them. So, for example, it would not be appropriate to call the Teal’hia a species, as we would call Man – Homo Sapiens (or more accurately his sub species Homo sapiens sapiens) ( /  . We simply don’t know enough about them to give them any kind of accurate taxonomic label.

Having met some 30 plus ET races and learned about many more while on board ET craft, I can confidently say that many of the so called races we hear about simply do not exist. They are either non existent or the name given to them is not their real name. I can tell you that the following races do not exist :

Greys, Reptilians, Amphibians, Anromedans, Booteans, Arcturians, Sirians, Mantids, Nordics, Draconians (alpha or beta), Altairians, Antarians, Aldebarians, Anunnaki, Bernarians, Cetians, Dinosauroids, Dracos, Draco-Borgs, Nephilim, Pleiadians, Zeta Reticulans, Hyadeans, Iguanoids, Jawas, Leviathans, Martians, Orions, Vegans, Lyrians, Shining Ones, Lunarians, Terrans, Procyonians, Ashtarians, Insectoids, Tall Whites, Blue Beings and Aryans.

Some of these races may however be real but we refer to them using a human label. So the race that we know them by is a fiction. ETs do not name themselves after constellations (Orions/Dracos) or solar systems or suns (Booteans/Altairians/Zeta Reticulans) or galaxies (Andromedans). To do so would eliminate 99.99 % of all the other beings that could rightly be called the same thing and be too much of a generalization to be meaningful. We also like to refer to beings by skin colour. There are, for example, more than a dozen races that might be called Greys and these could include the Muajra and the Teal’hia. They are distinct races that are as diverse as a bee to an elephant. And yet we humans see a 3.5-4.5 being with 2 arms and 2 legs and a humanoid shape and we say GREY ! We seem to be drawn to basic morphology (phenotypes – external appearances), when it comes to naming. I myself have done that when referring to the Teal’hia as The Brownies, after my first fully conscious encounter with them but I realized I was referring to them in the wrong way. So I sought to learn what they call themselves, as soon as I could.

What we are essentially doing is using our lack of knowledge, to label something because of our desire to put things into easy to manage categories. Humans don’t like chaos or a lack of control !

In reality, ETs are named in a different way. When I have been with ETs, they have referred to each other by one of two names – the name of their planet e.g. Dude comes from MuajraH36 and his people are called the Muajra; or by the name that the individual race gives to themselves. However, here’s where it gets confusing. Where possible different races try to use the actual name used by an individual race themselves. But not every space faring race speaks a diversity of languages. So there is often the problem of translation. The 36 in MuajraH36 does not refer to a number but refers to the next best approximation, from the translation of their alphabet. While we humans would refer to them as the Muajra, another race who cannot speak English may refer to them as something else – which is an accurate translation of Muajra in the Muajran language into their own language.

One thing I noticed among the ETs, when in a communal setting (which is quite frequent), is that they have a great deal of respect for one another. They don’t call each other’s race by colloquial names. They use accurate names that the race itself would use. Nothing like Greys or Tall Whites or Nordics. But the ETs know that we are at an early phase in our development and are not overly bothered by how we refer to them. But if you ask them what they call themselves, they will usually tell you. There are some names though, that because of differences in physical elements of the body, are almost impossible for us to understand, translate or speak. Dude has shared his real name with me and I have heard others speak it but there is no way that I can put it into any kind of approximation that makes sense to our ears. And similarily, some of the names that have been given to me for individuals, have been a simplification, so that I could understand them.

I have also been told that the humans who work with ETs in highly covert projects, are also expected (by their superiors and the ETs) to refer to them appropriately and with respect. Once when I joked with Dude about the subject, he reminded me that his race don’t go around calling us “Pinkies or Whities or Brownies”. But he did refer to himself as a “Greeny” !

Unfortunately during ET contact experiences, most people are frightened and black out or fade in and out of consciousness. As a result, there are few opportunities for people to ACTUALLY learn the names of ET races and individual ETs. It is my belief though that this will change gradually over the next century.

Of course it’s impossible for you to know whether I am really having ET contact or whether I’m delusional or an egomaniac. And that’s why I urge you to use what I share about making contact to have your own contact experiences. That way, in time you too may learn about the Teal’hia, Sarpalxn, Muajra, and so on.

Some of the races I am aware of include the :

Muajra, Sar’Won’Dee, Teal’hia, Sarpalxn (Tarheen subgroup), Quimajgaieo, Nalpnto, Harlcha, Ajun, Arooh, Chenntrame, Haenty, Warbell, Talrgy and Asha; to name but a few.

I am uncertain why these races are not discussed by others. But Rachel assures me from her work with a covert project in England, that most of these races are known to those in lower arms of The Architecture. Out of a list of 63 known races in the mid 80’s, she herself was allocated a list of 15 races with whom she became intimately familiar. Each race had a very specific name.

In time I will talk a great deal more about the races I know by name and those I know by colloquial names. I don’t know everything and I still have contact experiences that are very unusual to me and for which I have very little awareness.

I’d like to imagine that when we eventually publish our book of artwork on the ET races I’ve met, with all of their accurate names; that other people will come forth and share their experiences with the same races.

It’s time for people to start talking with a new language and to drop stupid names like Greys and Nordics and to learn what these races call themselves. We are such silly and easily misled Pinkies, Whities and Brownies ! I look forward to a time when more people look past the stupid ET/alien mythologies that have been spawned in the last 4 decades and start sifting the truth for themselves.

ET Factoid 5

The Grey alien does not exist. It is an amalgam of myth, disinformation and misunderstanding. There are beings that have some features of the so called Grey Alien. The classification of Grey Alien has been used to describe what appears to be more than a dozen separate and distinct ET races.

Certain behaviours of the so called Grey Alien, are exaggerated by certain groups in the lower arms of The Architecture to create confusion and to arouse a dislike, hatred and distrust – such that humans can readily be turned against ETs, that are otherwise harmless.

Certain behaviours of the so called Grey Alien are also exaggerated by people who have low levels of self awareness or had difficulty in moving through the ET contact developmental continuum. Such people are stuck in a place of fear and have high levels of expectation and a strong desire for control.