Category Archives: ET Contact Methods

Grok This 2!

Here’s a simple but extremely difficult thing to do if you really want to have regular ET contact :

  1. Develop awareness of what and who you are.
  2. Be true to yourself.
  3. Become a good person.
  4. Practice kindness in the world, especially towards the natural world.

There is no need for methods what so ever. Methods are useful but unnecessary. The Kingdom is within! You are your own project kingdom.

More Grok This here : and here :

Participation in the Free ET Contact Session

Hey folks, for those who have expressed an interest in participating in the free ET contact session, please go here and see how Jitsi works for you : See if you are comfortable with this site and if it all works well at your end. Also please create a email account. Within a few days of the session I will send a new address (not the one above) and a room password. You just need a name. Jitsi is a reasonably secure site with a high level of encryption (intelligence agency proof – maybe?). Feel free to record the session or if you prefer, you can access the recording that I make.

If you would like to attend the session but have not put your name down, please do so now and follow the previous directions.


Brighty. 😉

Update on Free ET Contact Session

Hey folks, so far we only have 9 people who have expressed interest in the free ET contact session. I’ve decided that even though I wanted 20 people, I’ll go ahead anyway because most of these people have been supportive of all that I’ve done here for many years. So stay tuned, the video session will probably be in the next 2 weeks and it will be about 1.5-2.5 hours long. It will likely be on a secure video conference site and will not be posted on YT. Although feel free to record it for yourself if you have the means to. I may record it as well. I’ll tell you the date and time of the session in the next week (I’ll aim for a Saturday or Sunday if I can) and provide site details and post an update on the structure of the session closer to the day. Please let anyone else know if they wish to join.

Meanwhile here’s a video on the same subject from 8 years ago when I live din Halls Gap, Gariwerd. I’ll probably be teaching a very different approach to ET contact during the live video session. This is one method that will make sense and appeal to some people but will be beyond comprehension to other people. Many of the basic principles I’ll be conveying are pretty much the same as in this video.

A Live Broadcast of How to Make ET Contact?

Hey folks, I’ve been wondering if I should do my bit to help people who are stuck in quarantine with a little live broadcast on How to Make ET Contact – just a nuts and bolts overview and a couple of simple methods. Would it interest you and do you have any thoughts of how I might publicize the event, so that more people can benefit? I have no interest in selling myself but would like to help where I can.


Bright. 🙂

Sound/Musical Tones for ET Contact

Some of you may recall that I recently posted some tones for use during ET contact : and whilst I enjoy making experimental music in general, I may have deliberately misled you on the subject, hoping that someone would take the bait bit nobody did. So let me elaborate.

There are people who believe that you can use specific tones (mostly constructed from mathematical sequences ( like the Fibonacci Sequence – / to make contact with ETs or facilitate contact with ETs. Steven Greer even has CSETI (triangular symbol) tone on his contact app ( (The app itself is quite good and the tone is interesting but…). The idea for this tone came from Steven’s experience in a man made crop circle in the UK. Others have also heard tones in crop circles, including Colin Andrews. And while Colin’s experience is genuinely anomalous, others seem less so.

There is this belief among people who visit Crop Circles and people who practice CE5 that playing special tones attracts ETs.

So first let me say something about Crop Circles. 99 % of them are man made. You’re probably familiar with what I believe about Crop Circles but if not a quick summary. I was a believer for many years. I started a national network which I didn’t do much with. I traveled the country side seeking them out. I mapped all known circles in this country and did find some interesting patterns. I studied the geometry, symbolism and positioning of all the worlds Crop Circles. I then started making circles on my own farm and made a two videos of just two of them and attempted to pass them off as real (unfortunately I didn’t have access to a drone then, so they didn’t get much attention) – which some people believed and went to elaborate lengths to integrate into their special stories. I also familiarized myself with the people who were making Crop Circles, their methods and the circles they made. I realized I was mistaken and that the vast majority are man made. Perhaps only the simple circles are real and these maybe saucer nests (like those seen by one of the original human maker Doug Bower in Tully Queensland). These may infact have been indentations left from ET craft that landed. Crop Circles are cool and interesting and have all kinds of unusual geometries but they are not the Rosetta Stone of Consciousness that I once believed they were and neither are they made by extraterrestrials and nor do I believe do ETs encourage people to make them. Attempting to pass two off as real and having the beliefs that I do about the subject, makes me very unpopular among croppies. But I don’t care about popularity, I care about truth.

So there is a question worth asking. Would ETs be attracted to groups of people visiting crop circles? And I think that is a possibility. In which case they may cause some anomalous phenomena at these sites. But I see no reason why playing special tones in Crop Circles would attract ETs.

So what about tones during ET contact sessions? Well I’ll be Frank. It’s a load of crap! And from the point of view of Steven Greer’s Coherant Thought Sequencing and the states of consciousness that is supposed to evoke, playing additional sounds would distract a person from maintaining any kind of “other consciousness state” and take them out of that state. Don’t get me wrong, I like Steven Greer and admire the work that he is doing but the premise that these are helpful in false. And this is true for anyone who believes that playing tones during ET contact sessions attracts ETs.

The three things that you require for ET contact are stillness, pure intention and strong feeling. You do not need any kind of sound or special tones. And they may infact be a hindrance. In much the same way that playing binaural beats and that kind of fashionable soundwave therapy is a hindrance to real meditation and genuine states of awareness. Special tones maybe useful for creating a nice warm fuzzy feeling and making you feel good but they are totally unnecessary!

So sure, I am happy to make ET contact tones for people if that’s what they need but it’s a crock of shit! Listen to them for enjoyment, not because you believe that they will attract ETs. Be interested in the maths behind the melodies if you like but don’t believe they’re doing anything special connecting you to ETs.

Humans have used sound and drugs and pain etc. for thousands of years to alter their state of consciousness and to access unusual experiences. But many of these tools are absolutely unnecessary and bypass the hard work of understanding the mind and working with mind-body. (They’re also used out of context with traditional shamanism and the rights of passage experiences that accompany them.) That’s not to say that many of them are not useful because some them are really useful but there is an over-emphasis in our modern society on using these tools to quickly access desired states. And that is dangerous and naive!

Sound is a  very useful tool. It’s why I like composing and making field recordings. But it is no substitute for using the mind to direct the body towards feeling and awareness.

More reading on Colin’s Crop Circle Sound here :

PS. Turning things completely around. Can we ask if ETs use sound to effect us? Well from my own experiences (see part 4 of my video on my January 19th, 2011 experience), I would have to say yes! And knowing how susceptible our minds are to sound influences, I would also say yes! But we must remember that at one level, ETs are not us and we are not them!

For Those Who Are Still Wondering and Waiting

Steven Greer’s new film Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind is now out and it is my wish that it helps a few more people to understand the nature of ETs. I may disagree with some of Steven’s beliefs but I agree wholeheartedly with his belief that we have become a hostile and destructive species and that any person can have ET contact. I keep telling people that I have been told that it will be 1600 years until we become a fully fledged space faring civilization and part of the reason I continue to remind people is because we have so much to do in order to grow up. We are destined to live among the stars, to join many of the collectives and to do things that are beyond our imagination but only when we take full responsibility for who we are individually and collectively. No one alive now, not Elon Musk, not Jeff Bezos, not the best mind on the planet, not the Dalai Lama or the Pope, has the capacity to guide us to a point of space faring maturity. Only we as individuals can do this. The work that we do now individually, will lay a new foundation for the 64 plus generations who will follow, before we take our place among the stars.

No one should ever look to any other person to show them the way. Look to yourself. An aspect of you is the undivided whole and you know everything you need to do to express a more harmonious caring and developed human being. Be that and light your own path.

And if you want ET contact, you don’t have to do anything near as complex as Steven teaches (see my assessment here Just ask with pure intention and wait. That’s all, nothing special ( The ETs are waiting for us to reach out to them, so why wait?

I am no one special. The reason that I have had many face to face ET contacts and been taken off world is because I have taken responsibility for who I am and understanding my true nature. I live what I understand. I show kindness to other living beings because in them I see myself and I know that we are an indivisible whole (although I am not so keen on humans sometimes!). I sense the suffering of all life and I feel the responsibility to ease that suffering.

So if you desperately want ET contact, try to be a little kinder. Show love to other living beings, care about other living beings, be mindful of how you treat Earth. Because how you act in this life determines what others in the cosmos perceive about you. If you’re an asshole you’ll radiate that, if you’re a good kind person you’ll radiate that. So decide what kind of person you want to be first and then try to be that. What you allow yourself to be, will determine what you radiate. To both others on Earth and to others elsewhere in the cosmos.

It’s alright to be a an asshole a little but don’t let it dominate you’re life. Similarly it’s alright to be good and kind most of the time but don’t let assholes push you over. Harmony. Sometimes naughty, sometimes nice but mostly one or the other. Decide. And if you decide to be a good kind person, they will come. Just be patient, drop all expectation and  be aware. How can you know if ETs have come to visit you if you have no awareness of anything else? Especially yourself! Awareness, awareness, awareness. Let the body be aware, let the mind be aware!


Off World Update

Hey folks, I can now confirm that I will not be going through the doorway with Dude to visit the Shalumb people. There were many reasons behind declining Dude’s offer. I can tell you however that he gave me 4 other options and I have chosen to visit his world NaelsI35. I will be gone for up to a year but it will only be about 10 days Earth time. It will be that long because I’ll come home a number of times. It may also be much shorter. I am not absolutely clear about the details yet. The choice to go to Dude’s home world means that I will be safer and less likely to suffer significant health problems.

At this stage it is still unclear as to whether I will be able to share anything of my experience. I may return and end this blog or return and continue or return and share a little of my experience.

As a precursor to going away, a few nights ago I was given a stunning display of 60 craft (though I only saw 41 of them). During this display a perfect line if equidistantly spaced craft filled the sky as they headed towards the top of the Orion constellation, where most of them disappeared. The event is very similar to what I have been seeing in my dreams the last decade and Dude tells me that this is just the beginning.

If you want similar contact, you do not need to do anything special. Just be kind and cultivate a good heart and the ETs will know. Kindness radiates like a beacon in the darkness.

How to Create an Internal Contact World

Here’s an audio in which I talk more about how to create an Internal Contact World (ICW) for initiating ET contact. I dedicate this post to Nick and Frédéric for their interest in internal contact and their ongoing perseverance. This audio is a direct response to Nick who asked me a series of questions about how to make the experience feel more fluid and realistic. Forgive me Nick for answering you publicly !

May this be helpful to all who are serious about initiating their own ET contact :

More reading and audio here :

Long live the Cookie Monster !

Brighty. 😉

PS. That was an inside joke !


How to Make ET Contact

Hey folks, just to let you know that I have updated the How to Make ET Contact section under the ET Contact tab and added a few more relevant posts. 

Happy contact ! 

Brighty. 😉


ET Related TSMs

Hey folks, it just occurred to me that a little while back when I made changes to the blog layout, I omitted a couple of pages. One of them was the ET Related TSMs page. You can now find an updated version of this page under the ET Related TSMs tab at the top of this page under the banner image If there is anything ET related that you would like me to address in a future TSM, please post your questions in the comments under this post and I’ll see what I can answer in the next year or so.


Brighty. 😉

PS. A small side note. For those of you who would like to know about the bird called the Galah, which you often here in the TSMs, check out this site for more info :

PPS. Ten years of a bloggers life (I’z come a long way from the boy who loved to travel and take photos !).