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Fuck You Elon Musk and Starlink!

I was recently privileged to seeing a very large formation of ET craft. Since then I have seen several more large geometrical formations and the normal craft that appear in different locations. A few days ago I decided to look up Australian UFO reports and was surprised to find about half a dozen reports that coincided to some degree with what I saw in terms of the general alignment of the craft. I saw the formation within 15 minutes of asking to see a formation and felt a very personal connection to what I was witnessing and to what my son later witnessed (which was on a different flight path).  Soon after I saw the craft Dude confirmed that there were 60 craft in total. Several days after the sighting, a spotlight seemingly coming from nowhere could be seen on the side of my house and inside the lounge room and the bedroom. One within a minute of seeing a formation and another within minutes of seeing a several separate individual craft.

Having found numerous other reports (reports which span a period of several weeks (and years when you dig far enough back), I thought I best see if there was any possibility that they could be satellites that other people were reporting (or that I had seen). It was then that I realized that Elon Musk’s SpaceX group has already started implementing the Starlink Mission. I knew it was coming but had not followed it closely. Starlink is a massive satellite project (releasing some 60 satellites at a time – coincidence hey!) with the aim of providing a global broadband service by 2021, with a plan to deploy it around Mars in the future (I suspect they want a network of satellites throughout the solar system!). So far Starlink have released 122 satellites and the last of Starlink’s satellites will be deployed in November 2027 and by then they will have deployed 11,936 satellites (with 42,000 in total when the project is complete) (each weighing about 100 to-500 kg). It’s like GPS satellites on steroids! A network of satellites and satellite trains enveloping the planet! Wikipedia says that there are about 5,000 satellites still in orbit from about 8,900 that have been deployed and of these about 1900 that are still functional. 42,000 will be a massive increase! An 8,400 % increase!

Many professional astronomers are outraged at what SpaceX have done and I fully sympathize with them. Starlink will wreck enjoying and observing the night sky and make outdoor ET contact much more difficult due to the distraction and confusion that it may cause. FUCK YOU ELON MUSK FOR WRECKING THE NIGHT SKY! AND FUCK THE US FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FOR AUTHORIZING THE DEPLOYMENT! All for fucking internet! Give me the heavens any day!

God knows how much space junk will end up orbiting our planet but I can see it turning out like it did in Wall-E if Elon Musk has his way. How the hell does one US government agency have the right to authorize SpaceX (despite numerous legal objections) to fuck up the night sky for every living thing on Earth! I can’t help wondering who the FCC has links to ( and how well connected they are to the war machine and other aspects of The Architecture and The Diamond Complex. It smells stinkable to me!

It is my sincerest wish that people start a global series of petitions against SpaceX/Starlink and that some sort of international tribunal (with better integrity than the UN) takes this to court and puts a stop to what is just the beginning of  fucking up the night sky. This whole internet from space thing is set to go stupid, with Amazon planning to send up 3,236 satellites some time soon with it’s Project Kuiper, with OneWeb planning to send up 2,622 satellites, with Samsung planning on sending up 4,600 satellites  Microsatellite production companies such as Sierra Nevada Corp and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd may also become key players ( Corporate networks and money – the two go hand in hand!

I wonder if any of these companies have thought of future risks to other low earth orbit craft or plants, animals or people or the impact the satellite light will have on our night sky? Elon’s comment on Twitter to do something about the albedo (Agreed, sent a note to Starlink team last week specifically regarding albedo reduction. We’ll get a better sense of value of this when satellites have raised orbits & arrays are tracking to sun.“) sound pretty lame arsed to me!

Just as a small side note, it’s kind of funny that Elon had said half halfheartedly that the 2016 DARPA AI challenge Cyber Grand Challenge would lead to the creation of Skynet ( Skynet was the artificial neural network super intelligence in the Terminator movies that tried to Nuke the planet and wanted to destroy humanity. And it’s also amusing that Elon was a signatory to a letter against autonomous lethal weapons and has been a staunch advocate against the dangers of AI. I mean a massive planet surrounding network of communication satellites with the best high tech, replaced every 5 years, starting with the ability to transmit broadband internet, doesn’t sound too far of Skynet to me! And if it’s not SpaceX, someone else will be thinking about the Skynet model. Whether it’s in the US, Russia, the UK, China, India, the EU or an international consortium. Skynet plus Supercomputers and Cloud Networks equals money and control! Even right intentions can be swayed. Everyone has a price! Everyone!

I didn’t have to tell you about any of this or put my own experience under the spotlight but I do so in the interest of honesty and to let you know about the changes. So having had my experience with the recent formation, I wanted to be absolutely certain of what I saw. So I went back to the Satflare website to check the details on that particular night. And although there were some similarities, there were significant differences in terms of time, angle, start and finish position, luminosity and duration. I’ve also watched the Starlink trains since what I saw and they seem quite different. So I feel confident that what I saw was not Starlink. I do however find it amusing that Dude said that 60 craft materialized and 60 satellites were deployed by SpaceX last mission (Nov 11).  What I saw fits in well with other formations I have seen, even if it is unique. Of course some people will think I was mistaken and other people will believe me. I suspect as spring arrives in the northern hemisphere many people will have difficulty distinguishing Starlink from real ET craft formations and fights may well erupt over what was ET and what was man made.

You can track the Starlink Trains (1/2) on the site, so as to be aware of their presence and you can learn more about Starlink here and here I for one will be monitoring the Starlink Train, so I don’t ever mistake it for anything else!

Steven Greer should take note of Starlink because it will have a profound impact on what he is trying to do with his new documentary and the success of global CE-5 groups and individual efforts to make ET contact!

Join me in petitioning against Starlink here : or consider starting your own petition through a relevant channel like or Just remember that if you do start a petition to your government, that it must comply with the process outlined by your own government.

More petitions here :

The next Starlink deployment (3) is due for 31st December, 2019 (check here for details :

More reading here :

More reading about the impact on astronomy here :


Re-entry of Human Space Craft and Celestial Space Debris

Since I was a little boy, I have seen so many things fall from the sky – both during the day and at night. Most of it of course is meteorite related but some of it has probably been human and at least one that I know of was ET related. I’ve always been curious about what we know about objects that fall to Earth, how humans decide where to crash space craft (including satellites) and the impact that the sometimes toxic and radioactive materials in crashed space craft have on life in the regions where they crash.

Personally I think it’s disgusting that we have so much crap orbiting the planet and I dread the thought that we will have so many objects in orbit in the coming decades and centuries, that it might become very difficult to enjoy seeing natural celestial objects and ET craft in the night sky because of all the human pollution. We treat space like we treat our lands and our oceans – with total disregard for anything else ! With every piece of crap we put in space, we are telling the ET races exactly who we are. A race that doesn’t care about anything but itself !

If you ever wanted to know about the celestial objects that fall to Earth, how ESA/NASA monitors and recovers the craft that fall to Earth and something about the rubbish we’ve put in space, check out the videos below.