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Caught Between Two Worlds – Part Two

I want you to imagine a place where there is a technology and sometimes that technology is not a technology but a sentient life form that is like a technology or a piece of architecture or a craft, that is able to create anything out of matter or space (what I have referred to as a Matter Creation Technology – MCT). Imagine just such a place where there are no roads, where life is free to adapt and develop and thrive as it wishes, where each life form is revered and respected for what it is and given a place of importance where it can do whatever it wishes. Imagine that all decisions are made with regard to the greatest good and careful consideration is given to all activities which might harm another life form. Imagine in this place that there are many other life forms from other worlds, living and visiting and interacting without conflict with the native inhabitants. Imagine in this place that there is instantaneous travel from within your own home to any other place on the planet. There is no land, water or air pollution, no light pollution or sound pollution. The water and soil and air is clean and healthy and every ecosystem is rich with life and thriving in good health. Imagine that the native people who live on this world are generous with their time and their actions, they love life on their world, they value their visitors and guests, with whom they gladly share knowledge, wisdom, experiences and the beauty of their world. Imagine that these people have the capacity to destroy entire galaxies, solar systems and worlds but they do not. Instead they participate with many other races to create entire universes, galaxies, solar systems, worlds and even souls. Imagine that sometimes they do these activities by themselves and invite special guests to bring a particular aspect of their own people into the creation of a universe, a galaxy, a solar system or a world.

Imagine that with MCTs there is no inequality, there are no power differentials, there is no need for secrecy, there is no need for the hoarding of stuff, that anything that is created can be returned to the void or stored in other spaces and that energy is endless. Imagine that with MCTs there is no craving for stuff, no struggle to gain more, no struggle to meet the basic needs of life, no desire to keep up with the Joneses, no need to exploit the natural resources of the planet to produce energy or stuff, no need for animal agriculture, no need to destroy ecosystems to gain resources, no need for money, no need for profit and no need to control any place, group of people or other life form.

Imagine a world with no roads, where the cities and towns and villages are small and there are vast spaces between inhabited places. Imagine that instead of roads there are many small intimate tracks, which traverse the landscape, connecting history, people and ecosystems and other life forms. Imagine a culture where individual and family differences are prized, whilst all that they have in common is cherished. Imagine no racism and no isms of any kind. Imagine a people who welcome guests and share all that they can, including knowledge and wisdom, experiences and places. Imagine a people who do not judge you for how you look, what you believe, what you carry in your heart or mind or how you act in the world. Imagine a people who are gentle and tolerant and patient and accepting and understanding. Imagine that these same people were once as brutal as human beings. Imagine a people for whom there is no practical separation between life and death, who converse with the dead as easily as we converse with the living. Imagine a people who can occupy any space anywhere in the cosmos that they wish, in what we think of as any time and return instantly to their home worlds. Imagine a people who have created entire universes and who inhabit many of them but this is there original home world and because of that it is dear to all of the people, even those who inhabit other universes. Imagine a people who love their sentient craft and all the sentient technological life forms that they have created, who nurture such beings with all the love and caring of a parent, teaching and guiding them with all the knowledge and wisdom and practical experience that is available to them.

Imagine a people who value your privacy, who are capable of knowing your every thought and feeling but who recognize the importance of boundaries and who honour that at all times when you are among them. Imagine a people who could trust you with their entire world, to go wherever you see fit and experience whatever you wish, who would give you whatever they could to enhance your experience of their world, so that you might enjoy your time among them and come to know they and their world from the inside out. Imagine a people who took the time to understand you as fully as possible and who figured out the best way to facilitate your education, making the time to create opportunities and experiences to help you learn and enjoy your time on their world.

Imagine a people who understood the sense of homesickness, who could provide you with the means to see your loved ones at any time, who could help you when you were feeling homesick, who could help you to understand the tribulations of your world and your heart.

Imagine a sentient architecture or a sentient craft that could nurture you whilst you were with them, who could do many things to facilitate a safe and enjoyable time whilst you were in their presence and spending time on their world, taking on the role of educator, cook, nutritionist, personal trainer, doctor, recordist/diarist, friend, confidant, wise counselor / therapist, designer, entertainment consultant and co-creator/solo creator, investigator, scientist, interpreter etc.. Whatever role was required at any particular time. Imagine a sentient architecture or a sentient craft that knew your every preference – everything from how you like your bed to feel, to the kind of couch that best supports your body shape, posture, age and aesthetic likes, to the best kind of toilet and most comfortable shower or bath, to the kinds of food you most enjoy and need to eat, to the books you like to read, music you like to hear, movies you like to watch, experiences you need to have, ways you like to learn, relationships you most value and need and all the little creature comforts that will most help you to feel like you are home. Who could speak to the other sentient architectures and craft on the world and share what it has learned about you with each of them, so as to prepare them for your visitation.

Such is the nature of what I have experienced whilst I was among Dude’s people on NaelsI35 and when I have been on one of their sentient craft. If it sounds like an unreal place, it is an unreal place, unlike anything on Earth and akin to some kind of heaven. But it isn’t a heaven of an afterlife, it’s another world.

Contrast this to the world I leave behind whenever I take my trips away. A world where one species dominates every other species, a world where the human population continues to grow unchecked causing immeasurable suffering to other species, a world where among the dominant life form there is conflict, war, hatred, judgement, greed, ignorance, intolerance, impatience, secrecy, militarization, money, profit, control, violence towards other species and all ecosystems, systems which facilitate us and them, inequalities and disparities of every kind, niche roles, mandatory work, enslavement by individuals, groups and systems of control, pollution of every form, animal agriculture, technological dependence, endless craving for stuff, a desire to keep up with the Joneses, conflict and war over natural resources/energy/technology/information/physical space/cyberspace, religious/philosophical/political/ideological dogma, racism, isms of all kinds, confusion of identity, attachment to individual and collective identities, lack of awareness of the nature of the self, a sense of separation from the whole and a lack of love and concern for the welfare of all life forms on our planet.

At a local I’ve been fighting mining, destruction of the environment, land clearing, illegal shooting of kangaroos and wallabies, noisy and destructive motorcyclists and off roaders, roadside garbage everywhere, speeding drivers who on a daily basis almost cause head on collisions and a host of other small things that collectively are very hard to deal with.

Now can you understand what it’s like to visit NaelsI35 and how tempting it is not to come back? Not to mention that when I am there my tumours quickly disappear, I feel 20 years younger, I have boundless energy and I’m met everywhere by kindness and generosity. This then is perhaps the hardest thing about developing relationships with extraterrestrial beings and spending time away from Earth!

When you leave Earth, you realize how backwards we are as a life form and how much better things could be! And that dear friends makes coming back all the more difficult. But alas I am human being and there is no escaping my humanity wherever I am or escaping Earth because I am terribly attached to this world, no matter how fucked up we’ve made things!

In part three I’ll say more about why I feel caught between two worlds by giving you an outline of some specific experiences that I had on NaelsI35 and on Dude’s craft ( /

PS. For those who don’t know, early on I referred to Dude’s people as the Muajra, rather than the Naelsa, because at that stage I wasn’t comfortable revealing the name of his people, just as today I am still not comfortable revealing his true name.

The ET and I Podcast

Hey folks, as many of you know I had almost 2 years (22 months) away from here and I returned reluctantly. Some of you might recall just how fed up I have been with the whole UFO/ET/paranormal field – the unaware egos, the distortions, the delusions, the misunderstandings, the hostile aliens narrative, the paranoia etc., basically all the crap! Since returning I’ve had little interest in the subject online or in any other media. But recently I watched Steven Greer and his new witnesses and the so called UFO Hearings. Nothing really new in any of these materials for me and anyone who’s heard me refer to my ex wife or Dude will know that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of covert work related to and with ETs.

I like what Steven Greer has done and I commend the bilateral support of the six senators who were behind the as yet unapproved UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 and these ongoing committee hearings.

I’ve listened to and read all this material and several things strike me as worthy of consideration. First, it’s highly amusing as I’ve said many times before, that so many people depend on some kind of formal government disclosure for validation that ETs exist or that governments and other groups know about them. That in my mind is absurd! Second, the disclosures that have been made are the tip of a very deep iceberg and the ET subject is just one of many that those in control are desperate to keep hidden. Third, there’s not a chance in hell that anything of any real substance will be revealed by those in The Architecture who control the narrative and what is actually happening on the ground at the coal face. And a big part of the reason is because if they reveal the depths of what has been hidden about this subject, they will also have to reveal the depths of a large number of ongoing atrocities they have committed, going as far back at least as 1910 (WW1 was a great testing ground). Fourth, secrecy is maintained by the ETs and is impenetrable and unilateral (see my map of The Architecture). It is the human arms of The Architecture that has distorted the secrecy and turned it into something that it was never intended to be, done devious and cruel and greedy things and created the impression of hostile ETs trying to control Earth (via such things as abductions and animal mutilations). Fifth, full disclosure will occur when the ETs decide we’re ready and that isn’t for a long time yet – not until we grow up! Sixth, this movement towards disclosure has the potential to re-enforce the threat narrative and create a very powerful impetus towards arming nations to protect themselves against potential ET adversaries. The only adversaries worth protecting nations against are those in The Architecture who facilitate false narratives and alien abductions and the hostile ETs threat narrative, and those in The Architecture and government and corporate groups outside of TA who facilitate psyops against the masses and foreign operations that are driven by the desire for control, power and profit. It could be that the six senators supporting the push towards rapid disclosure have their hearts in the right place but it doesn’t take much for members with vested interests or ignorant members of the public to shift the emphasis towards the potential hostile ETs threat narrative and arming nations and weaponizing space to protect us against them. There are already ignorant members of the US government and other governments around the world and ignorant members of the public advocating just such a stance. Whilst it may seem reasonable to prepare for the possible, it defies logic and the experiences of those of us who have genuine ongoing relationships with ETs, including people within The Architecture who work with ETs based on Earth who know better!

Some of you will know that I like what Steven Greer has done and admire his efforts to tell a greater truth about what ETs are like and the extent of covert secrecy and covert structures and operations. I don’t always agree with him however and two issues (of many) that I disagree with him on are that ETs feel our nuclear weapons are a threat to other ETs/dimensions and that free energy will liberate the world from enslavement. First, it’s worth noting that our nuclear weapons pose no threat to ETs visiting this world or ETs in any other spaces overlapping with out own. Such dangers are well regulated. What they are concerned about is the dangers that nuclear weapons present to the other life forms of Earth. We have no right to imperil other life forms with such dangerous weapons and that is a mistake they don’t wish to see us continue to make. Second, we don’t have the right to take free energy technologies that have been partly created from partially back engineered ET craft. And if we did have access to such technologies it does not guarantee the end of human enslavement to oil, big business, governments, capitalism or any other form of tyranny. Man will find ways to use such technologies to create disparities and create us and them – just as we are doing now with AI. Making such technologies open source of patent free, does not guarantee free access for all or equal access for all or equal impact for all. That is exceptionally naive reasoning. That doesn’t mean to say I disagree with Steven about the importance of such technologies but I am more inclined to believe that our spiritual development must come first and that man will only be free of enslavement when he matures spiritually. No technology will improve the spiritual development of man or the equality of man. Whilst ever human greed and ignorance exist, such ideas are beyond reach and nothing more than fantasy. That is why as I’ve said before it will take 1600 years before we become a fully fledged space faring race who can leave our solar system. We must grow up before we are allowed to travel freely!

So in my eyes Steven is doing a good job pushing this disclosure band wagon but the full extent of disclosure will not be revealed until long after he and all of us are dead. Similarly those who created the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 are doing a good job at pushing for mandated disclosure but they too will not see the fruits of what they are sowing. For those of us living with the ET reality, it has been a snail’s ride to witness the agonizingly slow pace of open public discussion about the subject of ETs on Earth and their involvement with military and covert operations. I don’t really care what is shared and what is not. What I have found difficult to deal with is the derision and outright dismissal of those of us who claim to have relationships with ETs and the preferential treatment of well credentialed witnesses! But now at my age and having dealt with so many challenges (including now my 17th year of living with tumours) I no longer give a fuck about such issues. What I do care about though is how the negative portrayal of ETs continues to distort the wider perception of what ETs are really like. And the reason that I care so much about this issue is not that the ETs are being hurt or need protecting but that we are hurting ourselves and impairing our own development. If I was born 1600 years from now my views would be inconsequential because most people will understand how ETs actually are. But today the sort of views that I hold are at odds with 99 % of the garbage that is out there in relation to the ET subject! When humanity nurtures the sort of ignorance that holds that there are good ETs and bad ETs and that there is a grand cosmic war for planets and souls going on, we not only cut off our arms and legs but we gut ourselves, cut out our hearts and decapitate ourselves. In other words we annihilate the essence that is in each of us and is in them. By doing so we fail to recognize that the other and us are one. Sure, it’s true that we are all unique individuals but its equally true that we are the same. Some of you may recall Dude dismissing the idea of oneness as preferential oneness and suggesting that ETs recognize the essence that is in all of us that binds us as one and the uniqueness in each of us that makes us the many. The one and the many. So whilst we’re led towards the hostile NHI/ET hypothesis and the threat narrative, we’re equally led towards the notion of separation and disconnection from the whole. And that my friends will be our undoing. It is the very thing that has led us to destroy our biosphere en masse and destroy each other. So I urge you, pay attention to where this whole disclosure band wagon is headed and how it unfolds. It has the potential to do much that is good and the potential to cause much harm and set our species back to the dark ages!

What then has any of this got to do with the ET and I podcast? Well, some of you might recall me saying that I felt that most of what I’d shared since 2000 had fallen on deaf ears and that I wondered why I bothered. That is still true and I don’t anticipate that anything I might do in the future will change that because I am just one man with one small voice, swimming against a tide of ignorance. However also believe that when a person chooses to do so, he or she can become a torch bearer in times of great ignorance. And what does a torch bearer do? He holds a light so that others might see and eventually he passes the light onto others, so that they can help others to see. That is all I have ever tried to do!

So sometimes between now and the end of the year I’ll be starting a new podcast called ET and I, a kind of complementary podcast to this blog and a sort of substitute for writing. Writing takes more time and effort than making a podcast. The podcast won’t be fancy or polished – just me sitting at my desk, talking and sharing. Unlike The Something Monologues, I won’t be out on my walks, so the sound should be much easier on the ears. My intention is to create a short podcast of about 30 episodes (maybe longer of I feel like it) of at least an hour each episode. What I intend on doing is to talk about ten subjects directly related to ETs that I may or may not have ever discussed here before and to talk about ten experiences I have had with the ETs that I may or may not have ever discussed here before (including my time away on NaelsI35 and in the Naelsa’s sentient craft). What I will be trying to do is to convey the nature of what ETs are really like and what experiences and relationships with ETs are really like – once you get past the fear. So the sort of things I will be talking about will have nothing to do with abduction, paralysis, experiments or waking up and not knowing what’s happening. I’ll be talking about nuts and bolts experiences and relationships. Things that happened whilst I spent several weeks on a craft and things that happened when I spent upwards of two years at a time on their home world. Whilst I won’t be talking about a great number of experiences (to convey two years of an experience would take an awfully long time), I will touch on some critical experiences that will make it very clear to you what ETs are actually like, what their craft are actually like and what their home worlds are actually like. Most of my conversations will focus on the Naelsa (Dude’s people) because they are the people I know best and with whom I have ongoing visits. In recent years since leaving the blog, I have been involved with 8 races more intimately and spent more time on NaelsI35 but I am not at liberty to discuss those experiences at this stage. I don’t always feel the desire to share my personal experiences with the public but I’ve also been advised several times that now is not the time to share these most recent experiences. Perhaps that time will come in the future. Just to give you some sense of what the podcast will be like, here are somethings I will discuss:

  • Spending time on Dude’s very large clover shaped craft (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Speaking with other ETs on Dude’s craft.
  • Speaking with Dude’s sentient craft and learning from the craft.
  • Spending time in the Reticulum Manifold (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Spending time with The Beloved Carers during Internal Worlds Contacts, visiting other worlds to learn lessons. (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Spending time in the forest and at the lake in Dude’s craft enjoying the many different alien creatures that inhabited the lake (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • Remembering my visits to Naelsi35 via an experience Dude gave me by his personal lake on the craft.
  • Spending time with the Family Tree at Dude’s home in NalesI35 and being shown their people’s distant past.
  • Learning with House Intelligence in the home where I stayed on NaelsI35 and the nature of a living house intelligence and network of house intelligences.
  • Being taken by Dude to see other places in our Galaxy.
  • Being taken by Dude to the distant past and near future where he showed me events from my future life (including the death of my sister, which came to pass) (see earlier posts on this subject).
  • The nature of instantaneous travel and travel to other worlds and to off world craft, where you are returned to the exact moment you left (note: I spent a long time trying to get ChatGPT 4 to make sense of this and instructing it how to reconstruct its reasoning).
  • The nature of ET craft and the hybridization of large numbers of elements at the molecular level (see earlier posts on this subject)..
  • Matter Creation Technologies (see earlier posts on this subject of MCTs).

There maybe a bunch of other things but those are the things I can think of at this time. Like I said, between now and the end of the year, likely in 2-3 months as I have several other significant issues to attend to. Let me know if there are any subjects you’d like me to cover (if they relate to what I previously identified) and I might be able to address them.

For those wondering who the fuck Dude is, go here: or see the tab above (Dude is of the Nalesa race, I used the term Muajra initially because I did not feel comfortable revealing the name of his people). For those who want to hear The Something Monologues, go here: (but only available via Box, not Podbean or iTunes). And for those who want to hear the Dude’s Maxims podcast, see below or look it up on Anchor or Spotify (start with episode 1 for context). I may now and then add an episode to Dude’s Maxims.

If you’d like to support the podcast or this blog, go here: (or see the link on the top RHS of page).

I will be posting here occasionally but not very often. Most of my efforts from now on will go into the podcast. You can however dig into the blog all the way back to the beginning. My videos on Youtube are however not available and I cannot be contacted via email. I’ll remove the adds when I can and forgive any typos! It’s late and this is now foreign to me!

Enjoy the next chapter of ET and I!

Space Sensibility

There’s some interesting voices coming out of Russia, that seem to be providing a contrary voice to the current American push for a space force. It’s hard to say exactly what is going on but such voices seem to be advocating a peaceful approach to space and a non hostile view of the ETs, which is perfectly in line with what I have been suggesting for many years. These are the sorts of people that the masses should be paying attention to and not donkeys like Donald Trump or the war mongers of the world. Maybe not everything they have to say is rock solid but they seem to be saying enough that matters and for that they deserve our attention!

“This is the cosmos and we do not own it!” Alexander Semyonov

More reading here : and here :

TSM187 : The Emerging Space Empires

Hello People of Earth, after almost a year long absence, I have at last started making some new TSMs. In today’s TSM I explore the idea of emerging space empires. I begin by suggesting that the concern some people have about the weaponization of space is just the beginning of what we should be concerned about, with the real concern being the formation of space empires that span our solar system. Today I explore the notion that what we are witnessing now is the emergence of space empires. Space empires which without any external control, could mark the beginning of human tyranny in space. This of course is never going to happen because of the ETs but there will be significant implications for all of us that stem from the efforts by different individuals and groups to create their own space empires.

In the next TSM I’ll offer Dude’s follow up response to this subject.


Brighty. 😉

PS. Please let me know if the volume is OK, as I had to adjust it on my laptop due to strange sounds that were coming from my laptop speakers. If it isn’t I’ll lower the sound.

Download here :

More TSMs here : but be aware they are no longer available on Podbean or iTunes.

Prepare to Be Deceived

John Greenewald from The Black Vault has today posted a video of former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe ( speaking openly to Fox News about the existence of UFOs. Ratcliffe held the role of DNI for just under 8 months and regarding his short stay in the role Wikipedia says : “However, months into his tenure as DNI, Ratcliffe was widely regarded as using the DNI to score political points for Trump.[16] Ratcliffe made public assertions that contradicted the intelligence community’s own assessments,[16] and sidelined career officials in the intelligence community.”. So what does this mean? Well I think there are two possibilities. Ratcliffe is out to do the dirty on the US intelligence community or more likely, he’s playing his part in a grand deception (and so he doesn’t get blamed later), in which the UFOs and their occupants will be labelled as a threat which justifies the expansion of the US space military – which will include US Space Force/Command and private space forces. In my mind it’s playing to the threat narrative that the To the Stars Academy has been part of. It’s effectively a precursor to the release of Trump’s 180 days to release all information on UFOs deal that was part of the H.R.7856 – Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 ( – the specifics of which may have been redacted for security reasons, as I can’t find the damned thing!)). In which incidentally there was a bill for the creation of an Assistant Secretary of Defence for Space ( to among other things “Exercise authority, direction, and control of all space administrative matters relating to the organization, training, and equipping of space forces.”; which followed up nicely on the Space Frontier Act of 2019 ( and the Advancing Human Spaceflight Act of 2019-20, which among other things “expands the objectives of NASA to include the expansion of permanent human presence beyond Earth in a way that enables human space settlement and a thriving space economy.” (

It will be interesting to see how the current DNI Avril Haines ( responds when the files Trump requested come out in April (?). Will she play to the same threat narrative that has been established the last decade or so or will she play the threat narrative down or will she stay quiet, thereby diffusing any interest in what’s really happening?

People who held those positions don’t just talk on the most mainstream stupid news service in the world for no reason. I acknowledge that perhaps people like John Ratcliffe and John O. Brennan ( are just speaking their own minds but in my mind there’s little doubt that it’s part of a well orchestrated plan of deception.

In order for the US and certain members of the lower arms of The Architecture to establish a well planned space economy and to consolidate their power, there will be a massive push to map and exploit space resources and Earth based resources. To do this it will be necessary to weaponize near Earth space (which will further strengthen the shadow economy) to ensure that that they always have the upper hand. Not against ETs but other vested human interests. So expect to see more of this “soft disclosure” opening up the the dialogue around space exploration, a space force and a space economy. Peel back the fluff and see what’s inside because everything is hidden in plain sight.

Related reading here : (see my categories of disclosure) and here :