Category Archives: Internal Worlds Method

Internal Spaces

There are countless internal spaces in all living beings but very few human beings ever bother to make the effort to notice or to explore the internal spaces that they carry within them. We inhabit space and are made of space. We have spaces within our bodies and spaces within our minds. Our senses and bodies bring our minds and brains information and imprint on the energy of space within us and in the space we fill.

If we allow ourselves to investigate the way that our senses and our bodies work, we soon discover that they bring us a wealth of experience that can guide us from moment to moment. All we need to is to pause for a few moments and to notice, to bring attention to feeling and sensation and to the ever changing flux within our physical emotional and mental spaces. With enough experience pausing, we soon discover that this flux has much to teach us about how we are living and how best to live. But the busyness of our lives rapidly extinguishes any awareness that we have of what is really going on in our being, let alone the totality of our being. The only solution is to stop and notice and then to carry an element of what we have learnt into our daily existence. When we stop and notice, we allow the flux of experience to arise in our awareness and to reside there a little while. But there is no keeping the flux still because to live is to have movement – movement of the physical, emotional and mental processes and structures within us. We can try to force stillness but that is only another form of mental activity. Better to simply notice and allow the flux to be what it is and to settle to a level that is calmer than it was. Natural stillness is very different to forced stillness, as is the silence that arises from it.

When you experience natural stillness, you soon understand what drives the flux and why everything moves. You see how all spaces within and without are connected and that the nest of their being is the luminosity within.

If we open our imaginations to the spaces within, we can easily discover spaces that show us the depths and totality of our being. We can create entire worlds consciously and unconsciously in which we experience all that we are and enter upon symbolic journeys that transform our conscious understanding of our being and our place in the whole of creation. You have all the wisdom you could ever want inside of you and all the teachers and guides you could ever want in the spaces within. There exists inside of you worlds within worlds within worlds, without end. And all that you are is enfolded in these spaces ready to unfold when you choose to drop all ideas about what you think you are. Whether it is your identities, your roles, your abilities or your achievements.

So many people look to others for answers, ignoring all that is within them. Curiosity is a good thing but curiosity about your own nature is a better thing. Seek only to understand why you seek and do not seek. Hold both in the one hand at once. Not trying to be a seeker or a non seeker.

Great poetry uses imagery to create worlds inside of you. When you read or hear the words, language triggers your imagination to awaken and to create your version of what the poet wrote or imagined. It is good to engage with image rich poetry because it helps you to do what you do best unconsciously – and that is to harness the power of your imagination to awaken the spaces within you and to give birth to worlds, thoughts, feelings and experiences that you did not have. In so doing enriching the fabric of your being. You do not have to be a sterile spore when you can be a beautiful fungus who is connected to a vast subterranean world and a rich forest woven together by deep interconnection. Imagination frees us from sterility and isolation and helps to remind us that we are the one and the many.

How to Create an Internal Contact World

Here’s an audio in which I talk more about how to create an Internal Contact World (ICW) for initiating ET contact. I dedicate this post to Nick and Frédéric for their interest in internal contact and their ongoing perseverance. This audio is a direct response to Nick who asked me a series of questions about how to make the experience feel more fluid and realistic. Forgive me Nick for answering you publicly !

May this be helpful to all who are serious about initiating their own ET contact :

More reading and audio here :

Long live the Cookie Monster !

Brighty. 😉

PS. That was an inside joke !


What it’s Like to Talk with Dude, Anamika and The Beloved Carers

Talking to my ET Friends has become so normal for me that I forget that this is a completely foreign thing to other people. So perhaps I can explain what it’s like and then you’ll understand why it feels so normal to me.

Let me begin by telling you that for the last 2 years I have spent more time talking with Dude than with Anamika, simply because I’ve been working on the Book of Dude (parts 1-3) with him. When that series is complete I’ll probably end up speaking more with Anamika.

I didn’t start out with a plan to spend an inordinate amount of time talking to any ET. It happened that way almost by accident. Previously I had spent a long time exploring ideas about the nature of the self, conversing with the many aspects of self (which each have their own voice if we allow that to happen) and doing what I’d been doing for a long time – having conversations with people who have died. I had to work very hard to figure out what was real and what wasn’t. I had worked previously with many people with so called Schizophrenia, Schizo Affective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and the like and I was familiar with the types of ways that the human mind creates hallucinations and delusions. So I worked very hard to explore how mind works and to figure out exactly how my own mind was working. I didn’t fall head first into talking to ETs with my eyes closed. In fact it took a long time for me to believe that those first few conversations with people who have died were real. I was dubious and sceptical and it took along time for me to be convinced. Having said that, this was my journey and it convinced me. I don’t expect anyone else to be convinced of what I claim to be engaged in. I hear a lot of people who claim to channel ETs and people who have died and a host of other living and dead entities and I often think, “What a load of ill informed crap !”. I am not an easy person to convince ! And I don’t expect anyone else who hears what I talk about, to be easily convinced either.

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The ability to perceive people who have moved beyond bodily life didn’t come easily to me. In fact I was a complete ignoramus ! I sensed nothing ! It was my ex wife Rachel who was the gifted one, who couldn’t help picking up on the presence of those who have died. With Rachel’s guidance, I slowly learned to notice. But I had a lot of doubt and scepticism. It was only when my guide Kanatek materialised a small set of gifts to prove his existence to me, that I really began to explore what was happening without significant doubt overshadowing my experiences. But I had to work so hard to teach myself and I made lots of mistakes ! So by the time I came to connect with ETs, I knew all about doubt and scepticism and the zig zag nature of the path that developing these kinds of skills might take.

The first time I spoke to an ET, I was lying down on top of a sand dune looking at the stars, all alone on Griffith Island in the coastal town of Port Fairy. I was talking to whoever was listening when a voice suddenly said, “We’re here” and a light began blinking directly above me. I was so taken back, I lept to my feet in case I was seeing things. And the light continued. And then in the weeks that followed , whenever I was out on my walks the same thing happened. In the years since then I discovered that the ETs would respond by signalling me and sometimes they would speak to me. But they were not always able to respond and I had to learn to accept that. Most of the time when they respond they signal me by flaring up (blinkers), sending horizontal streaks between flare ups or streaks (false meteors) by themselves, sending flashes around me or by sending some other kind of light form. Sometimes they will speak to me, whether I am ready for it or not. And sometimes I’ll initiate a dialogue and they’ll respond. On a small number of occasions I’ll have a full telempathic experience of being shown things and feeling the emotion that is associated with what I’m being shown (from the ETs and/or myself). Sometimes ETs will be present in the space around me and even though I can’t see them, I can sense them (see post on Expanding Your Physical and Emotional Senses). And occasionally I’ll have a full face to face contact experience on the ground with them or on a craft.

The way that I began speaking with Dude started in a very ordinary way. After many years of keeping Dude a secret, Rachel finally revealed his existence. We spoke for a few days all about his presence in her life and then one day after I meditated, I sent out a mental request to speak with him. Within about 20 seconds I heard a very distinctive voice say, “Hello Bright, it’s Dude. It’s nice to meet you !”. And from that point onwards he was there whenever I asked to speak with him. Things were a little different with Anamika. I’d had the big encounter of January 19th, 2011 (see my Youtube video) and I knew that there was a female Teal’hia who was very fond of me (I referred to them as The Brownies before then). I had heard this name for several years in my head, even before that experience and I knew that I could never quite articulate it. Then one day after the 2011 encounter I had an experience of going back through another encounter and I remembered her name. A few days later I was out for a walk in the forest. I sat down and meditated for a short while and then when my mind was calm, I asked to speak to her. And within ten seconds she was there, “Hello Bright, I am here.”And from there we began talking.

Whenever I went for a walk in the forest I made an effort to connect with Dude or Anamika. I still had doubt and I was still unsure of exactly what was happening. But I tried to reserve all judgement, to let whatever was going to happen, happen. In the same period of time I was also having other encounters and conversations with ETs and people who have died. Later I began having similar conversations with a Hairy Folk/Yowie/Forest Person called Teathar. For years I’d been scribbling bits and pieces about my ET contact experiences in my my journal but I was very laissez-faire about the whole thing. It was only in 2014 that I began to document every single ET related experience (see my post on Documenting the ET Contact Experience).
My experience of having conversations with ETs was a slow and gradual thing, enmeshed with doubt and scepticism and self exploration. I didn’t get to the point of believing instantly. Like Fox Moulder, I wanted to believe but I didn’t want to deceive myself ! So the experiences that I describe today about talking with Dude or Anamika I don’t take lightly. And I don’t make this stuff up. That would be stupid and a waste of my life ! I worked hard to get to this point ! And I continue to ask hard questions of myself and to look for proof if ever doubt arises.

So what is it like to talk with my ET friends ? To start with, imagine that you have a best friend, who knows you inside out and you get to speak with each other for 3 or 4 hours a week. You don’t always see each other because you live a long way apart. You’re curious about each other, you respect each other, you care about each other and sometimes you like to have a joke and a dig at each other. That’s Dude and I. Mostly I talk to him when I’m out on one of my walks because I find walking very relaxing and it’s easy for me to connect with him when I’m in an open spacious environment. I can connect with him anywhere but I like connecting with him when I’m out walking. Sometimes when we’re talking I’m also connecting with other ETs and they’re signalling me at the same time. Sometimes he’ll even tell me who has arrived and which craft are where. Dude and I joke around a lot and occasionally he reprimands me for being an idiot and making a bad choice ! But mostly he’s very accepting of who I am and my choices. He just doesn’t like to see me get hurt or become unwell. Talking with Anamika is little bit different. She feels very maternal. And also like a big sister. She’s very loving, very caring, very gentle in how she speaks and very happy to speak about anything. Mostly I talk to her when I’m out walking as well. But sometimes we speak when I’m at home and feeling restful. Anamika only offers suggestions when I really push for advice. Both Dude and Anamika love their work and enjoy life immensely. So we often talk about what they’ve been experiencing, which I find enthralling but admittedly I don’t make enough time to explore these things at length. Sometimes when I talk with Dude or Anamika, there are periods when I have a telempathic experience with them and/or other periods when I see what they want me to see.

These days I like to record my conversations. Now because Dude or Anamika are speaking to me through my mind, it’s all heard internally. So in order to record my conversations with them I have to repeat everything that they say to me. So when I play back a recording, it’s like listening to 2 different versions of myself. The conversations with Dude sound very different to the conversations with Anamika. If you were to see me having a conversation, this is what you would see. I’m holding my iPod close to my mouth and talking to it, like I’m talking to someone on a phone. I’m saying my part out loud and repeating what’s said back to me out loud. If you didn’t know better, you’d think I was just having a normal conversation on the phone. When I come home I upload the audio and file them away into specific folders. Sometimes I play them back and take notes or sometimes (like when I’m writing the book) I have the excruciating job of writing or typing up every single word. And I loathe, I hate having to do that !


You might however wonder what it’s like when I have a conversation when I’m having Internal World contact with The Beloved Carers. Well it’s a little different. I’m lying or sitting on my bed. I’ve gone through a process of deep relaxation, which can take up to an hour. I’ve entered my internal world. And in this particular world that has been co-created, there is a pair of large curved stone seats facing each other. I usually stand at the front of them and wait for my 8 ET friends to enter the world, via a kind of light vortex that arises in side of a small Greek style circular temple (I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this style). I wait for them to come towards me and then I greet them one by one with a hug. We take our seats, I welcome them and then one of them begins talking. If I’m recording the conversation I am able to open my eyes and write down what’s been said and re-enter instantly or I am able to speak out loud and make an audio recording. If I’m not recording, I’m fully immersed in the world and I make my notes after. So we have a normal conversation and they usually tell me what today’s lesson is all about and then we go for a little walk and they might take me somewhere else in that world or to another co-created world or to a physical world elsewhere (this came as a surprise when it first happened). We can travel either by walking, flying or moving instantaneously. These kinds of experiences involve both instruction, education and experiential learning. Sometimes one ET takes on a key role and sometimes everyone takes on a role. There are 8 ETs from 5 races and they all have something unique to offer.

When I talk with Dude or Anamika, our conversations are usually between 1-2 hours. When I talk with The Beloved Carers, our conversations are usually between 1-3 hours. The hardest thing about either kind of experience, is that it’s mentally exhausting and it often leaves me feeling physically tired as well – especially when it’s been a long or a complex conversation.

There are often occasions when I am talking to ETs and other ET related phenomenon are happening around me and there are often occasions after I’ve talked to ETs and so called synchronicities occur – as if to confirm something that was said.
The ETs aim their conversations with me at my level. They don’t for example, talk about higher order mathematics or physics because A. Those are human ideas and B. I suck at mathematics and physics and wouldn’t have a clue what they’re talking about ! I am however deeply interested in cultural evolution, spiritual development and the nature of reality. So those are topics they often talk to me about.

Sometimes when I hear Dude or Anamika or The Beloved Carers (outside of the inner world but still in my head) they sound very distinctive – just like how they sound face to face and sometimes I hear them in my voice. And sometimes it’s like there is a gradual tuning in from my voice to their voice. Most often I suppose, I hear them in their voice.
So how does a conversation with my ET friends sound ? Well I usually start out with something like this : “Hello Dude, are you there ? Can I speak to you please ?” or “Hello Anamika, can I speak to you please ?”. Then I wait and usually within 1-30 seconds I will hear them respond with something like “Hello Bright, I’m here. Do you wish to speak ?” or “Hello Bright !”. I’ll then ask them if they are free to talk and how they are. They are always free to talk and always well but I ask anyway because I think that courtesy is important. I then ask them where they are and what they’ve been doing and they’ll give me a quick overview, unless I ask more and sometimes that can turn into a whole conversation in itself. I’ll then ask a set of questions and we’ll go backwards and forwards like in a normal conversation. Then when I’m worn out or the conversation has come to a natural end, I say a big thank you, wish they and their families well and bid them a fond farewell. And then the voice stops and it’s like a vacuum in my mind. Very still. I often walk away from my conversations with them, in a state of disbelief. It often takes me days to process what was said to me and sometimes its very confronting and challenging. I’ve been forced to let go of so much of what I once believed to be true. I mean, for example, I don’t believe in quantum mechanics, string theory, the matrix, holographic theory, none of that stuff. It’s all crap ! I’ve had to let as much go as I can. Because a full mind is a closed mind. And if I want to truly remain open, I have to put aside what I think I know and make space for what is unknown. Take Dude’s explanation of Conjoined Space and Anamika’s explanation of A Space Reticulum. Fuck, I was so shocked by both of these ideas. More so by the former and less so by the later because I had already heard the former. If I had believed many of our modern conceptions – be they mainstream or alternative ideas, I would not have had mental space to accommodate things that are completely at odds with what I know and turn reality on it’s head ! So my attitude to communion with my ET fiends is, “I know nothing, open me to what’s possible.”. And it takes a lot of vigilance to ensure that I don’t get too attached to human ideas – especially my own ! I try to take everything with a grain of salt. I let it sit comfortable for a while and then re-examine what I think I believe and sometimes I chuck things out entirely. Which is exactly what I did with the whole concept of sacred geometry. Bullshit ! Man made crap ! Touchy feely stuff that makes people feel warm and fuzzy. Nothing more than a product of the human imagination ! Interesting but false. Fun and beautiful but not what people say it is.

I suspect that the only difference between myself and most people is that I care enough to want to know as much as possible about other life forms. Its why I originally studied to become a biologist. But I also make the time and make effort to create relationships with them. While millions of people are stuck in front of their televisions watching murder dramas or watching cat videos on Youtube, I’m outside connecting with the heavens and talking with my ET friends. I want relationships with them and so I devote time to develop relationships. I know that they know everything about me, so I don’t try to hide anything and I fear nothing about them because they pose absolutely no threat to me. And importantly, I am always curious about what I don’t know and I love learning new things.


If I were to die tomorrow, I feel like I have done the best I can at trying to engage with life Both the human world, the natural world and the cosmos at large. I love that I can ask the stars and the space around me, “If there are any beings from other worlds, will you please connect with me in any way, shape or form if it is convenient to do so ?” and sometimes within seconds a craft will signal me from above ! And I love that I can ask Dude or Anamika or any of The Beloved Carers, “Can I speak to you please ?” and they respond, just like a person picking up a phone at the other end ! I’m not saying any of this because I like boasting. I’m saying this because this is what it is like to talk to ETs. You know that wherever you are, they are there too in some way, connected to your very being, always aware of your presence in some way. And if they can, they will respond to you. When I talk to ETs I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I have a greater family who knows that I exist and that my existence is worthy of their attention. And if it’s true for me, then it can also be true for you ! Because we are all equal ! ET contact is unconditional and free. Why wait any longer ?

Your Internal Worlds

I dedicate this brief post to the PK fellowship !

Some of you will be familiar with my ideas about co-creating an internal world for ET contact Those of you who ‘get it’ will see the wider possibilities and implications for such practices. You will also understand that the human imagination has built everything in our human world. All that is good and all that is bad. Each moment we create our own heaven and our own hell and all that is in between.

Sometimes the best way to learn something is by being pushed out of your comfort zone. So let me ask all of you, if you could create an internal world in life or in death, what would it look like, what would fill that world and what kinds of experiences would you have there ? This maybe a useful exercsie for any one who wishes to develop this particular practice.

Wishing you all a splendidly magnificent day of human life !

Brighty. 😉

PS. The following are really stories of the imagination, that build worlds in your head. Feel free to suggest some of your own storied songs or poems.


Internal Worlds Are Waiting For You !

This is just a brief post before going to bed. I often post things late at night and sometimes they’re pretty rough and badly written. I’m tired and in no mood to write something well articulated tonight ! So consider this an introduction to a much deeper subject !

I’ve talked a number of times previously about co-creating an Internal World for ET contact I have a sense that not many people really understand what it’s all about and even fewer people believe that it’s possible. So let me  clarify the subject a little.

When you know your true nature, you know that you are at your core the luminosity that is within. Some human cultures have identified this. In Tibetan Buddhism it’s referred to as the Ground Luminosity, in the Near Death experience it’s referred to as the Light, in Neo Advaita, it’s sometimes referred to as the Self. The space faring ETs have all come to understand this in their own way. In addition they have a well-rounded understanding of how mind works and how mind creates reality. As a result of this, they also understand how imagination can shape reality. Their understanding of both the nature of the Self and the Mind and Imagination, allows them to interact with others in non physical ways.

Now, you might ask, why would they do that ? I’ll give you one simple reason…Space is big ! And because space is big, it is not always convenient to travel to a place to meet with a person. So sometimes it is more useful to meet a person in an internal world – a world that is created by the imagination.

This method has been used by different ETs for aeons but not all ETs (both planet bound and space faring) are comfortable with this method. But the vast majority of the space faring ETs are.  I’ve been told that at various times in human history, this method has been used by a small number of people to maintain contact with ETs. The majority of them were taught this by the ETs themselves.

In a future post I’ll explain more about how this method works with the ETs and that will explain more of why the ETs come across more than extraterrestrial and why the term extraterrestrial may actually be a misnomer !

So for now I just want to leave you with an appreciation of the possibilities that such methods open up for ET contact. Consider for a moment, this possibility. You ask an ET or a group of ETs to work with you to create a world in your imagination. You enter that world and discover a whole planet that looks nothing like anything you know. Soon after entering the world you meet the ETs who helped fulfil your request. From here on, what’s possible is like a choose your own adventure book. You might :

  • Meet with the ETs, introduce yourself and get to know them.
  • Be taught how to navigate through this new world.
  • Be given the life story of any of the beings.
  • Learn about any of their planets, cultures, societies, people or families.
  • Ask 101 questions and have some of them answered.
  • Be given lessons on any number of subjects.
  • Take a journey with any of the ETs around the planet &/or be simultaneously given lessons on any number of subjects.
  • Be taken from here to an actual physical world.
  • Be taken on board a physical craft.
  • Make a new friend/new friends.
  • Be given healing.
  • Receive help with a particular you are experiencing or have experienced repeatedly across lifetimes.
  • Be given large volumes of information with or without instruction on any subject.
  • Be shown the inner workings of particular forces/systems in the natural world.
  • Be taught about the life force and.or consciousness.
  • Be taught about the experiences or perspectives of other life forms (one’s that are familiar to you and ones that are not !).
  • Be taken to another internal world.
  • Be given the chance to invite others into your internal world (be they human or otherwise).
  • Be taken to another internal world where you might have the chance to meet large numbers of other ETs (think of this possibility like meeting a gathering of new people you don’t know at a conference, an airport or a dinner !).
  • Be taken into your own past or future.
  • be taken to see other lives (what we would think of as past or future lives or what Dude would call a conjoined space/conjoined life related to your current life).
  • Be taken to experience The Creator.

There’s no limit to what’s possible. It is after all about developing relationships.

At some point you will naturally want proof for yourself that what you are experiencing in the boundaries of your imagination, is actually real and more than just imagination. And if you are fortunate and patient, such an opportunity will be given to you (as it was to me last year).

The most important things to remember about this method, is that you require a still mind, complete awareness, a strong desire for contact, gratitude and to know why you want contact and what’s behind your intentions. Sure you can turn up and have no reason for wanting the experience but it will work best when you have clear reasons for wanting the experience. You can also (as I have done), have reasons for wanting contact but go in and let things unfold very organically, with no idea about where it’s going or what might be offered to you next !

Imagine that you have the ability to shape a lucid dream and to invite a friend to help shape the dream. But within the dream what takes place has a reality all of its own. And that reality can spill into your waking reality. That’s a little like what this process looks like.

The key to the whole thing is to remember that all separation between inner and outer worlds, is merely an illusion. There is only one. But when you enter an internal world with an ET in this way, the boundaries that you perceive between inner and outer, can break down very quickly ! So quickly that you maybe completely unprepared for what happens next ! 

People spend so much time and effort trying to establish contact with little green men out there ! Ignorant that little green men can equally be found within !

Don’t be afraid to try, just because it goes against everything you’ve been taught to believe !


Seven Sermons to the Dead

Many believe that one of Carl Jung’s greatest achievements was his The Red Book (published posthumously in 2009 ( The ony piece of work related to the Red Book that Jung shared publicly was the Seven Sermons to the Dead (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos) which (he printed privately in 1916) which was included in 1962 in his Memories, Dreams, Reflections (, a year after his death. Seven Sermons appears to represent the final pages of the Red Book and to be a kind of summary of the mythopoetic philosophy of the Red Book.

Many who read the Seven Sermons (and the Red Book) seem to miss the context in which Carl Jung wrote these explorations.  As far as I can understand, both pieces of work represent the journey that Jung took into his own mind. For much of his life Jung actively explored his own consciousness/unconsciousness through fantasy. In this fantasy he encountered many guides and the one who grew closest to was called Philemon. He often said that Philemon provided him with wisdom that he could not otherwise have consciously known. Philemon became a powerful influence for Jung’s psychoanalytic work and his unque insights into the human condition.  In later life Jung indicated that he no longer needed Philomen, as he could now depend on his own wisdom.

“In his introduction to Liber Novus, Shamdasani explains:

“The text of The Red Book draws on material from The Black Books between 1913 and 1916. Approximately fifty percent of the text of The Red Book derives directly from The Black Books, with very light editing and reworking. The “Black Books” are not personal diaries, but the records of the unique self-experimentation which Jung called his ‘confrontation with the unconscious.’He did not record day to day happenings or outer events, but his active imaginations and depictions of his mental states together with his reflections on these. The material which Jung did not include in The Red Book is of equal interest to the material which he did include.””

And further :

“If one does not place Jung’s confrontation with the unconscious in a proper perspective, or understand the significance of the Red Book, one is in no place to understand fully Jung’s intellectual development from 1913 onwards, and not only that, but his life as well: it was his inner life which dictated his movements in the world. … For Jung’s work on his fantasies in Black Books and the Red Book formed the core of his later work, as he himself contended. The Red Book is at the center of Jung’s life and work. [Understanding Jung] without an accurate account of it would be like writing the life of Dante without the Commedia, or Goethe without Faust.

Like Virgil’s gift to Dante in his allegory, The Divine Comedy (, Philemon provided Jung with both a journey of discovery and the insight to understand the journey.  The journey of course ultimately being about life and reality.

The Seven Sermons to the Dead and The Red Book works of great insight and represent a very powerful inner journey. But what I find so striking, is that people ignore the example that Jung has set for us. Someone else who encouraged such inner exploration was Roberto Assagioli ( with his Psychosynthesis ( Assagioli developed many methods for internal exploration – which can be used for psyhcotherapy, healing and general exploration of one’s own mind.

I’ve sometimes spoken here and on the TSMs about my own Internal World’s methods (ISS/ICW : as a means of using the imagination to learn about the nature of one’s consciousness/unconsciousness and to make contact with ETs and those who have died etc. One of the reasons I’ve spoken about this, is because like Jung and Assagioli, I too discovered the power of the imagination to reveal much that is hidden and to move beyond the usual limitations of the ordinary mind. Such methods are at least as powerful as the use of psychdelics, without any of the dangers or potentials for misunderstanding.

The Seven Sermons and The Red Book are powerful and illuminating works but we should not consider them the only creations of their type. Many of you have heard me speak about Alapo – a kind of higher dimensional aspect I’ve been working with ( / In the last few years I’ve transcibed about 500 pages of dilalogue that has taken place between the two of us. Alapo has also become a sort of boundless guide – with whom I can speak or meet internally. Unlike Jung, I’m not trying to create any kind of personal mythopoetic magnum opus but Like Jung, I seek to understand the self through something more than the conventional view of the self. I sense that in coming decades many other people, who seek understanding about the self and the nature of reality, will attempt similar experiements like my own and those of Jung and Assagioli and is so doing create their own mythopoetic master pieces that draw from the collective wisdom of mankind and the wisdom of the totality of all their lives (or at least one of them).

I can easily imagine a similar work as a result of internal world contact with actual ETs !

Perhaps it will be you who will write the next Sermon ! 😉

The Seven Sermons to the Dead (Septem Sermones ad Mortuos here :


A simple method for meeting the dead

This will be an abbreviated post and I dedicate it to my good friend Derek Redden, who recently lost his wife Mickey unexpectedly.



Derek’s sites : /

I’ll write a much longer “how to” post on this subject, next year.

I first learned about how to connect with those who have left the physical body in 1995, under the guidance of my psychic ex wife. She couldn’t turn off her perception of the dead. Where as I had to tune my senses (in much the same way as you would tune a radio), in order to perceive the dead. My interest in this subject and my development of these abilities, ran parallel with my spiritual development and my interest in psychotherapy.

So without any of the normal warning I would suggest, here’s how to make contact with and meet with those who have died.

  1. If you have the time, read my notes on creating internal worlds for ET contact. If you can picture a ring of giant asteroids that have been hollowed out to create every possible type of inhabitable world; a giant stingray flying through Earths atmosphere; trees walking and laughing and crying; and insect robots that serve your every needs; then you are more then capable of imagining a world in which to meet someone who has died.
  2. Relax deeply. The best way to relax is to move your attention vertically through every part of your body, ALLOWING your body to relax. See my notes on this subject in the notes on creating internal worlds.
  3. When you are relaxed, invite the person you wish to make contact with (people you have known are the best choices).
  4. Do whatever you need to do to feel safe. Say prayers to what/whom ever, shroud yourself with protective light, stabilize the mind. The ONLY danger, is your own mind.
  5. Create an internal world where you would like to meet the individual who has died OR co-create an internal world with the individual who has died, by asking them to help create this world with you.
  6. Create a place in the world, where you would like to meet them. Perhaps a library, a meeting room, a park, a beach, a forest, a studio, a lounge room, etc. Whatever is most meaningful to you.
  7. Then when you are ready, invite the person to come and meet with you in this place.
  8.  When they appear, greet them and treat them as you would have in life.
  9. Show them affection and love if you want to.
  10. Have a conversation with the person and ask them whatever you wish to ask. Say whatever you NEED to say to them.
  11. Take as long as you need. If you are tired, tell them you need to go.
  12. Ask them to send you a sign that this is objectively real. It might be that you ask them to materialize for you, or to touch you, or leave you a message of some kind or organize some kind of event or synchronicity that is meaningful to you or to the two of you.
  13. Organize to catch up again and bid them farewell in any way that suits the two of you.
  14. Leave your world.
  15. Rest wherever you are and stay relaxed.
  16. Go over what you have just experienced and make an effort to commit it to memory or if you need to, make a record of the experience in writing, audio or video.
  17. Suspend any judgement or disbelief.

The premise of this method, is that you can use your imagination to open your consciousness, to cross the great divide, between life and death. You will imagine “the stage” or “the world” in which to make contact but then it is up to the two of you, to ALLOW an interaction. You might imagine the entire experience and that’s why follow up contact and proof is useful. But imagination, also allows you to see the person as you wish to see them or as they wish to see you. Mind will use the same faculty, when you die, to project all that you experience. Life and death are essentially the same. What is critical to this approach, is that you use discernment and imagination hand in hand, so you don’t fool yourself. But at the same time, you want to be careful not to be overly analytical or judgmental. This is not remote viewing, where you try to remove analytical overlay or noise of the imagination. We want to allow imagination to do what it does but use analysis to understand what has happened. And then also to use intellect and intuition to help us to be aware of contact in the external world.

Remember there is in reality, no internal and external world. Everything is one and everything is connected. The distinction between inner and outer, objective and subjective, is merely a convenience for categorizing and organizing the world.

So, that’s the simple method in a nut shell. Let me know what you think and if you successfully meet with someone on the other side.

Please send your prayers to Derek and his family for the year ahead. Wishing you well in your healing buddy ! 😉 ❤

More information on creating internal worlds here :

TSM33 : Natures Cycles and Lessons from ETs during Internal World Contacts

Hey folks, still catching up on TSMs after my transfer software crashed last year.

In this TSM I take you on a  journey through the area where I live and walk, talk a little about the cycles of nature and reflect on some lessons and experiences I have had during my Internal Worlds ET contact experiences.


Bright. 😉

Inner Contact Methods vs Outer Contact Methods – Part 1

Hello folks ! I wanted to say a little about inner contact methods vs outer contact methods. I’ve talked a little about both types of methods before and I think if you read what I’ve said about both ( & & & ), you’ll recognize that I’ve given you a foundation for developing different ways in which you can initiate ET contact, that go beyond the well known CE-5 protocols of Steven Greer. I’m not trying to boast here, I’m just suggesting that the CE-5 protocols come at contact from one point of view and that there are many other potential points of view, for approaching contact. You’ll also recall that I’ve talked a little about how aspects of self awareness and things such as personality type and temperament, contribute to your ability to successfully make contact. So let me start by exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each of the types of methods. Strengths of Internal Contact Methods :

  • Gives you a sense of full control. You may loosen up your sense of control at your own pace in your own way.
  • May create opportunity for further spiritual development and development of skills and knowledge in any field of interest.
  • Strengthens trust in the ETs who participate in the relationship.
  • Allows you to develop face to face, heart to heart relationships with a wide range of ETs.
  • Helps to develop a deeper understanding of the oneness of all creation.
  • Can be incredibly fun, enjoyable, profound and liberating.
  • Works well for individuals.
  • Can be done anywhere at any time.
  • Can be done where you are most comfortable.
  • Allows you to be fully conscious during face to face contact.
  • With well developed self awareness, this method can be used with 2 or more individuals sharing the experience.
  • Allows you to co-create a comfortable internal environment in which you feel safe.
  • Can be life changing.
  • Helps you to develop understanding of how ET contact can continue after the end of life.
  • Can be easily documented as the process is unfolding.
  • No need for any artificial substance or entheogen to loosen up your sense of self or reality.

Weaknesses of Internal Contact Methods :

  • Requires a quiet and stable environment.
  • May follow an unpredictable unfolding of events.
  • Requires patience and discipline.
  • Can be tiring, as it requires prolonged stillness and high levels of concentration and attention.
  • Requires well developed self awareness.
  • Can be difficult for some people to learn.
  • Requires great trust in the process, in your own abilities and in the ETs that respond.
  • Can result in self doubt and doubt in the process,
  • Requires that you have good energy leading up to the event.
  • Harder to do with groups.

Strengths of Outer Contact Methods :

  • Does not require well developed self awareness.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Works well with people who need to see things to believe them.
  • Works well for individuals and groups.
  • Can be done anywhere but specific methods require access to the outdoors.
  • Allows you to enjoy the atmosphere of the place or the company of other people.
  • Can be done during night or day.
  • Can be life changing.
  • Usually follows a predictable unfolding of events.

Weaknesses of Outer Contact Methods :

  • May require you to relinquish your sense of control.
  • Requires patience.
  • Requires that you have good energy leading up to the event.
  • May require a high degree of comfort in being alone or outdoors at night.
  • Can come with internal experiences (such as telepathic contact) and external experiences that may be hard to believe.
  • Internal experiences may be hard to validate or to understand.
  • Will usually only result in the sighting of craft. Few people will have face to face encounters with ET’s.
  • Can be exhausting.
  • Can be undermined by distractions such as monitoring devices, mobile phones and group members who are afraid or restless.
  • Requires good understanding of the process for the vast majority of specific external methods.
  • Can be easily documented as the process is unfolding but this can become a major distraction and weaken the process.

If you’re familiar with some of the internal and external contact methods I’ve talked about and the prerequisites for contact, I think you’ll understand what I’m saying about the strengths and weaknesses of internal and external contact methods. You may also recognize that different personality types and temperaments probably resonate with either internal or external contact methods and specific methods within each group. To give you an example – I use all kinds of methods but because I am very comfortable with my inner world, the inner contact method I have talked about here, suits me very well. It allows me to connect with my ET friends when they can’t come to meet me in the physical world and it also allows me regular access to them in a way that can’t happen in the outer world. Every contact with them in this way provides me with an opportunity to learn something new – which is often very profound. And that’s different to when they come to visit because often they are very busy with health assessments and teaching me other things and answering my questions.  So for someone like me, the inner method I describe is a kind of adjunct method that deepens my physical encounters and provides me with regular, ongoing access to many different beings – some of whom I might only meet physically once in a life time.

What should be remembered above all, is that inner and outer methods provide us with a unique way to shift perception  – to “in here” or “out there”. But ultimately inner and outer are the same and not separate. They are part of the one continuous reality. Ken Wilbur has said “The original meaning of Kosmos was the patterned nature or process of all domains of existence, from matter to mind to God, and not merely the physical universe.” So from this point of view, we can say that when we attempt to make ET contact using an internal or external methods, we are attempting to access the Kosmos from a specific entry point – which while seemingly separate to the rest of the Cosmos, is inside of us and we are inside of it. We access the Kosmos within and the Kosmos without but they are the same singular Kosmos – without division or separation, only the appearance of division of separation. 

When Dude moves through what we see as time or space, he is simply opening up the Kosmos within. When Dadaji appeared on the other side of the world or his Fragrance was detected on another continent, he was also simply opening the Kosmos within. Both realize that there is a relative self and an absolute self. The relative self – the one that seems separate and in relationship to other objects and the absolute self that is everything.

So being able to play around and experiment with both types of methods of contact, gives us the opportunity to experiment with our identity as a separate individual and as God. When we go out there, we can feel that we are separate and everything. And when we go in here, we can feel that we are separate and everything. Both methods give us the opportunity to feel both perspectives and both realities. To give you an example – when I go within and make contact, I am usually just the normal me – but I can also assume any body I want or a point of awareness. I can also be the Kosmos and experience all that transpires in all of the beings that manifest in that co-created world. There is no limit to what one can experience, only the limitations we place on our small self, which has expectation and likes control.

It is my wish, that in addition to you playing around with different outer contact methods, more people will begin to experiment with internal contact methods. Because ultimately, what is within is carried with us at the end of our life, long after your ability to go sit under the stars has been extinguished. And if we can learn to have contact within, we will remain connected with our cosmic family, well beyond the boundaries of this life. And by making contact within, we set our selves on a path of discovery about who we really are and the nature of reality. A path of discovery, that never ends.

Inner Space – The Final Frontier

Some of you will recall my earlier post on using internal worlds to make contact with ETs.  I’ve been using internal worlds for many different reasons, for a long time now and one of the things that has always jumped out at me is this. It is such a common sense method – why the hell isn’t everybody doing it ? By that I mean, why haven’t people been exploring inner space in this way for centuries. Now, I am no expert on what humans do in their own private lives but I am not familiar with other people using this practice or any large scale studies devoted to this subject and that surprises me. What I do know from my ET friends and from my own experiences, is that there are covert groups who are using similar techniques to enter the consciousness of other people – for all manner of reasons. Picture this. You create an inner world, that you then link to a particular person. You then link to their consciousness and then have access to their consciousness. You can retrieve specific information by interacting with that persons consciousness in your inner world and they don’t even know you have access to their mind. You can also manipulate them to do whatever you want. So this is one of the things that certain groups are doing. But where they once had people who had developed the skills naturally, they now have computer programs and hardware that interact with people’s consciousness and take over the process. This approach is limited in that the person doing it, no longer has full control over their creativity or imagination or the extent to which they wish to interact with what is within them. All of that has been hijacked by an algorithm. What has become clear to me, is that like every other human endevour, the use of internal worlds can be used for good or bad. Ignorance and self awareness determine the outcome of how these skills and processes are applied.

When I first started developing inner worlds, I gave free reign to my imagination and to using it for relaxation. Now I do it primarily to have regular contact with a specific group of ETs and to explore the nature of reality and enhance my self awareness. I am less interested in letting my imagination go wild, than I once was. But I still use it for that reason from time to time.

In 1994 I had the opportunity to go to a book signing and meet William Gibson (, who had just written Virtual Light ( . I wasn’t a hard core scifi fan but I admired William Gibson for his work on the Cyberpunk genre and how he anticipated how technology would alter our lives. I was in my mid twenties, deeply curious and stupid. I had been fascinated with the dead and how to communicate with them. So I wrote a long letter to William in which I proposed a kind of technology where we could interface with the dead using a kind of virtual reality. Back then, EVP ( was not as well known as it is today and I didn’t have much interest in it anyway. I had read how in the early parts of the last century some people had tried to use radio to communicate with the dead. What I was proposing to William was a mechanism for how we might interact with the dead, what it might look like and what impact it might have on humanity. God knows why I bothered to write such a ridiculous letter but I did. I proudly handed it to him on the day of the book signing and he put it in his bag with a smile on his face. I have no idea whether it ended up getting read or trashed. It doesn’t matter. Nor do I have any idea whether he used any of my ideas in his novels. I don’t care. The reason I mention this, is that I had the seed for finding a way to interact with the dead, back in my head in the early 90’s.

Then in 1994 I met the gifted psychic who was taught by Dude (the ET) to bilocate and do other unusual things. She taught me the rudiments of that process and also helped me to have conversations with lots of dead people.

Later when I began working with internal worlds, I realized that it’s possible to connect with the dead in an internal world. Right from the beginning I was conscious that such activity was fraught with risk and so I did so cautiously and with certain procedures in place. It’s not something I would teach to just anybody because if you’re not stable, it can do you more harm than good.

Recently I heard about Dr Alan Botkin’s Induced After Death Communication practice ( with veterans and realised that it had a lot in common with what I was doing. And I sense now, that the time is coming when there will be a wide range of methods, that allow people to connect with those who have died.  Some will be safe and others will not.





To some extent the use of internal worlds to connect with ETs and the dead is similar to what traditional shamans  (not the plastic variety !) have been doing for millenia. But the method that I use, comes without all the cultural baggage or the need for entheogens or other methods to induce an altered mental state.

One thing I realized early on, is that inner space is infinite and that inner space is not separate from outer space. Think about that for a minute and the potential implications. It’s also clear to me that the projections which arise in inner space (pure awareness) are not dissimilar to the projections that arise when we die. We create our perceived reality through consciousness and mind uses the same mechanism whether we have a body or not.

But a word of caution. And please note that this is a caution that should underscore everything I might say about the subject of inner worlds. Whilst it’s fun and interesting to create inner worlds (both consciously and unconsciously) and to enjoy the act of creation, the use of such things for escapism is a major distraction in our spiritual development. A healthy spiritual development follows a vertical path. Getting lost in any other kind of mental activity (be it OBE’s, lucid dreaming, remote viewing, internal worlds etc). represents a detour along a horizontal path. We should enjoy these activities in a harmonious balance with our real world activities, so that we don’t get stuck in our spiritual development.

Inner space is the final frontier. But the greatest application for exploring inner space, is in the exploration of our true nature and in the cultivation of true self awareness. If connecting with an internal guide or an ET helps us to get there, then it’s ultimately a good thing. But what really matters is whether we use such skills and processes to become better human beings and bring love and awareness into the world.

At the end of the Ten Oxherding Pictures (, the awakened one returns to the market of life, with gift bearing arms wide open.