Search Results for metaphors for time

Perceptions of Time : Part 2 – Metaphors for Describing Time

Last blast from the past (29th March, 2012). This post is almost irrelevant when you consider Dude’s proclamations that there is only space and my experience with him taking me through time – in which he literally seemed to create reality.


In this post I wanted to say a little about how we describe time. You may remember that in part 1, I suggested that I don’t believe that time is an objective phenomenon. I’d go so far as to say that time is an entirely subjective phenomenon. So I want to explore that perspective. I don’t want to say anything about time being an objective phenomenon, except to say that I can’t rule out that that is a component of the overall phenomenon.

To start with I want you to consider how we measure time. In simple terms we measure time by the movement of the sun – or more specifically, the speed at which our planet moves around the sun. From that we’ve created what I think is an arbitrary system of years, months, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds and parts of seconds. Days, well they’re a little less clear as to whether they are entirely arbitrary. The notion of a day representing 1 rotation around the sun, seems pretty much a fact but the number of hours and minutes that takes – is based on their own arbitrary nature and how we’ve chosen to define them. Since ancient times, we have developed everything from the menhir/monolith and sundial, to the Nuremberg eggs, the modern clock and now the atomic clock ( . They all pretty much measure the same thing but on a different scales, with recent things like atomic clocks measuring time with greater precision than ever.

Einstein demonstrated that time is relative to the viewer who is experiencing time and most people take that to be true. Whether it is or not remains to proven yeah or nah ! But what happens when we go to some other place in the universe. Lets say we go to the space between planets or between solar systems or between galaxies. Sure we can measure the amount of time we were away or calibrate our clocks to the time of the place we left using the exact same units of measurement but how has time actually moved ? And what happens if we go to another planet with a different orbit around its sun. If it takes 300 years (in Earth terms) to rotate around a sun for one cycle – what does that really mean in time. Can we cross-reference and use an Earth comparison to work out how long it takes to move around that sun in one cycle. I don’t think we can ? Remember time appears to be relative. So how then do I measure how long a day (one rotation of the planet) takes ? Do I compare with Earth rotations or is there a more universal standard ? Or, as I suspect is there a subjective measure ?

Here’s another example. The Teal’hia tell me it sometimes takes about 3 days for them to travel from their Galaxy to Earth. I don’t understand how they do it because they would have to travel many times the speed of light to do so or have wormholes or alter the time space continuum some how. But anyway, how do they measure time ? How can they tell me it takes 3 days to get from there to here ? Is there a way to translate one set of times to another set of times – in other words translate how long it would take in their units to our units ? Or is it simpler than that. They know what time it is for us when they leave and when they arrive.  What if they are measuring time subjectively. And if somehow they feel time with their minds, rather than measuring it ?

So what about the differences in terrestrial time vs space-time vs orbit time ? Terrestrial time is used to measure objects in space from Earth. Space time is a time that we COULD use to measure objects in space from space. Orbit time is time measured in orbit. Won’t all of these vary according to location and the length of a rotation of a planetary body. And then, won’t they vary according to how we measure them ? 

Some other methods of measuring time such as Barycentric Dynamic Time, measure things other than the Earth relation to the sun but they still depend on an expression of units in using Earth bound time (seconds and so on).

No single method for measuring time, defines time by a universal standard. Instead all time is defined by the location of the observer. Time appears as Einstein said, to be relative to location. So what does that mean for our perception of time. Well first, I don’t think we can say there is an objective thing called time – as it appears to differ all throughout the universe, in accordance to the observer and his position and cultural manifestation of understanding time. 

So looking at time from a purely subjective perspective. Time appears to manifest as a logical sequence of events – whatever they might be on whatever scale we want to look at, from the microscopic (sub atomic particles) to the macroscopic (galaxies, galaxy clusters and entire regions of space). But in order to have any coherence as a sequence of events, what we perceive must be interpreted by the brain and the mind. I can’t even begin to talk about that process but let me say that the brain appears to create perception from the movement of electrons, ions and molecules inside;  between neurons and in the movement of water within microtubules and the activation of higher order process from RNA and DNA (such as the formation of peptides). Mind appears to be some kind of manifestation of subtle energy created by the brain but it is unclear as to whether this manifestation, includes only energies created by the brain or the brain plus everything else in the universe. Within the brain, there appears to be the movement of a sequence of events. But can we say that is true of mind ? I think it’s both !

Feeling confused and lost ? Join the club ! I don’t think anyone can understand this notion of time !

What I think we can all agree on is that there is a perception of now. Some undefinable moment (however small we choose to define) that seems to be all that exists. As if time is for an instant static and unflowing and non directional. The now is almost timeless (which I think it is). Then we have this perception fo the pat and the future. Think of an infinity sign – with the past on the left and the future on the right. 

Our perception of past and future, moves like some kind of Like some kind of strange attractor – our perceptions swing between these two phenomenon. And when our minds remain still, we collapse the phenomenon into the Now. There is a kind of potential to see a large number of variations in the past and the future. But if we look at the past in terms of historical events – there is only one past. But our individual perceptions of the past vary, according to a huge number of variables – like how we’re feeling, whether we were traumatized, how the event made us feel, how many points of view we’ve considered or heard, what time of day it is, our thoughts, our energy, how tired we are, whether we like or dislike what happened or who was 

involved, our conditioning etc. The future however, is a different story. Our perception appears to suggest that the future does not exist. We can anticipate and predict the future based on past patterns, probabilities and potentialities but nothing is certain. Recent advances in understanding consciousness, such as holodynamics and remote viewing would suggest that the future does exist. But what none of these can say is how it exists. The future, as yet unmanifest to our general state of perception and consciousness, appears to exist, when we allow the mind to expand and reach out beyond its normal confines.

What we have realised is that time is uncertain. There are almost an infinite number of potentialities. Potentialities depend on variables. In humans, such potentialities (potential outcomes) depend on choices. Every choice can yield a different potentiality. To know the future, we don’t necessary need to know all the variables that went into creating different potentialities, we only need to know an approximation of when we seek.

A small diversion. Much of our language (especially syntax) and subsequently our perception, is shaped by the context of time that is built into a specific language.  Linguistic relativity how language affects perceptions and conceptualization of the world, depends largely on how time is expressed. Different cultures express time differently and subsequently perceive time differently. To give you a very basic example, the first nations people fo Australia, talk about the Dreaming (which has been largely bastardized in recent times). In traditional interpretations, the dreaming is a pattern of creation that is ongoing. It has not finished. It has happened, it is still happening and it has happened all at once. But contemporary interpretations see The Dreaming in a linear sequence from the beginning of time. Temporal descriptions vary largely across cultures and this is important to note because just as we have diversity in temporal descriptions on Earth (and subsequently different perceptions and conceptions of time), there are an almost infinite ways of describing time and perceiving nd conceiving time throughout evolved races across the universe. And as humans, we should be careful that we don’t limit our understanding of the universe and alien races, by our limited understanding of how we describe or understand time.

And without even expanding our horizons to include an alien POV, what about the perception of time by plants and animals. Surely it must be vastly different. And what relationship exists between the perception of time and how long we live ? What does time mean to a butterfly or a mosquito, relative to a tortoise or an elephant ?

That said, I want to be a hypocrite and stick with a limited view of time because that’s all I know.

Let’s come back to the future and potentialities. If there is no fixed factual way of describing time, is there a metaphor for describing time as a subjective phenomenon (whether it includes an objective reality or not) ? I don’t know if there is an accurate metaphor but here are some possibilities :

  • Time is a braid – it twists and turns. There are separate time lines that emerge from individual critical nodes.
  • Time is a fractal. Each individual choice and event creates an infinite number of branches or time lines of potentialities or actualities. This idea supports the infinite parallel worlds idea.
  • Time is a manifold – an ever branching topological space with X number of dimensions. Each individual manifold has its own set of spatial dimensions and therefore creates its own time or dimensions of time. 
  • Time is a dimension – just as space as there are 3 spatial dimensions, time has its own dimensions – forwards, backwards and goes knows what else. If time has only one dimension, then there  is only one future. More dimensions of time, may create more futures. 
  • Time is memory. All matter is composed of nothingness. On one level everything is nothing. On another relative level, all matter comes from the same source. All is one, is all interconnected. If everything exists at all times, all things containing nothingness (coming from the source) – contain a memory of all time. In the human mind, this memory comes from the memories within the smallest parts of matter and energy. Neither mind nor brain are separate from source and they contain a memory of all things, including all time. 

There are probably hundreds of metaphors that are appropriate for describing time. Some of these metaphors of time are a subjective phenomenon but most (and reality as it really is) may well be a combination of both subjective and objective phenomenons.

When we realise that there are many different potential metaphors for describing time, both subjective and subjective and objective – we realise that there is always going to a question of which metaphor best describes reality and I think the only way that we can narrow down that answer is to look at the evidence that has arisen from thousands of years of intense persona processes (such as meditation and other methods for creating altered states of consciousness) and the evidence that continues to arise from cutting edge studies in consciousness – such as the impact of anaesthetics on consciousness and perception and processes that encourage the expansion of consciousness such as remote viewing, the use of the 3rd eye and journeying.

Thanks for getting this far. I’m afraid I can’t describe these systems for measuring time or understanding time any better than this, because I am neither mathematician or physicist or a philosopher but as my lowly intelligence understands it – time as we understand it, seems to be an illusion.

You can read more about the measurement of time and the impact of language on perception here :

Coming up soon –  a related series of posts called Quest for the Future, where I’ll talk about some of the methods that people have used to explore the future and the possibility that time travel into the past CAN NOT alter the future.” 

Memory and Time

I’ve been meaning to write this post for about a year now. Today I had to take my car in for a major service and its freezing cold outside, so I am sitting here now in the local library with time on my hands.

How is it that we can have time on our hands ? Those who read my last post may have some sense of how we humans use metaphors to describe experience. You might also have begun thinking about how metaphors shape our perception of reality. But metaphors are only one part of human consciousness that shape our perception of reality.

In my mind, there are two primary aspects of consciousness that shape perception. First there is mental activity and all that it entails. Then there is bodily activity and all that it entails. In regard to mental activity, we might say that there is :

  • Thoughts
  • Ideas and conceptions
  • Beliefs
  • Judgements
  • Values
  • Sensory input from the 5 senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin) and corresponding internal sensation which mimics the 5 senses (we could call these imagination)
  • Emotions.

And in regard to bodily activity, we might say that there is :

  • Sensation in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin
  • Sensation in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone and mesentery
  • Sensation in the organs
  • Sensation in all of our cells
  • Energy flux in all of our cells
  • Energy flux within the entire body
  • The interaction between fire, air, water, earth and space.

Perception arises as a result of the interaction of both mind and body (of which there is only one – the mind-body complex). Many different things influence perception, including :

  • The health of the body and mind
  • Birth order and one’s sense of being loved and nurtured
  • Educational opportunities and influences
  • Geography
  • Environment
  • Family type
  • Religious influences
  • Support networks
  • Transgenerational loss, grief and trauma.

Collectively these things create the filter which becomes our conditioning. Our conditioning then influences our thoughts, ideas and conceptions, beliefs, judgements, values, emotions and physical feelings. Mostly we remain unconscious of our conditioning or any of the mental or physical aspects of consciousness that it influences and the perceptions we have of the outer and inner world. Any conscious awareness that we have, remains insignificant by comparison. So in many ways our lives are controlled by things that remain beyond our awareness. Only a person truly in touch with mind-body has any real awareness of what is going on inside them.

When we think about memory, it might then be possible to say that we have both mental and bodily memory and both effect each other. Mental memory is anchored in the mind and as a result in the brain but it’s also anchored in the energy and space that binds us and the energy and space that surrounds us. Bodily memory is anchored in the cells of the body and also in the energy and space that binds us and the energy and space that surrounds us. Both are connected to one another and neither is separate. Both the mind and the body remember things.

In general terms, time can be defined as a movement from past, to present to future. It maps a sequence of events from one event to another on many different scales of duration. And it also points to a specific moment during such a transition from past to future. It can be measured in many different ways on many different scales. But we might also say that there is physical time (time which can for example be measured as a change in an atomic state of a particular element or a change in the firing or a particular neuron in the brain) and cognitive time (time which cannot always be measured and varies according to ones mental state during waking state, REM state or deep sleep state).

We have all had the experience of losing track of time, or sleeping in, or watching things move as if in slow motion, or feeling like time is moving too fast or wishing we had more time. We spend much of our life bound by time. On one end we’re born at a specific time and on the other end we’ll die at a specific time. Our daily life is dictated by a circadian rhythm which is driven by light and dark. Our bodies rhythms and clocks are all driven by one single rhythm – the breath. We can live without love, food or water for a certain length of time but we can’t live without breath for more than a couple of minutes. Our day to day lives are mapped by diaries, schedules, gant charts, to do lists, task lists, obligations which must conform to time (like start and finish for work and like picking up the kids at the end of school). When we’re not working, some of us are consumed by what’s on television at what time. Many people wear watches, have calendars and clocks and other reminders of human time. We live through the seasons, which themselves depend on the movement of our Earth around the sun. We live with solar cycles and lunar cycles and larger cosmic cycles of which we have little or no awareness.

Our general experience of time falls into two categories – natural time (such as the time defined by the hours of light and day) and human time (an artificial time defined by seconds, hours, minutes, days, weeks, months and years). The hours of light and day give us a general boundary in which to live our lives but it’s human time which gives us fixed boundaries in which to live our lives. But our experience of time is much more than this. During our waking hours we think and imagine and remember and fantasize and through these things time gains a kind of elasticity and fluidity that it doesn’t seem to happen when we bind ourself to a fixed boundary. And then when we sleep, our sense of I changes as we enter REM sleep and deep sleep. In REM sleep we may relive memories, recreate situations or find ourselves in fantastical situations and our sense of time itself appears to take on two aspects. One aspect is the sense of time we experience when we are living through our dreams. The other aspect is the sense of time we experience when we become aware that we are dreaming. During dreams our sense of I may also become very fluid. Then during deep sleep, most people have no awareness and the I disappears. But some people maintain awareness and during this aware state, they may have no experience of time. When we return to the waking state, our normal sense of I returns and with it our normal sense of time. We can remember experiences from the waking state, REM state or deep sleep state. But how well we remember the experiences of one state, when we are in another state varies. It varies because the quality of awareness changes from one state to another.

During any individual state, our experience of time, depends on our ability to bring forth memories. When we have a single memory, we may have a physical time but we don’t necessarily have a cognitive time. In other words we can say exactly when we have a specific memory according to the clock but we can’t say exactly when we have a specific memory according to our internal experience. And if we have a sequence of memories, we can potentially pin them down to certain time according to the clock but we may have no idea about the internal experience of the time associated with that sequence of memories. The clock allows us to map the location and duration of memories but it doesn’t help us to map their location or duration in our mental experience. Does that make sense ?

So what happens when we take away memories ? If the clock measures the location of a specific events in time and the duration or a specific events in time, when there is no memory of an event, what is there to measure ? Time ceases to exist ! So if time ceases to exist as a physical construct, it can only exist as a cognitive construct. But if cognitive time is fluid and elastic – then without memories time becomes whatever we wish it to become. Experience is shaped then by how we assemble perception.

Some of you will remember Dude saying “Humans have this fixation with time. Time does not exist. There is only space.” . And you might also remember Dude’s Maxim 17 “The idea you have of time is based on memory. When you remove memory, you remove time. When you can see without time, there is no need for memory.” Dude seems to have an incredible memory – the capacity to remember any of our great spiritual texts and a host of other books. he can also remember everything he’s ever experienced with any living being, from an ant, to a tree, to a human being. I say, he seems to have an incredible memory but I am not so sure any more that he’s even using memory. I don’t think he sees himself as bound by time in any possible way. He doesn’t need to remember, he merely knows what he wishes. In addition, you will recall, he has the ability to seemingly move through time.  He only sees space and he understands that some aspect of himself exists across all of space. So there is no going back or forwards in time, merely moving awareness to another place.

This is such a difficult issue to write about that I am struggling to explain it to you. So here’s a little thought experiment.

  1. Close your eyes and just feel your body.
  2. Now remember something significant from your distant past.
  3. Let yourself see the memory unfold and re-enter the situation.
  4. Feel everything that you were feeling and then when you are ready, open your eyes.
  5. Now have a rest and then close your eyes again.
  6. This time take your mind to a memory not so long ago – a significant memory of something that brought you great joy.
  7. Now once again, let the memory unfold and re-enter the situation.
  8. Allow yourself to feel everything that you were feeling and when you are ready, open your eyes.
  9. Now have a rest and close your eyes again.
  10. This time take your mind to a memory not so long ago – a significant memory of something which brought you great pain.
  11. Now once again, let the memory unfold and re-enter the situation.
  12. Feel every thing that you were feeling and then when you are ready, open your eyes.
  13. This time take your mind to a place in the future – something you would like to happen – something that is significant and helps you to feel great joy and satisfaction.
  14. Allow yourself to enter the situation fully.
  15. Feel everything and then when you are ready, open your eyes.
  16. Rest a little and then close your eyes again.
  17. Finally, take your mind to something that is radically different in your future – an imagined scenario, in which the life that you know is radically altered.
  18. Allow yourself to feel everything and then when you are ready open your eyes.
  19. Notice your body – how does it feel ?
  20. See if you can guess how much time has elapsed before you look at a clock.
  21. Now look back and see if you can sense how different situations you remembered or imagined created a different sense of time.
  22. What would have happened if you tried to compare how one event was to another, relative to measuring it on a clock ? Would you have felt that some events were significantly longer or shorter than others ?
  23. And then, what would have happened if you had added or deleted certain memories to the overall experience of time ?

See what happens to your life when you add or delete memories.

According to the library clock, my computer session has come to an end !

You can read more about time here : and memory here :



Metaphors to Understand Dude

I realise that as I talk about Dude, it must be very hard for some of you to believe he’s more than a figment of my imagination and for those of you who do believe he exists, he certainly must seem almost impossible to understand. Had I not met Dude myself and met him in the presence of two other human beings, I too might struggle to believe he’s real. I can’t ever prove that he exists to anyone, because Dude is his own person and reveals himself only to people he wants to know that he exists. But what I can do is to pass on Dude’s own words, tell stories about him and try to explain him to you, as best as I know how.

Some of you will realise by now, that Dude appears very contradictory. Well at least, in the way that I convey how he is, he appears full of contradictions. And I think that’s due to three things – first, he is hard, even for me, to understand sometimes; second, some of the things he explains to me or shows me, are beyond my comprehension; and third, he does appear to demonstrate contradictions from time to time but I think any apparent contradictions arise from my lack of understanding of ALL that Dude is.

So, in this post I’d like to use some metaphors to explain Dude, So that you might understand him in a way that makes more sense.

First a reminder. Dude belongs to the Muajra, a very unusual race, who are all very idiosyncratic. They are very distinctive in their personalities, are comfortable being alone or far from home and are considered by those in The Architecture, to be the ET race that humans are most comfortable with. That’s in part, because they can show emotions that are similar to humans and can use things like humour to put us at ease. But these emotions represent just a small display of their complete emotions. Among his own race, Dude is considered a bit of an anomaly, because of his willingness to be like us (see the Interview with Dude for further explanation of why he does this) and because of his harshness. Many among his race have less of an acerbic tongue and are far more tolerant of our stupidity.

Whenever I write these posts, mostly they just comes spewing out without much consideration for what I have to say. This post is no different, except that now I have to stop and think for a few minutes and try to figure out some metaphors for Dude that make sense. Because right now I only have one and even that is inadequate.
To start with, I think it’s fair to say that Dude was conceived and born and raise on a planet. He is in every way, a being made of flesh and form, just like you and I. I can poke him and will probably react, even in some small way. But then, beyond his visible physical form, he is something else. And this is where I struggle to truly understand what he is. And when I say he, I am also referring to his entire race. And probably to many other ET races.

Dude doesn’t talk much about God and prefers not to use that term because he knows that he is everything that God is supposed to be. So perhaps the first metaphor I could use to describe him, is that he is the Greater Self. He is the ALL, he is God, he is everything but knows that he is experiencing localised awareness. He understands his true nature. From one point of you, he knows that the entire cosmos exists within HIMSELF and that he exists within the COSMOS. He knows that there is no separation between the ALL and HIMSELF. All perceived time and all perceived space exists within Him. Thus, he can create reality, because reality arises within HIM. He can act in a way that appears like magic to us. Peering ahead and behind through what we recognise as time and looking anywhere in space. He can create matter as he wishes and change matter as he wishes. He can also suffer and die. He, like the rest of his race dies when he chooses.

It might also be apt to use some metaphors closer to our own experience of creativity. So perhaps the second metaphor I could use to describe Dude, is that he is a novelist. He is at once writing a book/story and at once also holds the completed book/story in his being. He can access any part of the book and change whatever he wishes, as if it had already been changed. As the perpetual novelist, he is able to pick up the book/story and see whatever he wishes. But similarly he can pick up the book/story and will have to accept that it is already written in a certain way and accept he has no right to change it.

Likewise a third metaphor I could use to describe Dude, is that he is a painter. He creates the canvas/painting and can create whatever he wants with whatever tools he wishes to use. He can change the painting but sometimes he will have to accept that the painting has dried and cannot be altered.

I think my favourite metaphor is metaphor number four. Some of you will be familiar with the movie Men in Black 3 and the character Griffin. Griffin is a humanoid ET who is the last of his kind, after his people were destroyed by the Boggladites. Griffin seems to be able to perceive all the possible time lines that arise from any given moment. He can look at someone and see what possibilities are to come. He enters a situation and can calculate the probability for a situation unfolding one way or another. It’s as if he can see all possible timeliness at once. Dude is very much like Griffin, in that he appears to perceive all time at once and can perceive how different time lines can unfold. He seems to make choices on how best to interact with other beings, based on the best possible time line. On the one hand he choose often not to interact and on the other hand he chooses to interact. I have no idea how he decides he should or should not interact. Some people have talked about ETs having a non interference policy with humanity. In one way that’s true but in another way it’s not. They won’t live our lives for us because it would disempower us and because we would ultimately blame them if things went wrong. But they do help from time to time. Dude is constantly helping me with little things – like how to fix the window in my farm house, that I thought would fall out. Now, all these little pieces of advice do constitute a kind of interference, of a healthy kind. Somehow Dude deems that helping me in this way, aids in the unfolding of the best possible timeline for my life, in any given moment. I don’t know that for sure but that’s how he seems to act. Sometimes he refuses to help me with a specific situation, telling me that “I have to work things out for myself”.

The lamest metaphor I can come up with is that Dude is a Matrix Master. I honestly hate and detest all talk about reality being a Matrix and feel that the Matrix movies have done more harm than good in influencing peoples thinking. Reality is not a Matrix or a Hologram. Grand Master Flash (AKA Dude) thinks such ideas are joke but who am I to replace them with something better ! But lets say for a minute that Dude is a Matrix Master. That means that he is the one taking whatever colour pill he wants, he’s the one who knows what colour pills are available and he’s the Matrix itself. Alternatively if you think of a Matrix, like a kind of crystal lattice (I knew university Chemistry would come in handy one day !), then you could say that Dude creates the structure for the Matrix and the material which arises within the matrix. He is the Sodium and Chloride molecules and the electrical bonds which hold them together and the space between everything. I think I could this metaphor !

I hope that these metaphors have given you some insight into Dude’s nature and how he functions. You can also see from my lame attempts to describe how he is, that it’s really hard to find a metaphor that does justice to his complete being. I think though that if I had to distil his nature down to a few simple metaphors, I would say that he :

  • Is both creator and creation
  • Is flesh and form and spirit and formless
  • Is dreamer and dreamed
  • Is imagination and imagined (as he ultimately creates all that he experiences).

I don’t think any of us can ever fully understand another human being and similarly I don’t think it’s possible for us to ever fully understand any other creature. I only ever see one aspect of Dude. The part that presents itself to my spirit while I am in this form. And yet I have been with him when he’s dismantled what I took to be reality and seen other times and places and seen things happen in his presence that shouldn’t happen and that don’t make sense. I can tell you honestly that beyond the creamy green skinny guy that comes up to my nipples, who is usually naked but sometimes wears clothes because it’s what humans do; I don’t know what Dude is. I know he’s made of flesh and I assume blood. I know he comes from another world. I know that he has emotions and feelings like you and I. I know he has likes and dislikes. I know that he doesn’t like cats but loves popcorn and drippy ice cream. I know that he was born and one day he will die. But I don’t know what he really is.

Perhaps in the spirit of confusion, contradiction and enlightenment, I’ll leave you with some metaphors that Rachel used to describe Dude. She said and I quote “He’s the chocolate sprinkle on a cappuccino – without it there’s something missing ! He’s a Ducks Quoster ! He’s Laurel and Hardy, Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog, the 3 Stooges, the 4 Musketeers, Predator and Paul, Alien and Sigorney Weaver, Francis Crick and James Watson, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson and Butter without the Fly !”

So, next time you hear someone talking about a particular ET and their anti-gravity system or their star gate or their hybrids, just remember your friendly neighbourhood Dude and ask yourself “Is that all ?”. Because the reality is, that some of the ETs visiting our planet are so much more than just plain old ‘extra terrestrial’. And nothing we can use to describe them, will even come close to helping us to understand what they truly are. But if we are willing to ask with a sincere heart, they will slowly begin to teach us and in so doing, help us to understand what we truly are.

A Tale of Two Types of Time Lines and the Future of Earth

Some of you will recall me talking previously about metaphors for time. You will also recall that Dude says that there is no such thing as time and that there is only space. Please bear this in mind as you read on.

What follows may or may or not be a fictional tale about two  types of timelines. Those interested in moving past slippery geese will know what I am talking about. And if you’ve ever wondered if I use certain hints to alert certain people of certain things, you’d be right.

I am inspired to write this short tale, from my experiences with several ETs (including those I call Dude and Anamika), my concerns about the human population and it’s impact on ecosystem diversity and biodiversity, a set of dreams I had about the subject, from my own experiences of peering into the past and future. But mostly I am inspired to write this small tale by thinking about the critical issues that any civilization must deal with if it is to become a mature civilization that is ready to take it’s place in the cosmic family.

I should tell you that this story touches on the sensitive subject of population control and is not an effort to put forward a particular point of view. It is merely a story. It is up to you to decide what it means. I will however tell you that I have no fixed opinion about how we should or could implement population control but I do believe it is necessary, in some way. I love this Earth dearly, more than humanity. And I believe that the growth of the human population is the MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUE FACING EARTH AND ITS SPECIES.

Imagine then, if you will, a small group of people with immense power, who have heard stories from certain ETs about civilizations elsewhere in the cosmos that collapsed and others that have prospered. They have also read widely about the collapse of certain human civilizations who no longer exist. Certain members of this small group realize that there are certain boundaries through which humanity must pass if it is to survive. As this group has developed, it began exploring the idea of non locality and using consciousness to explore the future. Certain ETs helped them to find humans who had exceptional psychic skills, who were able to peer into the future. The best of these psychics could not only peer into the future but they could go to the future and bring back tangible evidence of their having connected with the future. Very quickly certain individuals in this small group of people began to understand that it was possible to create a profile of the future. A profile that was not fixed but varied, depending on the individual and collective choices that were made in the present.

Within this small group, a project was established with the sole intention of creating a profile of the human future based upon numerous choices. Imagine then, that those in charge of the project chose certain base line conditions – that is, how things are at a given point of time. From this base line they use their most gifted psychics to explore what we might call TIME LINE 1 – how things will be if things continue as they are. They have also been told by certain ETs how things will turn out if things remain as they are. But they want to know for themselves. They could use their best psychics to see the future but they want evidence of how the future will turn out, so they choose their most gifted psychics – those who can literally bilocate and interact with the world of the future.

When they have developed a clear set of protocols, those in charge send out their best psychics to connect with the future at various intervals 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years, 1,000 years, 2,000 years, 5,000 years, 10,000 years and so on. They set very clear and discrete periods in the future that they wish to explore. Sometimes they use small increments and sometimes larger increments. They develop very clear protocols about how to interact with the future and how to find the information that is required. As their gifted psychics go through this process they discover several things. There are major problems, catastrophes, break throughs, turning points and patterns in the future and humanity remains ignorant and plagues with the same kinds of psychological and social problems. And, there are people in the future expecting their visitations and people in the future profiling the past and their own potential futures.

The project works in such a way as to create layers of possibility. Those in charge send out one psychic at a time and each psychic brings back new layers of information. Mostly the information adds to previous information of confirms previous information but sometimes it differs or adds new elements. Every time one of these gifted individuals goes to the future, the entire process is recorded through video and electrophysiology. This gives those in charge the opportunity to examine the process thoroughly, to refine the process and to explore what was learned and what worked best, with finer attention. As the psychics go through the future, they learn things that they do not always convey to those in charge. Things which they feel those in charge do not need to know. But for the most part they report back accurately what they have seen and learned and return with actual evidence of what they have seen and learned. This evidence is kept safe and used in conjunction with what the psychics have shared, to compile a profile of the future spanning many thousands of years.

During the profiling of TIME LINE 1, several things were discovered early on that caused significant distress to the psychics involved and alarmed those in charge of the project and the small group of people with immense power.  It was discovered that in about 150-200 years the human population has swelled from about 5 billion people to somewhere in the order of 150-200 billion people. In that time many ETs had revealed themselves and told humanity that it would not be allowed to move into space, until it matured and resolved its population problem. Early on many humans argued that it was their right to colonize other worlds but they were quickly put in their place and told that this is not how it works.

The psychics brought back some very startling revelations about life in the year 2187. First they discovered that only about 10 % of the current vegetation remained. That equated to about 1 % of the original vegetation pre 1500 AD. The Earth was covered in human structures. And many people had never seen a natural landscape. In addition many of the worlds oceans were severely polluted and the worlds aquatic biodiversity had been wiped out to about 5 % of current levels. On land most of the worlds ecosystems had been wiped out and 95 % of all terrestrial biodiversity currently alive, had also been wiped out. There were large no go zones that were so heavily polluted that they seemed to remain that way for thousands of years. Poverty was widespread in some places, while affluence was wide-spread in other places. Government controlled agriculture, education, electronic communications and transport. Health care was available to some people where it was commercially controlled and to all people where it was government controlled. There was voluntarily and mandatory euthanasia. Plant food was produced by hydroponics in tall buildings. Cereals such as wheat, rye and oats no longer exist because there is no space to grow them and because they do not thrive indoors. The primary meat that people eat is beef and chicken. Cows and chickens are grown in tall agricultural buildings, one level on top of another, separated by floors and ceilings. Sheep no longer exist because they couldn’t survive in tall buildings and there is no space to grow them outdoors. Milk comes from cows kept in tall buildings. Pigs no longer exist, as most of the worlds religious people are Islamic. The animals that are grown for people to eat, seem to live in stressful and uncomfortable conditions. People can no longer eat fish because most fish have been wiped out. Nor are people allowed to fish in the sea or swim in many parts of the ocean due to high levels of toxicity. No one is buried any more, as there is not enough room. People are groomed towards certain occupations and do not have the liberty to pick and choose as they do now. People spend most of their free time engaged or fully interfaced with electronic devices. Suicide is common and there are extremely high rates of so-called mental illness. A much larger proportion of the global population is medicated to help control emotional and physical problems. Crime rates are much higher than they have been in any part of the western world and there are many ongoing conflicts. Many conflicts involve highly developed weaponry and robotics. It almost appears as if conflict is perpetual. Suppression of individual conflicts always results in new conflicts.

The people who live in this world are happy sometimes but mostly their lives are very hard. There is no longer retirement or government sponsored welfare and it is mandatory for all able-bodied people to contribute in some way to the society. The gap between rich and poor is far greater than it has ever been and yet there are some parts of this world that have returned to political systems which resemble socialism and communism. In both types of political systems, government has far greater control of individual people’s lives than they do at the current time. People are not free to make the choices they can currently make.

Despite certain cataclysmic events, the human population continued to increase, until such a time as the human race threatened its own existence. For the sake of keeping this tale brief, we shall say nothing of how that story unfolds.

TIME LINE 1 so disturbed every body involved in the project but especially the psychics that did the face to face work, that those in power felt compelled to do something about it. So collectively they created a number of possible interventions, through which they could slow down the growth of the human population and effectively reduce the human population that was represented by TIME LINE 1.

Those in charge of the project then sent their psychics into a number of different time lines, which they called TIME LINE 2, TIME LINE 3 AND TIME LINE 4. Each of these timelines represented a different set or type of intervention. TIME LINE 2 represented the slow, gradual and soft approach to slowing down and reducing the human population. TIME LINE 3 represented the fast, sudden and hard approach to slowing down and reducing the human population. And TIME LINE 4 represented the sporadic and regular approach to reducing the human population. From each time line, those in charge of the project created a clear profile of the future, should they choose to implement that type of intervention. The profiles that developed, demonstrated that reducing the human population in any way had a dramatic impact on the health and well-being of the human population, on the planets biodiversity and the health and well being of Earth.

For several years, those in charge, played around with tweaking certain variables in each possible type of intervention and were as a result able to develop a clearer picture of which interventions had the greatest potential impact on the health well being of humanity and Earth in the long run. They discovered that certain interventions, while incredibly harsh in the short-term and to individual humans, were most beneficial in the long run. They discovered that other interventions, while gentler in the short-term and to individual humans, were harmful in the long run in ways they had not anticipated. And finally, they discovered that interventions that were woven around and between specific natural cataclysmic events such as major solar storms, asteroid impacts, epidemics and pandemics, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes; had the most beneficial impact overall. In addition they realized that it was better not to prepare for certain cataclysmic events, so that nature could help reduce the human population, without attracting too much attention to what they were doing and without having to devote additional resources.

With the help of certain ETs, who were able to further advise them, those in charge then decided on a specific set of interventions to slow down and reduce the human population, that correlated with TIME LINE 4. Minor variations in the interventions have created alternate versions of TIME LINE 4, which are referred to as TL4A, TL4B, TL4C and so on. Each of these variations has core periods of time that are identical and others that have minor variations that do not cause major disturbances in TL4. The project ended for the psychics involved but has continued for those in power. Since the first future profiles were created, those in charge have used other highly gifted psychics to connect with the future. They have been implementing the choices that led to TL4 and using their psychics to monitor and assess the impact of their interventions on the time line. From time to time, they discover some or other minor disturbance and use the psychics to help discover the cause of this disturbance and where necessary tweak their interventions to offset any disturbances. The new time line they have created has brought about dramatic changes to future Earth and enhanced the health and well-being of the entire planet and its species. In that future humanity has eventually been allowed to take its place in the cosmic family and has moved out into the cosmos and is exploring and inhabiting new worlds. Profiles of individual futures also helped those in power to learn things about technology, dynamic systems and social systems that they did not know. At specific times they were able to learn new things which enabled them to refine the time line. There were however some in power who wishes to gain benefit from the new things they learned, in such a way as it would have dramatically altered TL4 and created new time lines that were not favourable to the health and well being of future Earth.

From time to time, someone from the future returns to visit the psychics who profiled their future and shares some story of what could have been or will be. And in return the psychics tell those from the future, what it feels like to be alive now and how those in power have altered the future. And very occasionally the psychics are visited by some future self and get to learn about how the greater self experiences itself elsewhere. But mostly, those who profiled the future, just watch those in power from the sidelines, remembering that those who really have the power, are always there in the background, watching everything unfold with more patience and compassion than any human will ever have.

THE MAN (who changed everything) – Part Two

Here I am sitting at my desk naked again, with a glass of water and a small fan I purchased last night. It’s 10 am and 37 degrees C / 98.6 F already. The predicted maximum for today is 42 degrees C / 107.6 but it will probably hit 47 degrees C / 116.6 F in the shade, just as it did yesterday. So I’ll be trying my best not to melt and to think clearly. But believe me, it’s not easy, when you feel like getting naked to the bone !

This post is a continuation of the one I started here : . I tried to finish it a few days ago but was unhappy with what I’d written, so here goes round two.


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You will recall that I began this story by telling you that Dude asked me what I knew about Nitroglycerin and he prompted me to follow up by researching it and by asking my ex wife what she knew about it. You will also recall that Nitroglycerin was discovered by the Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero, who has become a footnote in the history of Nitroglycerin. So today I’d like to tell you a little about Dude’s relationship with Ascanio and how that relationship changed the course of the human story.

I’m not sure how it came to pass but Dude knew all about Ascanio from the day he was born. He watched him as a small boy and then one day, just as he did with Rachel, he introduced himself. The young Ascanio loved the natural world and it was in this context that he and Dude became close friends. For the most part, Dude would meet Asacanio when he was outdoors. Both of them loved plants. Dude paid careful attention to Ascanio’s life and where possible – in small ways, nurtured certain interests that he had. Later as a young man, after Ascanio had pursued medicine and turned to chemistry, Dude encouraged him to explore certain aspects of chemistry.  Dude knew something about Ascanio’s family, that was largely unknown to his family. The men in his family were afflicted with heart disease and tended to live short lives. They suffered a great deal of pain and it significantly affected the quality of their lives. Dude had grown very fond of Ascanio and wanted to give him something that would help to alleviate his then unknown heart condition. Dude had already seen Asanio’s future when he first noticed him and so what he chose to do, was if you like, a fulfillment of what had already happened. At that time, Dude could see that if he intervened and guided Ascanio towards the discovery of Nitroglycerin; then one of several things could happen. Ascanio could discover Nitroglycerin and eventually use it to treat himself and alleviate much of his heart problem and the heart problems that would affect his siblings and his children. Others might later develop it for application to a broad range of heart problems. Ascanio and others might then create a range of very powerful Nitroglycerin drugs, that would greatly benefit human and animal health. Following this line of cause and effect, the discovery of Nitroglycerin would have enormous benefits for countless generations of humans and animals. There was however another equally probable scenario that could unfold. In addition to Ascanio’s discovery of Nitroglycerin and it’s eventual application to human and animal health, it could be used as an explosive and propellant. In that scenario, one Alfred Nobel could develop stable forms of Nitroglycerin that could be used to create Dynamite, Gelignite and Cordite –  which could be used as powerful explosives in the construction, mining and demolition industries and could eventually play a significant role in opening up the America’s, stimulating the development of the ammunition and explosives industry and in stimulating the development of the space race. Dude could see that this path, could lead to the death of hundreds of millions of human beings, the extinction of large numbers of animal and plant species, lay the foundation for much of what today I call the lower arms of The Architecture, reshape the entire structure of the human world, lead to the development of space exploration and eventually create public and private space travel. At this point in Dude’s relationship with Ascanio, he had a choice – to continue to watch a man he loved and cared about suffer or to ease his suffering. It was that simple. As you know, he chose to ease his suffering and that choice has changed everything, for every one of us.

When you think about what Dude did, as I have done, you realize this choice was absolutely catastrophic. But like Pangloss (Gottfreid Leibnez in disguise)  in Voltaire’s Candide ( – which incidentally is one of my favourite books), you also realize that he had to do this to create “the best of all possible worlds” for the human race.


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Before I tell you a little bit about how Asanio’s discovery changed the world, let me first tell you this. Dude has told me, quite categorically, that there are countless other great benefits to be gained from Nitroglycerin but that we have yet to discover them. We have only just scratched the surface of this wonder compound. It’s greatest powers have yet to be unearthed ! And while Dude and other ETs would be the first to suggest you don’t need drugs to correct any health problem; they would also agree, that at certain times in human history, certain people can and do benefit from drug treatments.

When Ascanio discovered Nitroglycerin, he was terrified of the consequences of sharing what he had learned about it’s explosive potential. But 3 years later, Alfred Nobel’s teacher ProfessorNikolai  Zinin At the Uniniversity of St Petersburg (, made the mistake of showing Alfred and his father the explosive potential of Nitroglycerin (

“The first time I saw nitroglycerine was in the beginning of the Crimean War. Professor Zinin in St. Petersburg exhibited some to my father and me, and struck some on an anvil to show that only the part touched by the hammer exploded without spreading. His opinion was that it might become a useful substance for military purposes, if only a practical means could be devised to explode it … My father tried to explode it during the Crimean war, but completely failed to do so … My father’s later experiments with gunpowder mixed with nitroglycerine were all on a small scale.” 

“Yes, Sobrero who discovered it, also discovered that it was explosive. Professor Zinin and Professor Trapp in St. Petersburg went a step further in conjecturing that it might be made useful and called the attention of my father to it, who was then engaged in making torpedos for the Russian government during the Crimean War. My father tried it, but could not get it to explode.”

The Nobel family decided then to use Nitroglycerin in their armaments. But in 1864 an explosion in one of their factories killed 5 people, including his brother Emil. Nitroglycerin was very volatile and unsuitable in it’s current form. It was then that Alfred decided to find a way to stabilize it, which he did successfully, at first by himself and then under the guidance of his father.

You’ll recall that Alfred Nobel went on in 1865 ,to form the Dynamit Nobel AG company. Within a decade, Alfred’s company had 16 explosives producing factories in 14 countries. Alfred’s company did so well, that he began mergers with many other companies and very quickly established a very wealthy and influential industrial empire. According to Wikipedia ( , Alfred was involved in the following expansions :

  • 1865 Alfred Nobel & Co founded in Krümmel near Hamburg.
  • 1866 United States Blasting Oil Company founded in the United States
  • 1867 Nobel receives patent for dynamite
  • 1871 British Dynamite Company founded in Ardeen, Scotland
  • 1876 Nobel receives patents for gelignite
  • 1876 Société Générale pour la Fabrication de la Dynamite founded in Paris, France
  • 1876 Alfred Nobel & Co changes its name to Dynamitaktiengesellschaft (DAG)
  • 1877 British Dynamite Company changes its name to Nobel’s Explosives Company
  • 1880 Dynamite Nobel formed by merging Italian and Swiss companies
  • 1886 Nobel-Dynamite Trust Co formed by merging DAG and the Nobel’s Explosives Company in the UK.

In 1871 Alfred apparently said, “England is a jewel worth the rest of the world. A dynamite company there would have the entire Empire as its market,” ( It is clear looking back, that Alfred had his sights set on total domination of the explosives market.

Alfred was a very savvy entrepreneur and his formation in 1886 of the Nobel-Dynamite Trust Co, created the first international company that owned shares in other companies and controlled or co-controlled their business. That idea has totally reshaped the way that businesses function in the modern world and has been the driving force behind what we think of as Economic Globalization (

In his life time Alfred developed Dynamite, Gelignite, Ballistite and Cordite –  powerful explosives and propellants; which laid the foundation for much of  the construction, mining and demolition industries

After Alfred’s death in 1896 but prior to WW1, Dynamite Nobel had become the largest producers of explosives and propellants ( in Europe. Ballistite and Cordite also became foundation of the emerging armaments and rocket industry ( By the time of his death, Alfred had established 90 armaments factories.

By the time of his death, Alfred Nobel had influenced the development of explosives and propellants in America and in Europe. He had over 355 patents/inventions to his name – most of which were related to explosives , ammunition, projectiles and rockets ( ). Many of his inventions became the precursors to the arms and space race. Although he didn’t invent explosives, he vastly improved them and as a result, created explosives that paved the way for the expansion not just of continental North America but South America and many of the British, Dutch, German, Portuguese and Spanish colonies.

It’s worth noting that many of the companies that Alfred started; now have histories and entanglements associated with the worlds major manufacturers of explosives, railway materials and trains, chemicals, weapons, aircraft, educational materials, agricultural products and pharmaceuticals. They also have very close relationships with the military and finance industries.

In 1888 Alfred formulated the first double bass solid rocket propellant ( / and this was later explored and developed by Robert Goddard in the US ( Robert is considered by many to be the father of modern rocketry. Robert was concerned that industrial/corporate support for his patents might undermine his work, so he turned to the US Army Signal Corps ( to support what he was doing. But after the end of WW1, the Signal Corps seemed to lose faith in Robert’s vision. So between WW1 and WW2 Robert’s work on rocketry was supported by the Guggenheim family (, who saw great potential in Robert’s work.

Meanwhile in Germany, prior to WW1, certain science fiction writers were developing their own ideas about rockets and space travel. Many of these ideas, such as those of Kurd Lasswitz, who wrote one of the first science fiction stories about ships that harnessed anti-gravity (; were pivotal catalysts in the formation of the German rocket program after WW1. Many of Germany’s armaments pioneers and early rocketeers used explosives and propellants produced by Alfred Nobel’s companies. But there were also other German inventors, influenced by Alfred’s ideas, who developed their own explosives and propellants. The first serious effort to focus on the development of rockets in Germany, began with the formation of The Society for Space Travel ( .ür_Raumschiffahrt). An orgnization started by Joahannes Winkler (, Max Valier ( and Wiley Ley ( – who wrote Rockets – the Future of Travel Beyond the Stratosphere and Engineers Dreams) . In September 1930 the group received funding and permission from the German Army to begin test firing rockets at a local ammunition dump. Two years later at the request of Captain Walter Dornberger ( – who would later head the V2 Rocket program), the group (which then included the young Wernher Von Braun (, unsuccessfully fired a rocket in front of 3 high commanded German officers, who asked for another demonstration. Wernher was in favour of the demonstration but the other members of the group disagreed with him and the group soon disbanded. German rocketry moved slowly during this time but then accelerated in the period leading up to WW2. German scientists and rocket enthusiasts became increasingly interested in Robert Goddard’s work in America.

In 1937 the Germans created the Peenemunde Army Research Centre  (, under the technical direction of Wernher von Braun. Which among other things paved the way for the development of the V- Weapons rocket program ( and Germany’s Wonder Weapons (

Near the end of WW2, Wernher von Braun and 127 German rocket scientists ( came to the US under Operation Paperclip ( – which included the transfer of 1,500 German and other European scientists, engineers and technicians). After Operation Paperclip, US defense and industry groups integrated many of their German recruits into their best programs. The 26 year old Wernher von Braun was supposedly “bleached” of his Nazism (though there is evidence to suggest he stayed true to his NAZI ideals) and between 1950-56 he was placed in charge of the Army’s rocket development team. He brought with him knowledge of the then captured V-2 Rocket and the other V rockets and drew upon the inspirational work of Robert Goddard’s, to greatly improve rocket design. Meanwhile the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA / continued it’s work on the development of advanced aircraft and propulsion systems.  As a result of his work on the Redstone Rocket, Wernher was made director of the  Development Operations Division of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (which reported to NACA) – which later developed the Jupiter-C rocket and in January 1958, launched America’s first Satellite – Explorer 1. This ultimately led in part, to the transformation of NACA into NASA and shifted the focus of their work towards the development of space technologies – which were largely guided by the vision of Wernher von Braun.

At this point in the story, there is no need to go any further. You all know something about the space race and the kinds of things that NASA has been interested in. And you also know something about the development of the American aerospace industry. This story isn’t really about filling in ALL the gaps. That’s for you to do. It’s more about helping you to see some of the connections and how one thing led to another.


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In his will,  Alfred Nobel’s left 94 % of his wealth  US $ 186,000,000 by today’s standards) (, to the creation of a set of international awards in 5 different categories – Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace ( The Nobel Foundation was established after in 1900 to manage Alfred’s bequeath and it now manages assets to the value of US $560, 000, 000 ( Alfred’s brothers Ludvig and Robert also became very wealthy (thanks to Russian oil – and his children have also done very well for themselves. The Nobel family has ties to all kinds of industries – including finance, chemical, explosives, armaments, energy, medicine, defense, pharmaceuticals, oil etc.  But they also have ties to medicine, human rights, environmental conservation, helping the disadvantaged, charitable trusts and philanthropy. the Nobel family has often been compared to the Rockefeller family because like the Rockefellers, their seems to be caring family members and greedy family members. Like all families.

Alfred lived alone and unmarried for most of his life, despite having had 3 significant relationships with women. Near the end of his life Alfred met a peace activist by the name of Countess Betha Kinsky (, who would become for a short while, his second love.  Betha was an Austrian peace activist, who had written a novel called Lay Down Your Arms, which had a significant impact on the European peace movement. She also headed the German Peace Society and edited the Peace Journal Die Waffen nieder!  After she returned to her former partner, she remained in contact with Alfred and it is believed by many, that she had a major impact on Alfred’s decision to bequeath money for a set of prizes, that included one which recognized an individual had contributed to global peace. But Alfred was a very complex man, who is not easy to dissect from history. He was an avid lover of literature and dabbled in writing himself. On the Nobel Prize website (, there is this comment about his interest in writing :

“Nobel was in many respects a man of the pen: he was continuously writing letters, noting down all kinds of fanciful ideas and plans for inventions, philosophising over the origin of the cosmos and the evolution of man, discussing questions of faith and knowledge, war and peace.” 

Given his interest in all things, including peace, it is possible that he felt some regret about what he had created. No less than Albert Einstein thought that Alfred may have created the Nobel Prize out of guilt ( to atone for what he had done  :

“Alfred Nobel invented an explosive more powerful than any then known — an exceedingly effective means of destruction. To atone for this ‘accomplishment’ and to relieve his conscience, he instituted his award for the promotion of peace.”

Yet Einstein himself contributed indirectly to the development of the Atomic Bomb, by urging Teddy Roosevelt to develop the atomic bomb before the German’s did. But unlike Alfred, Albert Einstein spent much of his life dedicated to advocating peace and the creation of organizations focused on cultivating peace. Whether it was guilt that motivated Einstein to do so or just his constitution is unclear. I think, despite his contribution to the horrors of the arms race, he was at heart a deeply loving and mystical soul, who cared for the greater good.

But perhaps the real motivator for Alfred to bequeth most of his wealth for the greater good, was what others said about him. In 1891, he was accused of “high treason against France” for selling Ballistite to Italy Subsequently he moved from Paris to San Remo in Italy, later that year. In 1888, after his brother Ludvig died, a French newspaper supposedly ran an obituary – naming Alfred as the deceased Nobel brother. In it’s obituary the newspaper said,

“The Merchant of Death is Dead” 

“Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.”

Alfred witnessed first hand, how people saw him before he had died and I suspect it made him feel very uncomfortable.


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Alfred Nobel’s inventions changed the face of Earth, its people and it’s plant and animal species. It consolidated the total annihilation of millions of people and animals and  almost all the worlds native peoples. And it laid the foundation for the development of space flight. The impact of his inventions will continue to ripple out through time and has forever changed the path of the human species. And everything that Nobel achieved, owes it’s existence to Ascanio Sobrero’s discovery of Nitroglycerin. A discovery that Dude helped him to make.

So let me tell you something important. Dude made a choice. He could have chosen not to guide Ascanio and deterred he or anyone else from discovering Nitroglycerin. And he could have continued to let Ascanio and his family suffer. But he didn’t. Here’s what he did. He consulted with the other 8 ETs who oversee the welfare of this planet and he consulted with the largest collective. He discussed the issue with Number One. And after a consensus had been reached, he chose to help Ascanio to discover Nitroglycerin. Dude’s actions were in alignment with the best possible future for humanity. Voltaire would probably agree ! But in the short term, his actions look like they have unleashed hell upon Earth. Dude wanted to help just one man that he cared about. But he saw how the discovery of Nitroglycerin would create great benefit and great suffering.  He saw many potentialities and several probabilities. And I suspect he saw exactly what WOULD happen. Dude made a choice to alter our timeline (see this post on metaphors for time : for the greater good. This is the timeline that you and I know and the one that created us. Without Dudes intervention, history as we know it and the future as we will know it, would be completely different.

But understand this. The unfolding of humanity is always being influenced by ETs. Not just in big ways but in lots of tiny little ways. You might think that ETs influenced us in the discovery of fire and the wheel but they didn’t. Those were just accidents in our growth. But they did influence the development of the fish hook and spear tip in ancient man. Those two things really changed everything, at that point in human development.

For every ET intervention or influence, there is both a positive and a negative aspect. Just as every human idea has a positive and a negative aspect. But it’s up to us to make choices what we do with these ideas that enter our hearts and minds. It’s not up to the ETs to make these choices. It’s up to us !

We all make choices every moment and every single day of our lives. Ascanio could have chosen stay in medicine or to ignore Dude or to remained quiet about Nitroglycerin or it’s explosive potential. Nikolai Zinin could have said nothing to Alfred Nobel. Alfred Nobel, could have focused on the medical or pharmaceutical benefits of Nitroglycerin. Alfred’s father, could have chosen to give Alfred a stern warning about what he was doing. Any number of countless choices could have been made, that would have changed the path of history.


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Dude didn’t think much of Alfred Nobel. He once appeared before him but he refuses to tell me what he did or said. Normally he would take someone and show them the future. But this time he did something different. I have this feeling that whatever it was, it terrified Alfred and left him an empty man. Perhaps Dude’s actions had as much to do with Alfred’s generous bequeath, as anything else.

Ultimately Dude was unable to save Ascanio but he alleviated some of his physical suffering. As Dude has continued to remind me, the greatest benefits of Nitroglycerin remain hidden before us, waiting for the right people to discover them. And ETs like Dude, continue to influence us and to develop relationships with kind hearted people.

Everything is connected to everything else and everything we do, affects everything else. Life is an never ending series of butterflies, constantly flapping their way across our existence and the development of the human species and life on this precious Earth. Every butterfly casts out it’s own butterfly moments and history itself is made of butterfly moments. You might say that ETs like Dude are simply releasing butterflies at just the right moment. Knowing where the path of every butterfly will lead. And knowing that every butterfly begets other butterfly’s.


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I’ve left lots of hints through this post for you to map out the lower arms of The Architecture and to figure out just how enmeshed this structure is in the modern world. It’s up to you, to be interested enough to discover what I have discovered. Or, alternatively, you might just think this was a quaint little story and leave it at that !

You can read more on things related to this subject here :

Covid Dreams

I’ve been working with dreams in many unconventional ways for a long time now but I was very slow to understand the real value of dreams. It was only through my therapeutic work with a gestalt supervisor and later with my own clients, that I fully understood the value of dreams. I’ve long been interested in how our dreams change under different circumstances. Both individual dreams and collective dreams.

Since the current Covid-19 pandemic began, none of my own dreams have been out of the ordinary. I do not feel threatened by SARS-CoV-2 and that maybe the reason that my dreams have remained relatively similar. I am fascinated by what is happening to humanity through this crisis, I am perplexed at the response of governments, groups and individuals and I lament how the world will go back to normal and the natural world will continue to be destroyed with one great heavy breath when the pandemic reaches its conclusion. But none of these things seems to have influenced my dreams. Perhaps the reason my dreams are unchanged also relates to having thought a great deal about this pandemic and imagined how it might play out (see Bright’s Pandemic Journal : I’ve also played around a great deal with other existential threats, as much out of curiosity as believing that one or two of them are just around the corner.

I have no shame in saying that am a little different to most people and I am aware that many people are having dreams right now that are different to their normal dreams. During times of prolonged crisis people will often have fearful dreams in which they are being chased, feel trapped and confronted with strange people and entities. These are all powerful metaphors that bring into consciousness the fears and concerns that lay unacknowledged. (I can say that I had the equivalent fears manifest in my dreams in the first few years after my cancer diagnosis – metastatic crabs and spiders, terrifying diagnoses and prognoses and magical keys riddled my dreams). People also sometimes have hopeful or terrifying dreams about life beyond the crisis, in which normality or some version of a transformed reality returns.

There are patterns to dreams that map themselves out over the course of an individuals life time and in the lifetime of humanity. And no doubt during any crisis we see these patterns fully manifest, complete with archetypal imagery. If you are experiencing these kinds of dreams now, don’t ignore them, for they are offer you enormous opportunities to learn about your self and what you are really feeling and what the human race is really feeling. In one sense during this pandemic we are witnessing both the expression and the repression of shadow of the human collective but we’re also witnessing the expression and the repression of the shadow of every individual. But remember shadow doesn’t mean all that is bad, scary, dark etc. It is also all that is good, comforting, light etc. Shadow is merely that which you disown via repression, suppression, transference, denial, projection etc.. You will have both light dark and light aspects to your shadow. And there is no better place to witness the shadow than in dreams, where the conscious mind has surrendered to the greater mind, which knows exactly what you need to experience. So take the time to listen to it. Embrace the shadow and see what you can learn from its voice. Let it terrify you, let it wake you out of your slumber, let it riddle you with uncertainty but whatever you do, don’t deny its existence. Talk to your dreams, have conversations with them; write out your dreams, document your dreams; draw your dreams, paint your dreams; act out your dreams; make an audio recording of your dreams; talk about your dreams. Let them stay alive and by doing so you will acknowledge the shadow and learn from its wisdom.

There are several powerful conditioning forces influencing people’s conscious and unconscious experiences right now, especially the activity of the media and governments. These two forces are having a very powerful influence on people’s fear and puting many people at risk of getting sick and dying from the virus and from other illnesses. If your waking fears or your dream fears are so overwhelming that they are getting the better of you, look carefully at the influences that you’re allowing through. Don’t let what the media says, what governments say or conspiracy nut cases say, rattle you. If you let other people’s fears dominate you, you will never be free of fear! Be at ease and know that most people will get through this pandemic without too many problems! Your body will adapt and you will survive! Take precautions if you need to but don’t live in fear. And if your dreams continue to be dominated by fearful elements/symbols, talk to the symbols and find out what they have to tell you.

Here is an excellent podcast episode on Covid Dreams :

I’m sure someone will soon write an excellent book or PhD on Covid Dreams!

An excellent resource on the subject of social influences on individual and collective dreams is The Third Reich of Dreams by Charlotte Beradt in which she documents the dreams of fellow Berliners during the rise of the Third Reich : Another good book is Dreaming Dark Times by Sharon Sliwinkski which explorers how dreams give courage to political movements and act as an antidote to oppression

More on collective dreams under stressful social conditions here :

The Museum of Dreams here.

More Covid dreams below.

Covert Projects Hidden in Plain Sight (Hand Me That Bible!)

Some of you might recall how my ET friend Dude told me that many of the most classified ET related and other covert projects (such as the plan to survive post solar catastrophe) have names from the Christian bible. Dude explained that projects are given names in relation to books of the bible and/or major characters from the bible. Often the names correlate with the major theme(s) of the project. You can for example  imagine what Moses or Exodus relate to or Daniel or the Lions Den relate to! A careful researcher might look at the books of the bible and major characters of the bible and see potential themes that might have been used as project names and then have some chance of finding bread crumbs.

One of the reasons that this method of naming is used, is that it allows people within projects to talk about their work without being overly concerned about security. You could go to a cafe for example and speak about the problems that Sarah is having with her children or that Jacob has been having with using his ladder or how Benjamin has had to change his plans in regard to when he will move his family. As well as that kind of scenario it makes passing documentation on much less of a risk because document content becomes mundane and ordinary. For example, “John was having more trouble with his vision. He was unable to see clearly into his future and make decisions about his children.”.

If you tease out the themes of each book and the role that key characters play, you can see how these might be very good metaphors for projects. See Wikipedia as I have done. Despite it’s limitations, Wikipedia is your best friend for research of this kind.

So there’s plenty of choice. start with the books of the Catholic version of the bible and you have (without adding any of the other hidden or second canon books)  :

Old Testament

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua (Josue), Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel (1 Kings), 2 Samuel (2 Kings), 1 Kings (3 Kings), Kings (4 Kings), 1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon), 2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon), Ezra (1 Esdras), Nehemiah (2 Esdras), Tobit (Tobias), Judith, Esther, 1 Maccabees (1 Machabees), 2 Maccabees (2 Machabees), Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Canticle of Canticles), Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Isaiah (Isaias), Jeremiah (Jeremias), Lamentations, Baruch with Letter of Jeremiah as the 6th Chapter, Ezekiel (Ezechiel), Daniel, Hosea (Osee), Joel, Amos, Obadiah (Abdias), Jonah (Jonas), Micah (Micheas), Nahum, Habakkuk (Habacuc), Zephaniah (Sophonias), Haggai (Aggeus), Zechariah (Zacharias), Malachi (Malachias).

New Testament

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.

Then look at the characters in the Catholic version of the bible :

Old Testament


Aaron, Eleazar, Eli, Phinehas.

Tribes of Israel

Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Issachar, Joseph, which was split into two tribes descended from his sons: (Tribe of Ephraim Tribe of Menasheh) Judah, Levi, Naphtali, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun.


Eleazar Avaran, John Gaddi, John Hyrcanus, Jonathan Apphus, Judas Maccabeus, Mattathias, Simon Thassi.

Greek rulers

Alexander the Great, Antiochus III the Great, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Philip II of Macedon.

Persian rulers

Astyages, Darius III.


Baruch, Tobit, Judith, Susanna.

New Testament

Jesus and his relatives

Jesus, Mary, mother of Jesus, Joseph, Brothers of Jesus, James (often identified with James, son of Alphaeus), Joseph (Joses), Judas (Jude) (often identified with Thaddeus), Simon, Mary of Clopas, Cleopas (often identified with Alphaeus and Clopas).

Apostles of Jesus

The Twelve:

Peter (a.k.a. Simon or Cephas), Andrew (Simon Peter’s brother), James, son of Zebedee, John, son of Zebedee, Philip, Bartholomew also known as “Nathanael”, Thomas also known as “Doubting Thomas”, Matthew also known as “Levi”, James, son of Alphaeus, Judas, son of James (a.k.a. Thaddeus or Lebbaeus), Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot (the traitor).


Paul, Matthias, Barnabas, James, the Lord’s Brother, Jude, the Lord’s Brother.


Caiaphas, high priest, Annas, first high priest of Roman Judea, Zechariah, father of John the Baptist.


Agabus, Anna, Simeon, John the Baptist.

Other believers

Apollos, Aquila, Dionysius the Areopagite, Epaphras, fellow prisoner of Paul, fellow worker, John Mark (often identified with Mark), Joseph of Arimathea, Lazarus, Luke, Mark, Martha, Mary Magdalene, Mary, sister of Martha, Nicodemus, Onesimus, Philemon, Priscilla, Silas, Sopater, Stephen, first martyr, Timothy, Titus.

Secular rulers

Agrippa I, called “King Herod” or “Herod” in Acts 12, Felix governor of Judea who was present at the trial of Paul, and his wife Drusilla in Acts 24:24, Herod Agrippa II, king over several territories, before whom Paul made his defense in Acts 26, Herod Antipas, called “Herod the Tetrarch” or “Herod” in the Gospels and in Acts 4:27, Herodias, Herod the Great, Philip the Tetrarch, Pontius Pilate, Salome, the daughter of Herodias Quirinius

Roman Emperors

Augustus, Tiberius, Nero.

Most of these projects have their origins in the UK but some also have their origins elsewhere. And it’s worth asking why that might be.

So next time you hear someone babbling on about Project Scorpion or Project Fluffy Butt or Project Dark Prism or Project Sir Wankalot or Project Fallen Kingdom or Project Long Live Man or Project Fishbone or Bullrun or Echelon or Project Intruder or Universal Presence or Project Anubis or Project Porn Eye, you’re either hearing about something fictional or something with a much lower classification. Most of the projects of the NSA, NRO and CIA would fall into this level (but not all).

However I could be just delusional or full of shit. The choice as to what to believe is yours alone! 😉

All biblical content from these wiki pages :

More on how to unearth The Architecture here : and more on covert power here :

Corky Pig

I have it on good authority from a little (green) birdy ;-), that there is a way of hiding things in plain sight that defies belief because it’s so simple and that there are those humans in The Architecture and in other power structures that are connected to The Architecture, that refer to this as the Corky Pig. So before I say more about the Corky Pig, let me encourage you to imagine a model of secrecy that goes way beyond the usual naive and stupid scapegoats like the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Elites etc., that includes a structure and processes/mechanisms that are both embedded in the shadows out of sight and in the light where everyone can see.

Piggy Bank, Ornament, Snout, Cordial, Happy

At the core of Buddhism there are the Three Jewels. The Three Jewels are The Buddha (the enlightened teacher), The Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha) and The Sangha (the community of practitioners who follow the Buddha and the Dharma). In each of the three jewels, you see any one of the other two jewels reflecting back. So borrowing from Buddhism, I present to you the Three Jewels of Secrecy and Covert Power : The Architecture, The Diamond Complex and the Corky Pig. (You can read about TA here : / and TDC here : / In each of these jewels you’ll see the other two jewels reflecting back. And just like TDC, the Corky Pig connects one thing to another.

For many years now I have had some sense of how covert secrecy and power worked but I didn’t quite have adequate metaphors for understanding exactly how it worked in terms of it’s structure and mechanisms/processes. Hence the reason why I developed the metaphors of The Architecture and The Diamond Complex. TA and TDC are essentially structures and as structures they give rise to and suggest certain processes or mechanisms. It took a long time to see these metaphors but I think they accurately reflect the truth of how things are. However, what has been missing up until now is a metaphor to explain how TA and TDC interact with one another. So think of the Corky Pig as both a structure and a process or more accurately a set of structures and processes that connect TA to TDC.

Corky Pig is a term that was developed by certain individuals in TA to denote a depository where information could be deposited in full public view, should the public know how to look for it. It literally referred to a place that was called the Corky Pig. I am not sure if this place still exists but the idea has continued and diversified to become many things.

Everybody is familiar with the Corky Pig in some way. Most people know the little ceramic corky pigs that are used for saving money. They look like a cute little pig with a cork stopper in their back, mouth or belly. You pull out the stopper and put in your money and pull out the stopper when you want to take money out. Everybody has their own version of the Corky Pig. My old girlfriend used to have a drawer where she shoved all her unsorted stuff, my son has a cupboard where he shoves all his unsorted stuff, I have a plastic tub where I shove my unsorted bits and pieces, some people have sheds where they shove all their unsorted and sorted stuff, while other people have drawers, tins, boxes etc. where they shove all their crap !  The corky pig has many bodies but whatever kind of body it has, it’s function is the same. It’s a place where we shove stuff, deposit stuff, store stuff, that we may or may not have sorted through, go back to from time to time to find things that we need. So imagine then that an official Corky Pig has this same function. It maybe a little tidier (I emphasize maybe !), it maybe wrapped in legal protection, it maybe organized according to certain priorities, it maybe compartmentalized and it maybe invisible because it’s so drab, unappealing or boring ! It or it’s contents need not be labelled with phrases like : Roswell Alien Slides or or Superluminal Test Craft Assessments or Project Catharsis etc. They might not be labelled at all ! But they might be ! And they might have an ordinary label like : Ruth or Exodus or An Investigation into Liminal Consciousness Between Two Bodies or Nanoparticle Metastisis : A Novel Concept for Space Flight or Crossroads Institute Inc.. Anything is possible but it doesn’t necessarily have to be obvious or indicate that it’s about something important !

Pig, Piggy Bank, Funny, Lucky Pig, Window, Display

In order to understand secrecy and covert power you have to understand several simple principles. First, there are two forms basic forms of secrecy. Uncompartmentalized and compartmentalized. Uncompartmentalized secrecy is out in the open for all to see, while compartmentalized secrecy is hidden. Each compartment contains other compartments (think silos within silos or Babushka Dolls). Those who oversee one level of compartmentalization do not necessarily know about the other levels of compartmentalization and only a handful of individuals know about the overall picture (all the compartments and all the secrets). Within TA and TDC there are many competing and cooperating groups (say those who do Military Abductions) who function within their own compartments. They are multinational groups who are not necessarily accountable to anyone and yet their activities are driven by a higher form of compartmentalization. Second, secrecy is maintained through a number of mechanisms and these can be loosely summarized as follows :

Now not everything that is compartmentalized is necessarily kept hidden. There are physical sites that are kept hidden. There are physical files that are kept hidden. There are projects and operations that are kept hidden. And there are employees who are kept hidden. But there are also sites, files, projects and operations and employees who are kept in plain sight. You may for example be employed as an aeronautical engineer by an aeronautical engineering company in a very public site but when you are not working on testing the new 797 or 6X7, you are secretly at work just down the road on a reverse engineering project with elements of an ET craft. So sometimes what is compartmentalized is kept in partial view of the public eye.

Most compartmentalized projects will have special sites where everything is hidden and protected behind legal, military or corporate barriers. Whilst uncompartmentalized projects may for the most part have everything out in the open but they may still have certain aspects that are hidden and protected behind legal, military or corporate barriers. The two different kinds of secrecy or projects each require a depository for all the information that exists in relation to the work that is done. Now sometimes those depositories will be entirely hidden as Classified Information (, which may or may not be gradually declassified. And sometimes those depositories will be partially hidden behind “need to know” corporate protections and sometimes these depositories will be open in full view of anyone who wishes to access them. Imagine then that many of these depositories interact with one another and there is a horizontal and vertical movement of information between some of them.

Piggy, Bank, Money, Save, Finance, Financial, Loan

The Corky Pig acts as an open depository but it acts both as direct deposit for hidden and partially hidden information and a secondary deposit for hidden and partially hidden information.

So what kind of information might go into a Corky Pig and why would you use a Corky Pig anyway ? Any kind of information can go into a Corky Pig and it depends largely on the function of that information, the origin or holder of that information and who will most likely seek out that information. The types of information that might go into a Corky Pig include but is not limited to  :

  • Concepts, theories and ideas
  • Project proposals
  • Project plans
  • Plans in general (strategic plans, operational plans (OPLAN), concept plans (CONPLAN), contingency plans etc.)
  • Project evaluations
  • Investments
  • General information like magazines and newsletters
  • Network contacts, minutes and other documents
  • Legal documents
  • Investigations and assessments
  • Patents
  • Public accountability related governance documents (business plans, board documents, SWOT documents, action plans)
  • Regulation, legislation and policy documents
  • Disinformation.

So as you can see there is a very broad range of information that can go into a Corky Pig ! A pig can grow very fat indeed !

Piggy Bank, Piglet, Savings Bank, Pig, Spar Slot, Money

So you might be wondering, if it is possible to keep information secret, why on Earth would you want to use a Corky Pig ? Well I can think of many reasons and these will depend largely on who created the Corky Pig and who uses the Corky Pig. Chief among them might be :

  • Insurance : If at any time in the future something that was largely invisible to the public comes to light that the public do not like, those who were involved can say “we didn’t hide anything !”
  • For the sharing of information within compartmentalized or non compartmentalized groups/projects and across compartmentalized or non compartmentalized groups/projects
  • For the implementation of plans
  • For the creation of disinformation
  • For legal protection : “we acted within the law !”
  • To raise venture capital and lure potential investors
  • To protect ideas, plans, projects and investments.

In order to understand the idea of the Corky Pig a little better, I’ve created a kind of arbitrary classification system that I think sums up the different types of Corky Pigs quite well, as far as I can determine. I’ve given the different types of Corky Pigs names and grouped them into different levels. Unfortunately this is not a very creative activity and I really wish I could have called them Porky Pig and Scar Face Pig and Bacon Butt and Lemony Pig and Sniper Pig and Go Go Pig and Super Pig and Impaler Pig and Yo Yo Slim Pig and Black Bootie Pig and fun names like that but sadly I’ve ad to sacrifice all creative pleasure for the sake of functionality ! So alas, here is my classification system for Corky Pigs (you’ll have to do your own research to discover what the group abbreviations mean if you don’t already know) :


TIER 1 :

  • International Non Governmental Organization Corky Pigs (INGOCPs) : These are embedded within international non government organizations that represent the interest of member states. For example – NATO, NSO, FIRST, UN (& Agencies of the United Nations ( : UNESCO, WTO, WHO, IMF, WBG & UNIDO) etc..
  • International Think Tank Corky Pigs (ITTCPs) : These are embedded within international think tanks. For example – Centre for European Policy Studies, International Crisis Group etc..


TIER 2 :

  • National Agency Corky Pigs (NACPs) : These are embedded within government agencies/ministries that span an entire nation. For example – National Archives (US), National Archives (UK), NASA, NSA, DIA, FBI, CIA, NRO, DARPA, MOD, NGA, MSS, ASIO, FCO, OS, TNA, CPINI, CISA, DHS, BEIS & PTIC etc..
  • Non Governmental Organization Corky Pigs (NGOCPs) : These are embedded within non governmental agencies within individual nations. For example – The Lifeboat Foundation, USOCDC, IDO etc..
  • Academic Corky Pigs (ACPs) : These are embedded within academia. For example Caltech, JPL, Oxford University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University, University of Melbourne, University of South Australia, The Arlington Institute, California Institute of Technology, University of Washington, University of Copenhagen, Moscow State University, Cambridge University etc..
  • National Think Tank Corky Pigs (NTTCPs) : These are embedded within national think tanks. For example – The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Earth Institute, Kaiser Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution, Kato Institute, American Enterprise Institute,  Adam Smith Centre, The Hague Club, Council on the Future of Europe, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, The Australia Institute, Japan Institute of International Affairs, Shanghai Institute for International Studies etc..


TIER 3 :

  • Corporate Corky Pigs : These are embedded within corporate entities. For example – IBM, Northrup Grumman, SAIC, Purina, Nestles, Rand Corporation, Raytheon, DK, The Carlyle Group etc..
  • Corporate Network Corky Pigs (CNCPs) : These are embedded within corporate networks. For example – Venture Capital Network, International Business Network etc..
  • Strategic Technology Incubator Corky Pigs (STICPs) : These are embedded within seemingly honourble technology incubator groups, whose focus is to nurture the research and development of new technologies and to link them to the military and industry. For example – In.Q.Tel., Army Venture Capital Initiative, CCDC Army Research Laboratory etc..
  • Special Interest Group Corky Pigs (SIGCPs) : These are embedded within advocacy/lobby groups. For example – NRA, AIPAC, FSR, DPA, OXFAM, US Chamber of Commerce etc..


TIER 4 :

  • Public Domain Corky Pigs (PDCPs) : These are embedded in the public domain and often directly accessible through the internet. For example – Internet Archive, public libraries like New York State Library, New York Public Library, DC Public Library, National Library of Australia etc..
  • Freedom of Information Corky Pigs (FOICPs) : These are loosely embedded in different regions of government and provide for the gradual movement of classified and non classified information into the public domain. They could also potentially be activated during periods of high FOI demand for certain information. It is hard to site a single FOICP because most of them are kept out of public sight. However we could say that the collections of information that certain people have accessed via FOI requests represent a kind of secondary FOICP. For example Clifford Stone’s Collection (, The Black Vault’s collection ( and the National Security Archive ( etc..


TIER 5 :

  • Patent Corky Pigs (PCPs) : These are embedded within public patent organizations/archives. They are often very fat Corky Pigs ! For example – USPTO, IPO, IP Australia, JPO, EPO, CPO etc..


TIER 6 :

  • Public Project Corky Pigs (PPCPs) : These are embedded within seemingly reasonable public projects that have been initiated by individuals without any apparent ulterior motives. They may however be influenced by project members who have less than honourable ulterior motives. For example – To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science etc..


TIER 7 :

  • Disinformation Corky Pigs (DCPs) : These are embedded in online public forums, social media groups and public disclosure websites and mixed in with legitimate leaked information. For example – DCPs within Project Avalon Forum, Project Camelot Forum, Above Top Secret Forum, Facebook groups, Wikileaks Archive, Cryptome Archive etc..


TIER 8 :

  • Individual Corky Pigs (ICPs) : These belong to individuals and are maintained by them or those who work for them and shared with other individuals and groups as required. For example – lets say a particular politician had a Corky Pig where he dumped his dirty documents – legal allegations, court case documents, documents describing his hatred of Jews, Arabs and Koreans and his affiliations with particular individuals and groups; all the information that he would prefer to be kept away from prying eyes and public scrutiny.


Please note that the different levels do not necessarily imply that a Corky Pig in a higher level has more value or important secrets than a Corky Pig in a lower level. A Corky Pig in Tier 6 may have greater value than a Corky Pig in Tier 1. And it’s also likely that some Corky Pigs share information and some Corky pPigs create information from information in other Corky Pigs. Imagine then that there is also a lot of vertical and horizontal movement between Corky Pigs. Some of it with classified access, some of it with open access.

Save, Piggy Bank, Teamwork, Together, Money, Finance

So that’s the Corky Pig. It is both a structure and a process for maintaining secrecy in plain sight. The secrets that people often think are hidden in secure facilities are often right under their nose and they never see them. And part of the reason for that is because there is so much information everywhere, it’s just hard to know where to look, hard to know what to look for and hard to know how to search. And even if you find something that appears to be interesting, it can be hard to know if it’s really useful information or a waste of your time. I’ve been researching this subject for a very long time and most of my research has been done off site in public locations like internet cafes and public libraries under pseudonyms, so that I don’t attract any additional unnecessary attention. The things that I have discovered in plain sight, are often quite hard to believe. So much is visible if you know how to look but so many people just don’t care or want to learn how how to do research for themselves !

So these Corky Pigs allow people who keep secrets and who carry our covert operations to shit in the public’s face without the public even knowing about it. It allows them to manipulate the public without the public having a clue. And it allows them to carry on business as usual without any accountability to anyone. Because nothing has really been done in secret !

Let me offer you a few elementary questions to help you see how the Corky Pig principle works. If you do the work you’ll get it. I can’t do that for you.

  • Q1. Who were Ed Snowden’s last employers and who are they connected to ?
  • Q2. What corporate and environmental interests does one of NASAs chief scientists have and why ? And who is he connected to and in what way is he connected to them and why ?
  • Q3. What does the UKs MOD have in common with In.Q.Tel. and the UN ?
  • Q4. What does Cambridge and Oxford University have in common with the MOD and DOD ?
  • Q5. What does Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service have in common with the US’s NSA/NRO ?
  • Q6. What does the RAND Corporation have in common with America’s leading think tanks and the UN ?
  • Q7. What did the Iraq war and war in Afghanistan have to do with board interlocks in the UK and US ?
  • Q8. What surprises in relation to UFOs and new technologies do you think might go into and come out of the To the Stars Academy Corky Pig ?

If you investigate any one of these questions very carefully, you’ll see how so many things are connected and how critical information about secrecy and covert projects are hidden in plain sight. You could ask any number of questions on any number of subjects. These are just a few to help you think.

I suppose I could add any number of other metaphorical jewels to my model of the world’s human power structures but I think the three jewels of The Architecture, The Diamond Complex and the Corky Pig are adequate enough to capture how things really are.

May Corky Pigs everywhere lead the way to transparency, accountability and responsible human behaviour !

May you all be well,

Brighty. 😉


The original post is here :

Corky Pig to the Rescue (How Secrets are Hidden in Plain Sight)

The post that I am about to share with you will be one of the most important posts that I have written on ET and I, in relation to the global power structures and secrecy that exist on our planet. It will be deceptively simple and go over the heads of many people. I would encourage you to think of it as a clue on the path to seeing how things really are.

I have it on good authority from a little (green) birdy ;-), that there is a way of hiding things in plain sight that defies belief because it’s so simple and that there are those humans in The Architecture and in other power structures that are connected to The Architecture, that refer to this as the Corky Pig. So before I say more about the Corky Pig, let me encourage you to imagine a model of secrecy that goes way beyond the usual naive and stupid scapegoats like the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Elites etc., that includes a structure and processes/mechanisms that are both embedded in the shadows out of sight and in the light where everyone can see.

Piggy Bank, Ornament, Snout, Cordial, Happy

At the core of Buddhism there are the Three Jewels. The Three Jewels are The Buddha (the enlightened teacher), The Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha) and The Sangha (the community of practitioners who follow the Buddha and the Dharma). In each of the three jewels, you see any one of the other two jewels reflecting back. So borrowing from Buddhism, I present to you the Three Jewels of Secrecy and Covert Power : The Architecture, The Diamond Complex and the Corky Pig. (You can read about TA here : / and TDC here : / In each of these jewels you’ll see the other two jewels reflecting back. And just like TDC, the Corky Pig connects one thing to another.

For many years now I have had some sense of how covert secrecy and power worked but I didn’t quite have adequate metaphors for understanding exactly how it worked in terms of it’s structure and mechanisms/processes. Hence the reason why I developed the metaphors of The Architecture and The Diamond Complex. TA and TDC are essentially structures and as structures they give rise to and suggest certain processes or mechanisms. It took a long time to see these metaphors but I think they accurately reflect the truth of how things are. However, what has been missing up until now is a metaphor to explain how TA and TDC interact with one another. So think of the Corky Pig as both a structure and a process or more accurately a set of structures and processes that connect TA to TDC.

Corky Pig is a term that was developed by certain individuals in TA to denote a depository where information could be deposited in full public view, should the public know how to look for it. It literally referred to a place that was called the Corky Pig. I am not sure if this place still exists but the idea has continued and diversified to become many things.

Everybody is familiar with the Corky Pig in some way. Most people know the little ceramic corky pigs that are used for saving money. They look like a cute little pig with a cork stopper in their back, mouth or belly. You pull out the stopper and put in your money and pull out the stopper when you want to take money out. Everybody has their own version of the Corky Pig. My old girlfriend used to have a drawer where she shoved all her unsorted stuff, my son has a cupboard where he shoves all his unsorted stuff, I have a plastic tub where I shove my unsorted bits and pieces, some people have sheds where they shove all their unsorted and sorted stuff, while other people have drawers, tins, boxes etc. where they shove all their crap !  The corky pig has many bodies but whatever kind of body it has, it’s function is the same. It’s a place where we shove stuff, deposit stuff, store stuff, that we may or may not have sorted through, go back to from time to time to find things that we need. So imagine then that an official Corky Pig has this same function. It maybe a little tidier (I emphasize maybe !), it maybe wrapped in legal protection, it maybe organized according to certain priorities, it maybe compartmentalized and it maybe invisible because it’s so drab, unappealing or boring ! It or it’s contents need not be labelled with phrases like : Roswell Alien Slides or or Superluminal Test Craft Assessments or Project Catharsis etc. They might not be labelled at all ! But they might be ! And they might have an ordinary label like : Ruth or Exodus or An Investigation into Liminal Consciousness Between Two Bodies or Nanoparticle Metastisis : A Novel Concept for Space Flight or Crossroads Institute Inc.. Anything is possible but it doesn’t necessarily have to be obvious or indicate that it’s about something important !

Pig, Piggy Bank, Funny, Lucky Pig, Window, Display

In order to understand secrecy and covert power you have to understand several simple principles. First, there are two forms basic forms of secrecy. Uncompartmentalized and compartmentalized. Uncompartmentalized secrecy is out in the open for all to see, while compartmentalized secrecy is hidden. Each compartment contains other compartments (think silos within silos or Babushka Dolls). Those who oversee one level of compartmentalization do not necessarily know about the other levels of compartmentalization and only a handful of individuals know about the overall picture (all the compartments and all the secrets). Within TA and TDC there are many competing and cooperating groups (say those who do Military Abductions) who function within their own compartments. They are multinational groups who are not necessarily accountable to anyone and yet their activities are driven by a higher form of compartmentalization. Second, secrecy is maintained through a number of mechanisms and these can be loosely summarized as follows :

Now not everything that is compartmentalized is necessarily kept hidden. There are physical sites that are kept hidden. There are physical files that are kept hidden. There are projects and operations that are kept hidden. And there are employees who are kept hidden. But there are also sites, files, projects and operations and employees who are kept in plain sight. You may for example be employed as an aeronautical engineer by an aeronautical engineering company in a very public site but when you are not working on testing the new 797 or 6X7, you are secretly at work just down the road on a reverse engineering project with elements of an ET craft. So sometimes what is compartmentalized is kept in partial view of the public eye.

Most compartmentalized projects will have special sites where everything is hidden and protected behind legal, military or corporate barriers. Whilst uncompartmentalized projects may for the most part have everything out in the open but they may still have certain aspects that are hidden and protected behind legal, military or corporate barriers. The two different kinds of secrecy or projects each require a depository for all the information that exists in relation to the work that is done. Now sometimes those depositories will be entirely hidden as Classified Information (, which may or may not be gradually declassified. And sometimes those depositories will be partially hidden behind “need to know” corporate protections and sometimes these depositories will be open in full view of anyone who wishes to access them. Imagine then that many of these depositories interact with one another and there is a horizontal and vertical movement of information between some of them.

Piggy, Bank, Money, Save, Finance, Financial, Loan

The Corky Pig acts as an open depository but it acts both as direct deposit for hidden and partially hidden information and a secondary deposit for hidden and partially hidden information.

So what kind of information might go into a Corky Pig and why would you use a Corky Pig anyway ? Any kind of information can go into a Corky Pig and it depends largely on the function of that information, the origin or holder of that information and who will most likely seek out that information. The types of information that might go into a Corky Pig include but is not limited to  :

  • Concepts, theories and ideas
  • Project proposals
  • Project plans
  • Plans in general (strategic plans, operational plans (OPLAN), concept plans (CONPLAN), contingency plans etc.)
  • Project evaluations
  • Investments
  • General information like magazines and newsletters
  • Network contacts, minutes and other documents
  • Legal documents
  • Investigations and assessments
  • Patents
  • Public accountability related governance documents (business plans, board documents, SWOT documents, action plans)
  • Regulation, legislation and policy documents
  • Disinformation.

So as you can see there is a very broad range of information that can go into a Corky Pig ! A pig can grow very fat indeed !

Piggy Bank, Piglet, Savings Bank, Pig, Spar Slot, Money

So you might be wondering, if it is possible to keep information secret, why on Earth would you want to use a Corky Pig ? Well I can think of many reasons and these will depend largely on who created the Corky Pig and who uses the Corky Pig. Chief among them might be :

  • Insurance : If at any time in the future something that was largely invisible to the public comes to light that the public do not like, those who were involved can say “we didn’t hide anything !”
  • For the sharing of information within compartmentalized or non compartmentalized groups/projects and across compartmentalized or non compartmentalized groups/projects
  • For the implementation of plans
  • For the creation of disinformation
  • For legal protection : “we acted within the law !”
  • To raise venture capital and lure potential investors
  • To protect ideas, plans, projects and investments.

In order to understand the idea of the Corky Pig a little better, I’ve created a kind of arbitrary classification system that I think sums up the different types of Corky Pigs quite well, as far as I can determine. I’ve given the different types of Corky Pigs names and grouped them into different levels. Unfortunately this is not a very creative activity and I really wish I could have called them Porky Pig and Scar Face Pig and Bacon Butt and Lemony Pig and Sniper Pig and Go Go Pig and Super Pig and Impaler Pig and Yo Yo Slim Pig and Black Bootie Pig and fun names like that but sadly I’ve ad to sacrifice all creative pleasure for the sake of functionality ! So alas, here is my classification system for Corky Pigs (you’ll have to do your own research to discover what the group abbreviations mean if you don’t already know) :


TIER 1 :

  • International Non Governmental Organization Corky Pigs (INGOCPs) : These are embedded within international non government organizations that represent the interest of member states. For example – NATO, NSO, FIRST, UN (& Agencies of the United Nations ( : UNESCO, WTO, WHO, IMF, WBG & UNIDO) etc..
  • International Think Tank Corky Pigs (ITTCPs) : These are embedded within international think tanks. For example – Centre for European Policy Studies, International Crisis Group etc..


TIER 2 :

  • National Agency Corky Pigs (NACPs) : These are embedded within government agencies/ministries that span an entire nation. For example – National Archives (US), National Archives (UK), NASA, NSA, DIA, FBI, CIA, NRO, DARPA, MOD, NGA, MSS, ASIO, FCO, OS, TNA, CPINI, CISA, DHS, BEIS & PTIC etc..
  • Non Governmental Organization Corky Pigs (NGOCPs) : These are embedded within non governmental agencies within individual nations. For example – The Lifeboat Foundation, USOCDC, IDO etc..
  • Academic Corky Pigs (ACPs) : These are embedded within academia. For example Caltech, JPL, Oxford University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pennsylvania State University, Stanford University, University of Melbourne, University of South Australia, The Arlington Institute, California Institute of Technology, University of Washington, University of Copenhagen, Moscow State University, Cambridge University etc..
  • National Think Tank Corky Pigs (NTTCPs) : These are embedded within national think tanks. For example – The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Earth Institute, Kaiser Foundation, Council on Foreign Relations, Brookings Institution, Kato Institute, American Enterprise Institute,  Adam Smith Centre, The Hague Club, Council on the Future of Europe, Australian Institute of International Affairs, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, The Australia Institute, Japan Institute of International Affairs, Shanghai Institute for International Studies etc..


TIER 3 :

  • Corporate Corky Pigs : These are embedded within corporate entities. For example – IBM, Northrup Grumman, SAIC, Purina, Nestles, Rand Corporation, Raytheon, DK, The Carlyle Group etc..
  • Corporate Network Corky Pigs (CNCPs) : These are embedded within corporate networks. For example – Venture Capital Network, International Business Network etc..
  • Strategic Technology Incubator Corky Pigs (STICPs) : These are embedded within seemingly honourble technology incubator groups, whose focus is to nurture the research and development of new technologies and to link them to the military and industry. For example – In.Q.Tel., Army Venture Capital Initiative, CCDC Army Research Laboratory etc..
  • Special Interest Group Corky Pigs (SIGCPs) : These are embedded within advocacy/lobby groups. For example – NRA, AIPAC, FSR, DPA, OXFAM, US Chamber of Commerce etc..


TIER 4 :

  • Public Domain Corky Pigs (PDCPs) : These are embedded in the public domain and often directly accessible through the internet. For example – Internet Archive, public libraries like New York State Library, New York Public Library, DC Public Library, National Library of Australia etc..
  • Freedom of Information Corky Pigs (FOICPs) : These are loosely embedded in different regions of government and provide for the gradual movement of classified and non classified information into the public domain. They could also potentially be activated during periods of high FOI demand for certain information. It is hard to site a single FOICP because most of them are kept out of public sight. However we could say that the collections of information that certain people have accessed via FOI requests represent a kind of secondary FOICP. For example Clifford Stone’s Collection (, The Black Vault’s collection ( and the National Security Archive ( etc..


TIER 5 :

  • Patent Corky Pigs (PCPs) : These are embedded within public patent organizations/archives. They are often very fat Corky Pigs ! For example – USPTO, IPO, IP Australia, JPO, EPO, CPO etc..


TIER 6 :

  • Public Project Corky Pigs (PPCPs) : These are embedded within seemingly reasonable public projects that have been initiated by individuals without any apparent ulterior motives. They may however be influenced by project members who have less than honourable ulterior motives. For example – To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science etc..


TIER 7 :

  • Disinformation Corky Pigs (DCPs) : These are embedded in online public forums, social media groups and public disclosure websites and mixed in with legitimate leaked information. For example – DCPs within Project Avalon Forum, Project Camelot Forum, Above Top Secret Forum, Facebook groups, Wikileaks Archive, Cryptome Archive etc..


TIER 8 :

  • Individual Corky Pigs (ICPs) : These belong to individuals and are maintained by them or those who work for them and shared with other individuals and groups as required. For example – lets say a particular politician had a Corky Pig where he dumped his dirty documents – legal allegations, court case documents, documents describing his hatred of Jews, Arabs and Koreans and his affiliations with particular individuals and groups; all the information that he would prefer to be kept away from prying eyes and public scrutiny.


Please note that the different levels do not necessarily imply that a Corky Pig in a higher level has more value or important secrets than a Corky Pig in a lower level. A Corky Pig in Tier 6 may have greater value than a Corky Pig in Tier 1. And it’s also likely that some Corky Pigs share information and some Corky pPigs create information from information in other Corky Pigs. Imagine then that there is also a lot of vertical and horizontal movement between Corky Pigs. Some of it with classified access, some of it with open access.

Save, Piggy Bank, Teamwork, Together, Money, Finance

So that’s the Corky Pig. It is both a structure and a process for maintaining secrecy in plain sight. The secrets that people often think are hidden in secure facilities are often right under their nose and they never see them. And part of the reason for that is because there is so much information everywhere, it’s just hard to know where to look, hard to know what to look for and hard to know how to search. And even if you find something that appears to be interesting, it can be hard to know if it’s really useful information or a waste of your time. I’ve been researching this subject for a very long time and most of my research has been done off site in public locations like internet cafes and public libraries under pseudonyms, so that I don’t attract any additional unnecessary attention. The things that I have discovered in plain sight, are often quite hard to believe. So much is visible if you know how to look but so many people just don’t care or want to learn how how to do research for themselves !

So these Corky Pigs allow people who keep secrets and who carry our covert operations to shit in the public’s face without the public even knowing about it. It allows them to manipulate the public without the public having a clue. And it allows them to carry on business as usual without any accountability to anyone. Because nothing has really been done in secret !

Let me offer you a few elementary questions to help you see how the Corky Pig principle works. If you do the work you’ll get it. I can’t do that for you.

  • Q1. Who were Ed Snowden’s last employers and who are they connected to ?
  • Q2. What corporate and environmental interests does one of NASAs chief scientists have and why ? And who is he connected to and in what way is he connected to them and why ?
  • Q3. What does the UKs MOD have in common with In.Q.Tel. and the UN ?
  • Q4. What does Cambridge and Oxford University have in common with the MOD and DOD ?
  • Q5. What does Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service have in common with the US’s NSA/NRO ?
  • Q6. What does the RAND Corporation have in common with America’s leading think tanks and the UN ?
  • Q7. What did the Iraq war and war in Afghanistan have to do with board interlocks in the UK and US ?
  • Q8. What surprises in relation to UFOs and new technologies do you think might go into and come out of the To the Stars Academy Corky Pig ?

If you investigate any one of these questions very carefully, you’ll see how so many things are connected and how critical information about secrecy and covert projects are hidden in plain sight. You could ask any number of questions on any number of subjects. These are just a few to help you think.

I suppose I could add any number of other metaphorical jewels to my model of the world’s human power structures but I think the three jewels of The Architecture, The Diamond Complex and the Corky Pig are adequate enough to capture how things really are.

May Corky Pigs everywhere lead the way to transparency, accountability and responsible human behaviour !

May you all be well,

Brighty. 😉

The Life of a Poet – Part 4

The poet feels poetry in all of existence ! She knows that poetry rises and falls, just as all things come into being and gradually fade out of being. She is never afraid to see poetry in the most ordinary and mundane of things and she sees that it is in the gathering of ordinary things that greatness and power arise. Similarly she is never afraid to see poetry in extraordinary and majestic things. Things that have transfixed the hearts, spirits and minds of human beings since we first began using words to convey what we understood. Because she knows that all of these things are dependent on the smaller less spectacular things that most people never notice. She knows that poetry fills the cosmos because there is only one and that one is one mind and that one mind sees countless reflections of it’s self looking back at each other, looking back at the whole. She feels the one mind in her breathe and she sees it in the rain that falls into her eyes and her mouth and she sees it in the rage and desire for control of those who would kill innocent animals, plants, men, women and children for profit, from the safety of their foreign mansions and phallic temples erected to a sky god that she will never understand. For the poet is a goddess and a god, seeking only to know itself through words and symbols, symbols and words, images, thoughts and feelings. She knows and he knows that it’s existence is both ordinary and extraordinary, that it is both the divided mind and the one mind, the drop of rain that carries countless microscopic life forms that kill and cure and live for themselves and the storm cloud that pulls the eagle soaring into it’s bosom and sends humans running with fear.

The poet senses poetry in all of existence with all of it’s senses. And it senses poetry in the great diversity of unknown languages that are spoken by all the creatures of Earth and the plants and the fungi and the microbes and the clouds and the storms and the volcanoes and the earthquakes and the dust storms and the icebergs and the rivers, the lakes and the oceans. She senses poetry in the bacteria and viruses that enter Earth’s atmosphere on a daily basis, inoculating him with life from other places in the one mind. She senses the poetry that has arisen and fallen in those worlds far away and the poetry that will arise and fall on this world as a result of these small but grand inoculations of optimism. She sees the meteorite that tumbles through the night sky with it’s brilliant head and with it’s long green tail and she sees the giant sperm entering the still larger egg of Earth and she senses the one’s who are coming in for the ride speaking softly and screaming in invisible tongues, “I will be life !”.



The poet knows that where there is human life, there is the ability to sense the poetry that is always coming and going and is never in stasis. She knows that just as poetry fills the natural world, so too it fills the man made world. But she never knows where or when or why or how that poetry will be created or where or when or why or how it will strike her. She knows that she can sense poetry in the outer world and in the inner world and sometimes the two can converge in an explosion of abstractions and metaphors, hints, clues, puzzles, mazes, knots and weaves. All tossed up through the littoral zone of her mind, like so much beautiful and strange flotsam and jetsam stranded on a beach, where crabs and sea gulls poke around looking for things to eat and play with. And like them, she does not sense useless discarded objects that are worth passing over. She sees the fertile ground and the bloody filth of the imagination, where sperm and egg are ready with potent potential, waiting for some subtle or grand unification and transformation.

It begins with her senses. The senses within or the sense without, And then there is a feeling. But the feeling quickly becomes words and through a combination of words, she fuses images and creates new feelings. The process is always one of gathering, refinement, dissection, hybridization, pushing and pulling, getting out of the way and letting things flow. Sometimes she succeeds and sometimes she fails. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is hard. Sometimes she sees brilliant light and sometimes she is engulfed in darkness. Sometimes her words mean no more than a discarded beer bottle on the side of a dusty road and sometimes her words mean more than the priceless jewels of some forgotten royal family. For despite the outcome of her words, she carries within her a Queen’s Light — a great and powerful force of illumination that can awaken life and awareness in countless beings. And therefor, whenever she translates the poetry that she feels into words, whatever she does with those words; there are those who she will never know who listen. People who have lived and died who care for her or who love poetry, beings from other worlds who hear and feel the inner life of all sentient beings, formless beings who are drawn to the pure expression of life when it resonates with joy. And when she creates from what she senses, she strikes a note of being that resonates throughout the cosmos, lightning up other divided minds within the one mind. Life awakens life ! And her poetry awakens even more life !



The poet writes because she has to. She may or may not have the skills to write well but she does not care. She writes because writing helps her to understand and helps her to feel and express what is deep inside of her. Sometimes the words do not capture the feeling and are a poor approximation but it is through the effort of trying that she creates something that her conscious mind did not see before. And through seeing, she comes to know a thing differently to how she knew it before. Yet all the while her unconscious mind is seeing things in it’s own way. Speaking to her in symbols that she barely understands. Creating feelings in her that linger moments, days and years. Feelings that transform her from the inside out. Her unconscious self longs for her conscious self to experience more poetry because through sensing and experiencing poetry, she comes to know the whole of herself and not just the individual unacknowledged parts. And through this, she allows herself to know and express the poetry of the soul. Her unique soul ! A poetry that is beyond words, beyond thoughts, beyond all feeling, beyond all comprehension but as necessary as breathing.

The poet’s conscious mind might only notice what is out there but occasionally it will notice what is in here. Yet her unconscious mind does not seek to differentiate one world from the other. And if the poet is truly honest to her self and has a great desire to push past outer appearances and superficial concerns, she will allow this merging of worlds to enter her conscious mind and to bring forth fruits of fancy and fruits of unknown gestation, that connect her not only to her own soul but to the soul of her species and the soul of her world. For in doing so, she will remember that she is a goddess and a god and the one mind enjoying the sense of a divided mind and poetry will ring through her entire being loud and clear ! And when the lightning storm roars and when the frog croaks and when the back bird sings, she will hear herself and her soul will cry, “I will be life ! I will be !”. Then, when she has finally come to know herself, other life forms will look at her and sense that they are looking at a reflection of themselves and honour her with a pure expression of their own being. And thus, the poetry in her soul will ignite the poetry in their souls and another ring of poetry from the soul will ring out through the cosmos !

More reading for the one mind here :