Number 1 : The Man in charge of everything

Like most things I talk about here, I don’t expect anyone to believe what I am about to tell you. But it is the truth that I know.

I have mentioned the alien I call Number 1, a few times but I have never said much about him. And I’m not about to say much now either but I’d like to tell you a little more about him.

I was told about Number 1 by my ex-wife, who worked with a covert project with Earth based ETs. Later the Teal’hia confirmed what she had told me and then later again Dude confirmed what she told me.

You’ll recall, there is a power structure I call The Architecture. It’s name is known by a very small group of humans – most of whom are in positions of money and power but not all. The Architecture has what I think of as two tiers – the upper part is aliens and the lower part is humans. But perhaps you could say that there is also a middle tier, that contains both aliens and humans. The Architecture was created about 5,500 years ago and has changed structure according to what was needed. It was created by the ETs because we had problems living with the reality of their existence. Current humans, are the ones who transformed the lower section into an abusive power structure. Not the aliens. But the aliens are the one’s ultimately in control. They will be here well after ALL the humans in the lower sections have died and those that replace them have died.

Number 1 is a human alien and he has a role among the 9 aliens who oversee the welfare of this planet. Dude is part of that group, as are two Teal’hia. Below them are the 40-50 alien door keepers and the 40-50 aliens who work in governments. The middle tier is a group of 16 very good humans who are led by Number 1. Below them are 90 individuals from 45 countries, who represent the vested interests of humans on Earth. Some have good intentions and some do not. The 16 have been chosen by the ETs to represent our best interests.

So back to Number 1. Number 1 is human. He has a name that was given to him by his people long ago. I think of him as alien because he’s very old, very wise and every compassionate and because he spends a great deal of time assisting other worlds. Number 1 was born on Earth a long time ago and came from a race that over a long period of time, became space faring and left Earth. Number 1 has been elected by those in one of the very large collectives to oversee specific activities which cover an immense region of space, which includes our solar system. Think of him a bit like the Secretary General of the UN. He’s been in this role for a few hundred years and has thousands of years experience in all types of diplomacy and first contact, among other things.

I wanted to meet Number 1 in person because I wanted to see what kind of man he was. What kind of man could take on such a huge role ? So when Dude came back for his second visit on September 20th last year, that was one of the things he arranged for me to do. Now you have to understand, I am no one special but the ETs  don’t think in terms of specialness or power. Everyone is equal in their eyes. and for whatever reason Dude passed on my wish and Number 1 consented. I knew that previously Dude had flown his craft over our town, with Number 1 on board, because my friend had seen it covering the whole sky and because he told us he was passing by. So I knew that Number 1 knew I existed but I never actually expected to meet him.

So shortly after I arrived on Dude’s craft that night, he took me into a large bubble shaped room – a kind of gathering room of sorts. There were several other beings from different races talking to one another. He then lead me over to a very elegant looking man about 35-40 years old, who was sitting on a red velvet kind of chair by the large windows. Dude introduced me and then he just abruptly walked off. That’s how he is. He has things to do. So we shook hands and I sat and talked to him. And I was really shocked to discover that he was a very humble man. He was striking in appearance, in that he was radiating vitality but he didn’t act like anyone special. He wore elegant clothes, he carried himself elegantly and he spoke gently and caringly. I spoke to him for maybe 45 minutes and he was very candid and very honest. And I really liked him. If you saw him walking down the street, you would notice him because of how elegant he is and how he holds himself with certainty but you wouldn’t think “There goes an alien”. I guess technically he’s not an alien but his people are about as alien to us, as we are to some of the beings they know. They have evolved so much, that, most of us would struggle to sit comfortably in their presence. They radiate a deep sense of compassion and can see everything that’s inside of us. Now don’t get me wrong, they are like us. They look a lot like us. But they don’t have our ignorance or the special abilities or the perceptions of a race like the Muajra or the Teal’hia. Number 1 can’t go through time like Dude can. But his people have earned the respect of a vast number of beings on other worlds and have been accepted into the largest collective.

So Number 1 is above all a decision maker. He makes things happen. But he is also a compassionate diplomat. He is more tolerant on Earth than Dude is.

Number 1 is also the man who meets every new American President, whether they know who he is or not. The secret book that the President of the USA is given, is a book that was created by the ETs and it explains the ETs role and some of our history. Number 1 also meets other key leaders, whether they know who he is or not. But you have to understand Earth is just one small responsibility for him and for Dude. It just happens to be one of the places they spend much of their time NOW. At other times, it might be another world, that is on the cusp of some major transition.

So Number 1 is here because he is the best man to guide this very slow transition, that will occur over many life times. He is also here because he loves Earth. It is his home and he does not wish to see it suffer the ultimate catastrophe – the extinction of most of its life forms.

When I met Number 1, I saw a man who could hold the suffering of a whole world in his heart and look back at it with love and compassion. I didn’t see a man who craves power or a man who had insidious plans for the fate of our world. I just saw a very simple man, who took his job of caring very, very seriously.

I don’t know if I will ever meet him again while I am alive. But I am so happy I met him just once. No matter how bad things get on our planet, I will always know that there is a human who has returned home, after his people left this world long ago, because he cares so deeply for Earth and it’s creatures.

You’ve heard of the so called Allies of Humanity. A bunch of hog wash by a man who truly lacks self awareness ! Well, Number 1, is our greatest ally. Here to protect us and our world, from ourselves.

About brightgarlick

Ecclectic kinda guy, who loves life and saviours each day as it is.

Posted on February 21, 2015, in Human ETs, My experiences, Number 1 and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Another nice read Bright.

  2. Thanx for sharing Bright 🙂 Do you know if nr:1 has had meetings with religious leaders, like the Pope or Dali Lama ?

  3. Haha thats kinda depressing how its not gonna be in our life time. O well. thanks bright I love your posts!!! I check them out almost every day.

  4. Thank You Bright for sharing some of your experience meeting The Man in Charge. It’s a comfort to know we have such a compassionate soul watching out for us and working with all the world leaders. How uplifting and exciting to know that we are here to witness perhaps the beginning of a slow transition. And perhaps we’ll all be back here in future lifetimes to be part of that transition. I hope we can all reconnect and recognize each other! 😉

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