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The Wrong Child

Sometimes I write so that I can post music and sometimes I try to find a piece of music that I feel goes well with what I’ve written. Today, I’m not writing anything. The Wrong Child by REM was my favourite REM song back when I was a big REM fan and going through a particularly dark and difficult phase on my life. I think we all know a wrong child or perhaps you’ve felt like a wrong child yourself at some point in your childhood. I think this song was about the supposed boy who lived in a bubble. Sometimes perhaps we all feel a little like the boy in the bubble. My own bubble burst long ago but I recognize that there are others who still feel like this.


TSM163 : Memory, the Story of Me and Sleep

In today’s night time walkalogue, I explore memory, its connection to the story of me (your story) and sleep. I speculate on a constellation approach to understanding how memory works, memory and time and the function of memory. I explore how we construct our personal narratives and how memory relates to the overall story of the self. Finally I look at how we approach sleep, what our expectations of sleep are and what we can do to engage memory and imagination prior to sleep, in order to strengthen memory and live the ignored and un-noticed parts of our day as completely as possible.


Sleepy Bright. 😉

PS. Update. I noticed in my tiredness I referred to the Penrose map instead of the Penfield map.